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Ragdoll effect

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What I would like to see in the next ofp would either have to be the ragdoll effect or something near it, Im tired of the same deaths in ofp and this would make the possibilitys endless,

Here is a demo if you dont know what it is.


Here is a sweet video


So say when a man is near a tree, and they take a hit, they would slide down the side of the tree, or if a world war II addon comes out, men could be killed and possibly lean on the side of a hedgehodge or a destroy tank, I would greatly appreciate that out of BIS developers.

If you want to learn more, demos here: www.havok.com/xtra

Site: www.havok.com

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The effect would be nice in OFP. If it could be applicable. Very realistic movements could occur.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Wilco @ 02 May 2003,21:05)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">men could be killed and possibly lean on the side of a hedgehodge<span id='postcolor'>

Was this a typo or is this a campaign to rid the world of our spiny Hedgehog chums? tounge.gif


Not exactly the most comfortable thing to lean on...

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biggrin.gif the stupid things on the beach at normandy!! wink.gif there lol

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hmm, the only issue here is, Ragdoll is a part of Karma engine (Unreal tournament & raven shield engine etc..)

Having this in a large scale game like OFP war style would either require using the Karma engine or applying the physics for the flashpoint engine eg, BIS having to make the physics themselves.

This would also concern Soldier modellers out there who would have a whole new realm of Inverse Kinematics/Bone structure layout issues.

With beauty always comes that one damn pimple that causes trouble!..

But on the fun and just play games! side of things, I think it would be one HELL of an upgrade for Flashpoint realism.

Cheers smile.gif

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If i remember well what i read in some unreal engine game forum , the ragdoll effect is cpu intensive

Too much ragdoll effect and you will encounter several slowdown , that is why in general in thos game that include this effect , you can limit or disable the ragdoll effect to gain more performance.

If in a game like OFP2 we have ragdoll effect , with the high number of unit/vehicle that can be found on the battlefield, i can see this game as a slide show on most of the system wink.gif

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the ofp engine already has a physics engine, it just is applied to the body as a whole, not individual limbs. I can see them doing this under the engine already


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For gods sake dont lean on the hedgehog!

But what BIS should do if they implement this is make the skeleton more stiff than say in UTK03, there they brake their knees if you shoot them in the knee. And get in all sorts of unrealistic positions sad.gif

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Although it'd probably take up to much memory in ofp, the abilty to destroy almost everything in Red Faction added greatly to the realism, firing your RPG at a tank, only to notice you've missed and hit the side of the house, watching parts of the wall crumble away would add to the realism of ofp to the point where I could start using red faction as a doorstop again..

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Wow, the ragdoll demo is amazing!

True, I like the animation from Ravenshield. Thats great! Would be nice to see in OPERATION FLASHPOINT ][

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A ragdoll effect on the models, both whilst living and whilst dead, would be fantastic. Seeing your rounds actually wrench people around as opposed to a red spot would be sweet.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (//relic// @ 06 May 2003,07:05)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">A ragdoll effect on the models, both whilst living and whilst dead, would be fantastic.  Seeing your rounds actually wrench people around as opposed to a red spot would be sweet.<span id='postcolor'>

Ragdoll is only used on dead objects and enviroment objects. As soon as an player is shot ragdolll takes over calculting the forces on the body. Until then its all animations

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Nothing, it's just that they want to eat up CPU cycles with ragdoll. I guess it's great if want maps the size of basketball courts, a MAXIMUM of 6 units in the game at any one time and no AI. Yes having to sacrifice everything that makes OFP the game it is for "death physics" is worth it.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Ragdoll is only used on dead objects and enviroment objects. As soon as an player is shot ragdolll takes over calculting the forces on the body. Until then its all animations <span id='postcolor'>

naaa aa, you can blend it so it works when people are still alive. Game coming out which does it, cant remember what it is but definitly possible.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (benreeper @ 06 May 2003,17:44)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Nothing, it's just that they want to eat up CPU cycles with ragdoll.  I guess it's great if want maps the size of basketball courts, a MAXIMUM of 6 units in the game at any one time and no AI.  Yes having to sacrifice everything that makes OFP the game it is for "death physics" is worth it.

Ben<span id='postcolor'>

Well its not just for humans it can be used on vehicles. So it can give some real nice effects for example when you hit an car with an tank for example, etc

Its not limited to human bodies its just that ragdoll most gets used for that

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