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Ai thread

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I vote to have the option to include an AI config for each vehicle...

IE in a Mig 1.42.pbo you have the config, textures, model(s) , and also an AI path, with diffrent .sqs files (engage, stealth) that contain data for attack runs (height, speed, abort altitude), cruising speed at different statuses , etc.

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Nice idea Gandalf

So the AI in an exemplary vehicle behaves truly like this particular vehicle should behave in a real life.

I had a feeling that the AI behaved always in the same way, no mather if it was  helo or truck...

AI config for each vehicle should solve the problem.

Infantry man(engage/stealth/so on) > board vehicle > infantry man in a vehicle (particular vehicle`s engage/stealth/so on)

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A.i. Behaviour?

If unordered they are statues in OPF, it would be nice if they would shake a bit, look around, check their rifles just like they do in OPF when inside the back of a vehical, such animated behaviours would change acording to their alert state (green, yellow, red), this would make the a.i. much more natural and less robotic smile_o.gif .

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AI behaviour after how their skill is (dunno if it's been suggested yet). Like, if a unit got low skill, he runs away easier (think it's like that in OFP too?), but he turns and runs like hell, while units with higher skill covers each other and doesn't just...turn and run. And also, they should attack/defend after how much skill they got. So skill is more than just how good they are at hiting you...

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i think a good idea would be to have AI that are different sizes and in height, weight, instead of them all having the same build, and depending on there height/weight would prehaps have a outcome on the battelfield. May be to much work as i would emagin you would need to create indervidual models for each man, but the outcome if done whould be somthing quite special.


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What about having the ability to tell AI to clear buildings. I'd really like to see some CQB qualitys in OFP2.

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I would love to see ai work in large, cqb buildings in ofp2. Like have them take cover behind corners, clear hallways and buildings, etc...

Another thing that annoys me about the ai in ofp2 is they will only shoot when they have definate sight on an enemy. Then once they see that enemy they will only target them and only shoot at them. I would think it would be more realistic, especially maybe in a field of tall grass that the AI would just fire in the general direction of the enemy and try to supress them.

I also like heatseeker's suggestion about animation...I tried making a vietnam patrol mission today and I realized the ai just walk forward in a nondescript fashion. It would be cool to see them kinda walk, twist their bodies to look around, check their weapons, swat a fly that gets on their neck, etc...

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Quote[/b] ]swat a fly that gets on their neck

Tell you what, stud, while I'm leading a patrol, any clown who swats at flies and gives our position away...I'm gonna ghost that guy myself! wink_o.gif

Seriously, this brings up something that perhaps has been suggested: AI's random actions/animations (such as your fly-swatting suggestion) would be based on the AI's skill level.

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I recently bought First to Fight on PC. Quite a nice game. The AI in that are affected psychologically, they have moral. If moral is height, they perform better, and vice versa for low moral. Moral is affected by how well they are doing, if you call artillery or air strikes they panic and run out into you line of fire. Quite clever.

I know AI will 'flee' in the first game if they take to many losses, but what I’m talking of is altering the skill level of a soldier with high or low moral...I'm sure this can be done in OFP, but what would you base it on? Number of know enemies? number of incoming shots?

This must be implemented for Flashpoint2.

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Guest Ti0n3r

I just thought about something: It woul be very nice to have a command that would allow you to warn your squad about enemies you (think) you've seen.

Something like the move command. You click where you think the enemy is. Then the squad would take action. Something like this;

Player: Enemy at EA31

Leader: All, danger

Leader: All move EA31

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I just thought about something: It woul be very nice to have a command that would allow you to warn your squad about enemies you (think) you've seen.

just right click on an enemy to report him? rock.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r
I just thought about something: It woul be very nice to have a command that would allow you to warn your squad about enemies you (think) you've seen.

just right click on an enemy to report him? rock.gif

I think the whole right click thing is a little to simple. smile_o.gif

For an example: What if you see the enemy but just as you are about to report him he dissapears?

EDIT: I know that the suggestion sound kinda stupid. But just play a single mission where you're not the leader of the squad and Im quite sure you could find yourself in a situation where the right click thing just isnt enough smile_o.gif

That's how I came up with this idea.

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I'd also like it if your squad talked to you properly, i.e shout something to you in combat or whisper something to you on a black op missoin. Its too unrealistic hearing really loud radio chatter while i'm sitting in a bush two feet away from an eastern grunt. lol


Edit: I know this seems a little off topic, but i thought it had something to do with squad/player interaction huh.gif


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Guest Ti0n3r

I have to say that the radio is perfect. There's no need to change it or remove it.

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What about a voice support where you can estimate the distance and pass it on to the AI leader and/or the rest of the team.

You only need "Enemy" "Distance" and "What kind of", although what kind of could be wrong, but if you have a tank in the team, and you see an AT soldiers, everybody should concentrate their fire at him. pistols.gif

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What about having the ability to tell AI to clear buildings. I'd really like to see some CQB qualitys in OFP2.

Just had a thought about this too, what if when you know about an enemy inside a building then the building becomes a target for you and your squad, selecting your AI (F2,F3) and then clicking on the building (like you would tell your squad to attack an enemy in OFP1) tells them to enter and clear that building, or right clicking on the building (like telling your squad to target that enemy in OFP1) tells them to fire or put supressive fire on that building.

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Guest Ti0n3r
What about having the ability to tell AI to clear buildings. I'd really like to see some CQB qualitys in OFP2.

Just had a thought about this too, what if when you know about an enemy inside a building then the building becomes a target for you and your squad, selecting your AI (F2,F3) and then clicking on the building (like you would tell your squad to attack an enemy in OFP1) tells them to enter and clear that building, or right clicking on the building (like telling your squad to target that enemy in OFP1) tells them to fire or put supressive fire on that building.


It would also be usefull to have a throw grenade command, for clearing buildings and ridges. Like "2, target house" "2, throw grenade".

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I have to say that the radio is perfect. There's no need to change it or remove it.

I'm 99% sure this has been suggested, but it just came in my mind that the radio isn't perfect. Most of the time it's totally quiet. It should have all kinds of chatter like "Man down, need medical assistance."

Kinda like in the 3rd mission of the original campaign, where you rolled in with a M113. There was this sergant who got killed, and his voice was very nervous, the radio was totally noisy and you could hear bulletshots in the background. That's what a radio should hear like. I know it's a diffucult task, but if you guys are going for REALITY, then it's a must.

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Guest Ti0n3r
I have to say that the radio is perfect. There's no need to change it or remove it.

I'm 99% sure this has been suggested, but it just came in my mind that the radio isn't perfect. Most of the time it's totally quiet. It should have all kinds of chatter like "Man down, need medical assistance."

Kinda like in the 3rd mission of the original campaign, where you rolled in with a M113. There was this sergant who got killed, and his voice was very nervous, the radio was totally noisy and you could hear bulletshots in the background. That's what a radio should hear like. I know it's a diffucult task, but if you guys are going for REALITY, then it's a must.

I meant that there's no need to replace the radio with something like a stupid arcade way of commanding the squad or to replace the radio with direct talk and/or hand signals, wich has been sugested a few times in the past. And the radio is perfect. You can make the squad do anything you want. Of course the radio needs to be optimised. But it should still stay the way it is in terms of how you use it and what you can do with it.

And about that "all kinds of chatter". I dont think it would work. It would just block relevant orders. I dont want my squad to start fireing at something just becouse their chatter had to end before I could give the hold fire. (This is just my humble opinion) smile_o.gif

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And that's why there are CHANNELS :P

Yes, actually it may be a bad idea gameplay-vise, but it sure would be REAL wink_o.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r
And that's why there are CHANNELS :P

There are no channels in singeplayer. (Not like in mp at least)

Edit: I mean that everything said on group channel will block other commands. And "chatter" would only fit in the group channel.

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the AI should also have the ability to run from tanks. When people see a tank right in front of them in real life, they dont just stand there and smile. that shit needs to be fixed. it would also be nice if they used kicks and rifle cracks. maybe even throw in a punch of pull a knife out and stab.

the thing that pisses me off the most is the prone thing. when you shoot at one dude, the whole opposing force goes prone. it would be more realistic if they ran for cover.

the last thing im gonna complain about is how it is impossible to sneak up on people. when you walk real slow behind a soldier, they always catch you and go prone then shoot. there needs to be certain commandos or something like that who have the ability to use "real" stealth. it would be cool to grip up an enemy from behind.

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I think there needs to be more random chatter for the AI and more different ways that a command is said

example: In Ofp "5 target house 10 oclock"

Ofp2 shout (if unit is near) " 5,7 put some fire on that house!" (avatar points if not firing or in other action)

radio " 5,7 engage hositles in house 10 oclock"

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Having owned VBS1 and using GOTY edition of Flashpoint.

Please use the AI system for GOTY for sequel.

As the AI isn't as good in my humble opinion.

AI does not use grenades very well and using grenade launchers is non existant.

Detection process is flawed epecially with locating snipers.

Although the flanking process is better in VBS1 though.

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