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Bas mh-47e released!

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Guest jacobaby

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (blackdog~ @ April 24 2003,23:07)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Sorry if this has been asked, but how can I have a vehicle already loaded into the chopper when teh vehicle starts. Especially with the KLR's, they are a pain to put in it.<span id='postcolor'>


I dont think you could do it pre-loaded, but I can let you in on a secret "fast" way to load it up, you will have to put one bike in of the colour of your choice.

Then, in a trigger or whatever put this;

helo animate ["cargoswitch2",1]

That will load up the chopper with 10 bikes. You can do it incrementally too, eg 0.2,0.4,0.8 for 2, 4 and 8 bikes respectively

A friend is also re-writing some of the scripts so that you can use them for AI insertions etc if required, they will be ready in a while.


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Guest jacobaby

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (FSPilot @ April 25 2003,02:52)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I'm not trying to complain or nitpick, I just cant get it to work.  crazy.gif<span id='postcolor'>

More details please,

OFP version

PC specs

Addon list


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (FSPilot @ April 25 2003,04:52)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I'm not trying to complain or nitpick, I just cant get it to work.  crazy.gif<span id='postcolor'>

I never downloaded it but you wouldn't by chance have BAS' original v1.0 MH47 PBO file in your Addons directory, would you?

Try using an isolated -mod folder to see if you can use them.

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only thing i wish for is more of Nagual's missions, they are amazeing, Cargo Chinook being my fave. worth 3stars on "the FAQ" smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Sinister[tnuC] @ April 25 2003,13:58)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">only thing i wish for is more of Nagual's missions, they are amazeing, Cargo Chinook being my fave. worth 3stars on "the FAQ" smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

I'm hoping Nagual will fix up the other two missions for very minor glitches.

Also, in the mission where you're supposed to snipe from the Chinook it's not clear to me how to do that. I wound up on the ground, took out the incoming and then ordered my chopper to land and pick us up.

After boarding I ordered the pilot to start the engines and gave him coords. Don't know why but soon afterwards, the Chinook crashed and burst into flames. Strange. confused.gif

But yes, BAS should dedicate Nagual to missions, IMO. smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ April 25 2003,12:04)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">But yes, BAS should dedicate Nagual to missions, IMO. smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

We do biggrin.gifwink.gif

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Guest jacobaby

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ April 25 2003,12:04)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Also, in the mission where you're supposed to snipe from the Chinook it's not clear to me how to do that. I wound up on the ground, took out the incoming and then ordered my chopper to land and pick us up.<span id='postcolor'>

If you give your pilot the HOLD POSITION command, he will gradually come to a halt, and when he is ready you will be notified via a hint box.

You are now free to remove your harness and snipe from the back of the chopper/ thru the windows/hatches etc.

Just be sure to refasten your harness before cancelling the hold position, unfortuneatly theres no decent way of keeping you in a moving chopper without having you strapped in properly...


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Dark Knight @ April 25 2003,15:27)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">where can i get this mission??... i want a direct link coz i cant find it<span id='postcolor'>

BAS MH-47E Chinook Demo Mission Pack, mirrored by The FAQ.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (jacobaby @ April 25 2003,14:42)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Just be sure to refasten your harness before cancelling the hold position, unfortuneatly theres no decent way of keeping you in a moving chopper without having you strapped in properly...<span id='postcolor'>

So that's how I wound up outside. biggrin.gif

Good thing that doesn't happen when I normally travel by air. tounge.gif

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Bad things are going on while trying to pick up a Open-5T from the LSD Ashland.


The Truck appears over my MH-47E and after a few "bounces" a huge explosion happens and the chopper crashed on the flightdeck.

I think it´s time for an "Ashland Update".

MfG Lee wink.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (jacobaby @ April 23 2003,20:42)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Interesting about the sound gollum, its not like that for me, so we will have to wait on other reports. Try disabling EAX and see if that makes a difference, IMHO OFP is better WITHOUT EAX anyway.<span id='postcolor'>

Sorry about taking so long to reply, been busy.

Anyway, I tried switching off EAX and HW acceleration, but it had no effect.

@Pang: There are a lot of things that you could implement into OFP for realism, but which would be detrimental to the gaming experience. This is one of them. It´s not like the sound is really faint and far away, it sounds more like the helo is around the next mountain. Playing a mission with a low, throbbing sound in the background can be very irritating, and I can only use deletevehicle in my own missions.

Otherwise, the helo is a QUALITY addon, too bad that the OFP engine limits and screws up some things. I keep finding new and exciting features in the helo all the time, what a service you have done to the OFP community smile.gif

And IMHO OFP is better WITH EAX wink.gif

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Just downloaded this great looking baby, but I get this error which also keeps me from playing the missions. sad.gif


Any ideas ?

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Yup. That file is found in the Littlebirds addon. It is only very small so I can email it to you if you like. Let me know. smile.gif

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That would be great, it's weird actually since I do have this add-on aswell, anyway, my e-mail is: [email protected]

Thanks in advance smile.gif

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Guest DKM-jaguar

can you get the demo off the BAS site?

nice signautre, with the DKM RAH66 smile.gif

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Wow. My hat goes off to BAS. Brilliant work. Keep it up guys. Hope to see the MH 60 with the exact same quality or better.

Great job guys.

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Guest jacobaby


One pretty bad bug documented now, its that when you shoot down a CARGO MH47, you can get a CTD.

SO far this seems to be related to the fact that having a createvehicled unit in is causing the CTD, but this is odd since it doesnt happen on the standard version.

Would be glad to discuss privately with anybody who may have an idea why a createvehicle unit would cause a CTD.

So far this only seems to affect the cargo version.

We will try and eliminate this for any future update.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">OFP version

PC specs

Addon list<span id='postcolor'>

OFP 1.91

P4 2.26 ghz 512mb RAM, GeForce4 Mx240, Windows XP

Lots and lots and lots of addons (been meaning to clear it out lately)

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I never downloaded it but you wouldn't by chance have BAS' original v1.0 MH47 PBO file in your Addons directory, would you?

Try using an isolated -mod folder to see if you can use them.<span id='postcolor'>

I don't think I do, but how would I do that? Would it be easier to just delete (or move, whatever) the v1.0 MH47 PBO?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ April 25 2003,21:04)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I'm hoping Nagual will fix up the other two missions for very minor glitches.<span id='postcolor'>

Yes, i will doing some mission bug fixes this weekend.

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Guest jacobaby

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (FSPilot @ April 26 2003,00:47)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">OFP version

PC specs

Addon list<span id='postcolor'>

OFP 1.91

P4 2.26 ghz 512mb RAM, GeForce4 Mx240, Windows XP

Lots and lots and lots of addons (been meaning to clear it out lately)

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I never downloaded it but you wouldn't by chance have BAS' original v1.0 MH47 PBO file in your Addons directory, would you?

Try using an isolated -mod folder to see if you can use them.<span id='postcolor'>

I don't think I do, but how would I do that?  Would it be easier to just delete (or move, whatever) the v1.0 MH47 PBO?<span id='postcolor'>

Just temporarily transfer the bulk of the addons to a folder, and try then.

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i got a suggestion for the future update on the mh47e:

how about adding some ammoboxes -would be only eyecandy, i know  wink.gif


ofp, photoshop and beeing bored: a terrible combination...  biggrin.gif

one thing i´m wondering about:

how come i cant see the cool engine fume effect in an declared mp game?

this is what the choppers init looks like:

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">mpgame = true;[this,1,2] exec "\BAS_MH47E_185\MPscripts\MProtorwash.sqs";[this] exec "\BAS_MH47E_185\MPscripts\MPPPE.sqs";[this] exec "\BAS_MH47E_185\MPscripts\MPfx.sqs"; [this] exec "\BAS_MH47E_185\MPscripts\MPfire.sqs"; bas_realism=true; clearMagazineCargo this; clearWeaponCargo this;<span id='postcolor'>

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Guest jacobaby

I had wanted the ammo boxes.......too late now......

Dunno about the fumes Pang, they work for me.

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the fumes work fine, until the "mpgame=true" command appears sad.gif

this didnt happen to the kiowas, which have the same script, except their engine position for the smoke is different

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Ok, I gave it a few days, let lots of folks post, and get things out of their systems, and gave the released add-on some time to cool off in everyone's machine.

Now it's time for Damo's two cents. (Yes this could be a trademark literary work)

Firstly, let me begin by saying thank you to all the truly appreciative fans out there that truly enjoy the add-on, and have some small amount of understanding into what exactly is involved in making an add-on, and then the extra work that goes in to making it a BAS Add-on.

We at BAS don’t simply make just “add-ons.†Lots of people make add-ons, we at BAS go the extra mile to make ours truly unique. We accomplish this in several ways, such as thorough research, to include photographic and technical data, talking to and interviewing real personnel who have experience with the various add-ons we create. To include pilots, real SF people, real Rangers, real SFOD-D personnel, crew chiefs, aviation mechanics, medics, and whomever else we think would help in the process of creating a realistic add-on. We often spend an inordinate amount of hours modeling from scratch, using either O2, or 3D Studio Max. Our textures are created in house, by a few extremely talented individuals, which are also extensively researched for accuracy and correctness, and we try to duplicate reality. Our scripting is also created in house by our talented and experienced scripters, who as you can see, have overcome some incredible obstacles to make our products work.

That being said, we are also not above looking for and requesting outside help in the event we are unable to solve various problems or simply that someone else’s solution functions better then ours. We always give the appropriate credit, and kudos to the people who assist us. We recognize skill and talent, which often results in repeat requests for work. In all of this it must be pointed out and reinforced that this is all done without pay. We don’t have an extensive R&D budget, a funded art department, and paid scripters to bring all these things together.

What we do have is a team of talented people who enjoy OFP, and making add-ons to enhance the experience. Secondary to that, we think these enhancements should be shared, so everyone can enjoy the things we have created. We volunteer our time and efforts to bring these things together, most of which are borne of an initial idea, and as the project is developed and researched, capabilities are determined and expanded on. Our limiting factors are twofold: The game engine, and our imagination. I can guarantee that our imagination is unfortunately uncontrollably limited by the game engine, because we are certainly not without ideas!

All that being said, once again thank you, all who are truly appreciative of this add-on.

Now on to the other matters. You all may or may not be aware, but I am probably known as one of the more abrasive members of BAS. I do not apologize for this, however by way of explanation I will say this: I have little tolerance and use for stupidity, irrelevance, and unreasonable behavior. I can and do get along well with most folks, but I do expect to be treated, and expect the members of my team to be treated in the way that everyone else expects to be treated. This means a little respect and courtesy.

I will now respond and answer some of the posts I’ve seen so far, beginning by saying this: I think perhaps as much as 80 percent of the issues I’m reading are due to YOU the PUBLIC failing to perform the simple task of reading the readme file included with the release of the add-on. I don’t know whether this is due to a worldwide literacy problem, or worldwide laziness problem, or both. I do know however, that it is NOT our (BAS’s) problem, and I will be instructing the entire team not to respond to posts that are addressed in the readme. Now, it is my hope that what I just said won’t be taken personally, and will be applied only to those for whom the statement fits. Read the provided readme file.

As to the statements made about “tantrums†when criticized or bugs are pointed out, let me clarify something, and hopefully it will get through to you all, and you will understand. We are providing a free service for your enjoyment and use. We ask for nothing in return. However, this is met with demands, unconstructive and useless criticism and bashing, inquiries as to when the next add-on will be released, and requests for instantaneous real-time bug fixes. There is a post in this very thread that says with a tone of indignance something to the effect that the user emailed us with a bug report and hasn’t received a response or a fix. The timeline of which was less then a 24-hour period.

Assuming he was the only individual on the planet who received the add-on, and the only one from whom we received email, then I supposed we were remiss. Completely unreasonable.

Further, we have no obligation to provide support for anything we release, we have no obligation to answer questions, fix bugs, or return emails to anyone, this is another FREE service we provide, again giving of our time, talents and efforts to accomplish it.

That being said, we DO want to receive bug reports, so that we CAN work to correct them, however we do ask that you perform the simple task of READING the readme file before you force us to sort through reams of useless info that was already addressed. This prevents us from identifying and fixing actual problems in a timely manner.

I guess the point is simply this, we work extremely hard for you the community, to bring you the best possible add-ons to be had, and we ask only for a bit of consideration. Those of you who don’t like or appreciate what we have provided have the option not to use them at all, or if you think you can do it yourself or better, then feel free, and we wish you the best of luck and success in doing so. As to the issues involving the game engine, feel free to write and approach BIS in the same manner as you do us, maybe they will respond to you and your every whim. Somehow I doubt it, being that their main concern has very little to do with your happiness and enjoyment, and very much to do with the corporate bottom line, which is to say money. I dare say fixes come out of BAS faster then they do BIS. Oh, and incidentally, how many BIS choppers have you been able to fast rope out of, or that have anti missile countermeasures? What’s that? None? Yeah that’s what I thought.

Tantrums? While I don’t at all think any member of BAS has posted in a manner that can be considered one, I certainly think they earned the right to do it if they chose to do so. Give us the time and consideration to identify and compile the true bugs that can be corrected, as we will do so. In the meantime enjoy the add-on, and if for some reason you simply cant stand it, DON’T USE IT.

If you have some truly useful comments or suggestions as to how to improve, or otherwise make our products better, then we welcome the input, however if your soul purpose is to piss and moan, then you can feel free to produce your own add-ons.

We ask only for a little common courtesy and respect for what we do, and once in a while a simple thanks would be of incalculable value to the team. To those who are truly helpful and thankful, we appreciate it, and stay tuned for more fine products to come out of our studios!

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