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Some questions about resistance..who is the devil

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The mission where you attack the convoy in northern Nogova is when TD dies. You hear some russians (probably KGB) yell at his door, then he screams and you hear two, maybe three shots and transmission ends.

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Tasmanian Devil is last heard of after the one mission after the bridge mission. MAYBE he is a agent for US command so with his Nogovan voice, he is using information that only a high tech country could have (RADAR) and the russians would think he is a civilian and not an american. That is why the Russians were killing civilians, to find TD. And the reason he stopped giving intel is because of the complaint letter the US sent to Russia, he didn't wan't to screw up the peace process. wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  

James says that the NATO command doesn't know who he is.

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I know who the devil is,.... its Maruk look on her avatar taz.gif  biggrin_o.gif  tounge_o.gif


People think I'm a she aswell when they look at my nickname...

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I know who the devil is,.... its Maruk look on her avatar taz.gif  biggrin_o.gif  tounge_o.gif


People think I'm a she aswell when they look at my nickname...

you're not? biggrin_o.gif

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Tasmanian Devil is last heard of after the one mission after the bridge mission. MAYBE he is a agent for US command so with his Nogovan voice, he is using information that only a high tech country could have (RADAR) and the russians would think he is a civilian and not an american. That is why the Russians were killing civilians, to find TD. And the reason he stopped giving intel is because of the complaint letter the US sent to Russia, he didn't wan't to screw up the peace process. wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  

James says that the NATO command doesn't know who he is.

Maybe he's lying. tounge_o.giftounge_o.giftounge_o.gif

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Tasmainain Devil is a Resistance Soldier whos name isn't said but heard in the backround of a certain scene i the game. I swear I saw him with another soldier talking but not directly to the camera but you could definitly tell it was him. He was a Reisistance Soldier with Sunglasses and a Officer hat on.

Victor Never died.. It never showed him, and have you ever seen the remains in mission editor or in any mission? lol

But we have found a peice of an Arm 1/2 mile away on Opatov, we belive it is a former Commanding officer of the RON. (Republic of Nogova)

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Well. Now I have read several interesting ideas about this subject. Somebody has seen Victor in the "bonus level bar mission of CWC" and other has found these religious markings. And other again has found something else who can give us a clue, but nobody hasn't found the solution yet... wink_o.gif

But many of these caraters needs to be implemented in different mission due to te limited number of faces avaiable for BIS. So it highly believable that it's just some (un)lucky coincidences. The religious markings are, as mentioned earlier, placed several places around the whole island.

The suggest I applause mostly is the theories about Stoyan. Though I only believe it's made to define him. As he plays a vital role for the Resistance campaign it's obvious that we will need an answer to the question: "Who is the Tasmanian Devil?"

I suggest Maruk or someone else from BIS will have to give us an explanation to this very interesting, exciting and time consuming issue. smile_o.gif

Kind regards


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Personally, I always felt that Troska was killed but his body was never found. Remember, with OFP physics, he would have been catapulted into the ocean tounge_o.gif .

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I figured his body was thrown into orbit by a HEAT round and then burnt up on re-entry.

   As for the Tasmanian Devil? I think he was a figment of his own rampant imagination.

    Trosky in the bar at the end of CWC? When I got to the bar my game always crashed.

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Well I tried status quoe again. And it doesn't crash when I reach the bar, it just says "Old war friends have met at pub" and zooms out and fades to black. Then it just sits there all black with circus music for like 2 minutes then goes to the title screen again. What gives? It did that on my old computer to.

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   As for the Tasmanian Devil? I think he was a figment of his own rampant imagination.

Oh no! Its Metal Gear Solid 2 all over again! biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Oh no! Its Metal Gear Solid 2 all over again!


Thank god I was afraid I might be the only one who though that was a stupid story line.

Quote[/b] ]No, thats how the mission ends.

I thought some one said they all sit at a table and a guy who looks like troska is near by?

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About the Tasmanian devil, how do we know he died?

Maybe those shots were from him shooting at the Russians. And maybe a shot hit some vital equipment (just like in the movies) so the radio broke. and could he be the guy who gave Victor the motorcycle? or the guy at the gas station or even on the bus? or possibly one of those Majors who thought he was a psycho.

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About the Tasmanian devil, how do we know he died?

Maybe those shots were from him shooting at the Russians. And maybe a shot hit some vital equipment (just like in the movies) so the radio broke. and could he be the guy who gave Victor the motorcycle? or the guy at the gas station or even on the bus? or possibly one of those Majors who thought he was a psycho.

Well, usually when you are a spy and get cought by KGB/NKVD you get executed for crimes against the state, most likey the devil met such a fate as he either fought the soviet agents or was executed some time after.

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I agree he probably is dead but i was just stating a few possibilities.

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The devil is ....

Tom, the guy who drives you in the first mission I found this out because in the cutscene after the invasion victor give a clue...

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I don't think that Tom is "Tasmanian Devil". If he is he must have been right behind Victor's house hacking into the radio, as he runs around the side about three seconds after Tassie Devil is cut off. I've my own theory about Tasmanian Devil. Anybody here ever played "Deus Ex"? Remember "Helios"? Well, Tasmanian Devil is just some really advanced supercomputer that goes rogue and sends out information to Victor. About the end of the mission. Yes, it appears it did end on a sad note. But, hey, it wasn't that bad. Hero's die before others do. It made it more realistic I think. But while I'm at it, why in the hell do I keep seeing Demitri Lukin popping up everywhere?! First he's one of the civilians lined up in front of Victor's house (true, take a look at the second guy in the line!). Second, I loaded up my mission editor and placed a US soldier there. Well, it turned out to be Lukin himself! So Lukin has somehow managed to fight for all three sides in the war. Rat.

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