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Tank looks totally awesome...it's a real shame that the OFP engine won't allow for the commander to fire his MG independantly of the main gun. Oh well, hopefully be fixed in OFP 2 smile_o.gif

[...must...fight...urge...to...make...smutty...comment...about...other...pic... tounge_o.gif ]

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Tank looks totally awesome...it's a real shame that the OFP engine won't allow for the commander to fire his MG independantly of the main gun. Oh well, hopefully be fixed in OFP 2  smile_o.gif

Wasn't there some statement from behalf of a RHS member that they might have a workaround to allow the mg to be fired idependently? Is there any news to this, or has the idea been abbadoned, due to unsolveable problems?

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Yes and after some phase were nothing happend were now working hard on the issue again, it is already possible but the solution is still not perfect.

If you find the Ukraine OPLOT is a beauty then wait till you see the "lil" bonus that comes with the T55s  smile_o.gif  personal for me one of our best looking addons so far  wow_o.gif

By the way atm i work on a lil handpainted goody wich will come with the tanks.

Dunno why the normal url wont work atm but you still reach us over



Lol, i deleted the first comment i written about avons pic so noone things i just have smut in my head but you say it straight with your aussie charme tounge_o.gif

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Arr. . . typos are so irritating, aren't they?

It's a T-84, not an M84, it's Ukranian and not Serbian


The Oplot is a modified T-84U, which is a modified T-80UD. Pretty much everything you listed in your description is actually on every tank upward of the T-80UK.

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Quote[/b] ]If you find the Ukraine OPLOT is a beauty then wait till you see the "lil" bonus that comes with the T55s personal for me one of our best looking addons so far
Yet another surprise? Too bad its not nice to ask for a release date sad_o.gif

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Arr. . . typos are so irritating, aren't they?

It's a T-84, not an M84, it's Ukranian and not Serbian


The Oplot is a modified T-84U, which is a modified T-80UD. Pretty much everything you listed in your description is actually on every tank upward of the T-80UK.

Correct, sorry i mixed stuff... corrected the pics smile_o.gif

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To temper your male hormones, I've decided to balance out my previous reply with this:


Shames on yas all! mad_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]i said its the T84 ! and no one believed me ;D

Err. . . you were only really *half* right. . .

The T-84 is quite a different tank. . . The Oplot (though based on the same platform) is distinct mainly because has a NATO smoothbore 120mm gun and fires western ammunition, and because it has a bustle and an autoloader system that prevents an otherwise relatively harmless penetration from cooking off the ammo and killing the crew. . .

The T-84 looks quite a bit different and has a different gun.

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For example with real values the first M1 wich we have in OFP would have some serious probs with the T-80s of that date

Actually, the M1A1 is the second Abrams (not that it matters in OFP), it goes like

M1-M1A1-M1A2-M1A3(?). Or is that what you meant?

Great-looking tank, anyway. Now, if we only had some Ukranian troops to go along with it...

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That is one ridiculously sweet looking tank!  Sorry for my ignorance, but can someone tell me about how strong this m84 is (compared to t72 and t80)?

From what i been told ( from people who were/are tankers and know the correct values ) ive been told that the OPLOT and the Leopard2 are the best all around tanks availeable today.

The T-80 the OPLOT uses as Base is already a damn strong tank.

For example with real values the first M1 wich we have in OFP would have some serious probs with the T-80s of that date

And I thort it was the M1A2 Abrams ho was the king of the battel field but maby that is only in frontal attacks I mean it is supose to have the best frontal protection in the world

A question does the OPLOT have tungsten penetrators or what it is called

do you realy think that the T80 would just role over the M1A1 rock.gif or did you mean the M1IP

back on topic It look cool I can't wait ontil I can crush it whit a Platoon of M1A1 Abrams. tounge_o.gif


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For example with real values the first M1 wich we have in OFP would have some serious probs with the T-80s of that date

Actually, the M1A1 is the second Abrams (not that it matters in OFP), it goes like

M1-M1A1-M1A2-M1A3(?). Or is that what you meant?

Great-looking tank, anyway. Now, if we only had some Ukranian troops to go along with it...

well the ukrainians build the tank. The question is if they can afford it for their army? I doub't it and if they can then only few of them. There is a far better chance that the russians buy some of them and use them.


Well Western tanks like Challenger2 and Abrahams have far better Armor than russians tanks as I understand it. But the russians have some nice tricks to prevent rounds hitting their actual hull as SHORTA (?) and ARENA systems and ERA-5.

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Tank looks totally awesome...it's a real shame that the OFP engine won't allow for the commander to fire his MG independantly of the main gun. Oh well, hopefully be fixed in OFP 2  smile_o.gif

[...must...fight...urge...to...make...smutty...comment...about...other...pic... tounge_o.gif ]

No someone from the Operation X MOD or whatever the name is said they had made a script which allowed them to fire more then 2 weapons from a TANK , they had 3 weapons firing Simulataneously ....someone go ask them before its toooo latee biggrin_o.gif

Avon what did you do to my hair ?? Ouch tounge_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

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well the ukrainians build the tank. The question is if they can afford it for their army? I doub't it and if they can then only few of them. There is a far better chance that the russians buy some of them and use them.

Hmm, you´re right that would make sense.

Yes and after some phase were nothing happend were now working hard on the issue again, it is already possible but the solution is still not perfect.

Things rarely are with the OFP engine. wink_o.gif

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Tank looks totally awesome...it's a real shame that the OFP engine won't allow for the commander to fire his MG independantly of the main gun. Oh well, hopefully be fixed in OFP 2  smile_o.gif

[...must...fight...urge...to...make...smutty...comment...about...other...pic... tounge_o.gif ]

No someone from the Operation X MOD or whatever the name is said they had made a script which allowed them to fire more then 2 weapons from a TANK , they had 3 weapons firing Simulataneously ....someone go ask them before its toooo latee biggrin_o.gif

Avon what did you do to my hair ?? Ouch  tounge_o.gif  crazy_o.gif

But the problem is that haveing a commanders gun would never work in multiplayer unless you are willing to have major major lag differences.

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i said its the T84 ! and no one believed me ;D

but i was right !!! biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

yea right after me, when i said that it could be a T-72-120

and blackdog said "close but no cigar" rock.gif

I should had go for both of them  wink_o.gif

btw. T-84 doesn`t say anything  tounge_o.gif

great tank, any plans for one of the modern T-55`s

or a T-72-120?


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hehe, the surprise which we're gonna release with the t-55s is a much bigger .pbo than the one of oplot...

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Its intresting how many think the evolution of tank design stopped in russia and only western countrys can produce good tanks.

I wish i could show a thread from our internal forums where al this get explained and then you might know why i dont think the M1 is the king of the hill as so many think.

The M1 may have a huge front armor but the rest...

BIS overpowered the M1 way too much, Sigma has spend many time on the armor values and theyre all based on real info to give our Addons a realistic armor value.

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I wish i could show a tread from our internal forums

You are obviously suffering from tanki-itus! tounge_o.gif

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Oh tounge_o.gif seems so, corrected it.

Atm i have more a colour-itis cause i need to finish the base for a wallpaper sad_o.gif

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BIS overpowered the M1 way too much, Sigma has spend many time on the armor values and theyre all based on real info to give our Addons a realistic armor value.

I agree that the M1 is way too tough in-game, but can you please specify compared to which weapons the armor values are now realistic. Do you mean BIS default AT weapons or RHS weapons or JAM oder what else? I can't quite make out what the basis for realistic armour values could be here. rock.gif

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Are you guys thinking of shipping a crate of KORNET missiles by any chance with these tanks? biggrin_o.gif

That'd be much appreciated you know , just like BAS rangers can kill a T-72 with one AT i would like to see GRU Spetznatz killing the M1 with one KORNET too wink_o.gif

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