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Activating a trigger with any combination of multiple conditions

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Hi, I'm relatively new to mapmaking and have been so far learning through trial and error (mostly error), but am currently rather stumped with a problem vastly outside my base of experience. I am trying to set a trigger to activate when players collect any 3 pieces of intel (of 6 available), regardless of the combination of intel collected.


Only 3 pieces need to be found, and currently I am referencing their collection via a seperate trigger with 'thisNull objectName', as the intel is deleted on pickup, and then trying to get another trigger to check 'triggerActivated triggerName' (horribly inefficient, I know).


Apologies if this doesn't make much sense, its 3am and mission making has fried my brain.


Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

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Here is an example of a solution, even if the trigger could have been omitted. The whole thing is not particularly variable in use, but it offers a good basis.

Just take a look at it:

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Tweaked this from a script @Larrow some time ago. Tweak it to suit your needs.


	_x addAction ["<t align='left' color='#F7D358'>READ CONTENTS</t>", {
			params[ "_target", "_caller", "_ID", "_args" ];
			//Set this examined intel as found, so the action on it is no longer active
			//Also PV to all clients so their action for this box is no longer active
			_target setVariable ["isFound", true, true];
			//Get the number of boxes found, default 0
			_currentFoundBoxes = _caller getVariable[ "boxesFound", 0 ];
			//Increase count by 1
			_currentFoundBoxes = _currentFoundBoxes + 1, execVM "scripts\yourscript.sqf";
			//Update callers variable
			_caller setVariable [ "boxesFound", _currentFoundBoxes ];			
			//Maybe do something when # of intel have been found
			if ( _currentFoundBoxes isEqualTo 3 ) then {
				["<t color='#ff0000' size = '1.5'>Intel found...STAND-BY.</t>",-1,-1,8,1,-1,789] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;	
				sleep 10;				
				execVM "scripts\yourscript.sqf"; //CHANGE THIS TO WHEN ALL INTEL FOUND
		//_target (unit to which action is attached to) and _this (caller/executing unit)
		"!( _target getVariable [ 'isFound', false ] )", //NOT found ( default false ) !false == true
		4	//distance for action
}forEach [ intel0, intel1, intel2 ];

When intel isEqualTo 3 it must match the amount of forEach. You can change it the amount to suit. That's all I have to offer.


Good luck.

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3 hours ago, Mebeover said:

 I am trying to set a trigger to activate when players collect any 3 pieces of intel (of 6 available), regardless of the combination of intel collected.


Welcome on forum.

If you named the 6 intel pieces, say Int1, Int2, Int3...
You just need a trigger none, none , not repeatable,

the condition is: {isNull _x} count [Int1,Int2,Int3,Int4,Int5,Int6] > 2

If  there is no name on them:
count (allMissionObjects "all" select {"intel" in toLowerANSI getText (configFile /"cfgVehicles" / typeOf _x / "vehicleClass")}) <4


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1 hour ago, pierremgi said:


If you named the 6 intel pieces, say Int1, Int2, Int3...
You just need a trigger none, none , not repeatable,

the condition is: {isNull _x} count [Int1,Int2,Int3,Int4,Int5,Int6] > 2





As he said, use that.





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11 hours ago, pierremgi said:


Welcome on forum.

If you named the 6 intel pieces, say Int1, Int2, Int3...
You just need a trigger none, none , not repeatable,

the condition is: {isNull _x} count [Int1,Int2,Int3,Int4,Int5,Int6] > 2

If  there is no name on them:
count (allMissionObjects "all" select {"intel" in toLowerANSI getText (configFile /"cfgVehicles" / typeOf _x / "vehicleClass")}) <4



Thanks so much!

Edited by Mebeover
quoted wrong person

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