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Major Fubar

Satchel's ah-64

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Are there any Apaches that really look like that? I doubt it. Someone post a link if I´m wrong.

If not, IMHO it´s just plain ugly. Besides, the model and cpp needs some modifying to make it realistic, and as I understand it this is just a retexture. A cannon with a lot more ammo, non-nuke rockets and Hellfires that don´t fire on full automatic would be nice.

Give me the BAS AH-64D Longbow any time over that AH-64A Terminator :P

No offense to Satchel if he´s still on this board, but that just ain´t my cup o´tea.

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Oh please give us that Baby!!! wow_o.gifsad_o.gifcrazy_o.gifmad_o.gif

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Does enybody now something about this addon ?

Does enybody have it or stay in touch with Satchel ?

I still have a question : does anybody now Sathel's email ?

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Hey...that doesn't look too bad...and if there were versions of it ie a greener one it would be just great...no?...so why doesn't he release it??...whats up stachel???...why not give us that beauty??...and hey...how bout a havoc from you?rock.gif...id be curious to see what kinda russian helo you could do?

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so why is satchel not releasing this?

btw it was on the 2nd page so im not bumping majorly ;)

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If Satchel decides to realease his chopper, then he can either post about it or some ofp.info staff member will inform us about this release smile_o.gif

Until this happens, I see no further reason to keep this open smile_o.gif

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