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Matt Hejl

Where's it headed?

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First off...I enjoy this game.  Quite a bit and I think it has massive potential.  It has some janky stuff and weird mechanics at times...but whatever.  My questions is this, now that a majority of folks playing, including myself have their shelter built up where they are maxing it out or can sustain well (creating enough food, materials, etc...).  Because of this, most encounters now seem to turn into just a deathmatch...or mini battle royale.  I feel like most outlanders, including myself, go in and dont have a high priority to have to come out with a ton of loot.  They will take it if they can, but its not crucial if they dont.


So where are we headed?  If there is no real reason to go in to get supplies to update your home or shelter, we basically have a deathmatch or royale type of game.  But one that has some rough shooting mechanics.


Like I said, I love the game and love the small adjustments they have been making.  BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, FIX THE FOOTSTEP SOUNDS.  All I hear are kangaroos hopping around.


Any and all comments, opinions are welcome.  Just looking to strike up some dialogue on what you guys want, think will happen, needs to happen, etc...

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So true.  It's need more improvements for the shelter. Down the stair, there's the sea.. with a lot of facilty for fish farm that can be implemented. 


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Maybe the release of another console is hindering progress on this game.

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I think eventually they will add more customization to the shelter and upgrades. Perhaps even other items to upgrade such as guns, etc. 

Not to mention of course, the battle pass. With the potential of new challenges and missions, there can be a lot more to just "Deathmatch". The possibilities are really endless. 

I'm excited for what's to come...

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Right now I’m in the same boat. I still have upgrades to work out but their not as fun or necessary given I’ve broken the bank on materials and weapon plans. That said I’m pushing for stockpiling airdrops for the next season pass 😂👍 I do also think new weapons are coming out soon too and some new portable devices. Eventually we will get shelter customisation too but no idea when. 

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The battle pass and the huge xp we need to complete it makes us looting everything we can, more since they changed the xp value for every ressources.

I don't know if there is a lot of players at lvl 13 everywhere. But you're right, what's next ? If the shelter is the key, maybe new things to improve by getting some ressources. But for what ? More food, more materials ? We can produce some metal, could we produce another ressource ? Would it make sense ?


We could have more lore, stories, special missions, with a kind of progression, I dont know. More events could be a good start. 


Turning the game into a simple TDM breaks everything. The actual problem in my opinion is the attractive power of the barred house. Most of the teams runs to it. My last exemple would be on Viktorsen train station. It's not a small map, but we were 10 players on it, 8 corpses on the ground (was in duo). 5 dead bodies in the house and 3 outside. Thats crazy. They, we, don't go anywhere else at first. Then we're almost free. 


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Need in game microphon option to talk other players. And night time in maps be great

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anybody else celebratingthe end of their endless grind to finish the battle pass? I got mine over with yesterday. dunno if ill ever want to play again..... hopefully they make some very fun and interesting changes for the next battle pass. They should make a ranked system game mode based off how many shelter upgrades you have. would allow lower ranked a better opportunity to loot and work on their shelter with less fear that the lobby is full of booster and head hunters. randomly remove or add an extra barred house or signal tower, a second or third buried loot. that makes every game different. changes the immediate  rush to the tower or barred house which really was just for the xp boost. probably take a small break, feel burnt out from the game. 

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I saved up around 160-170 crates of all different rarities and it only managed to take me from 15-19 in the pass. Hard to justify grinding a pass for a couple hours at a time when to complete the pass without purchasing levels is damn near impossible. Especially with this recent pass going free after the initial 900 crown sale for it at launch. I'm just burnt out on this game now and the blatant greed has done it in for me. I hope it turns around but I don't know how to justify putting more time into this game.

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I feel your pain; I ended my season at Level 20 which certainly does not make it feel worth buying the battle pass. Hopefully they improve the appeal to play the game for people with full time jobs.

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Like myself, quite a few outlanders who were ripped off on the last Battlepass are holding off on purchasing it, in case they offer it for free again.

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I wouldn't say we were ripped off. we chose to purchase it at time of release. BI has the right to do with their product as they please. they gave a certain number away for a certain period of time. Probably due to the holidays.  would it have been nice to not to have paid for it? yeah definitely especially after finding out the amount of work it would have taken to complete... but I probably wouldn't have completed the battle pass if I didn't get started on it until after I found out it was free for a period of time. I did get the sweater, jacket and Vigor back pack all off promo. Not everyone did so its whatever. I probably wont be getting this next battle pass though. at least I wont be paying for it. Absolutely hate the new camera. I cant move around like I used to, feels like I cant see. All my shots are off and feels like I cant utilize cover in a gun fight like I used to. and the Thompson still destroys but I refuse to use it. Still get stuck on stuff and cant get out. Mosin Nagant isn't a new gun but re released... Kills are worth less but headshots went up. finding buried cache went up in xp. XP earnt seems ok/fair. Looted and or retrieved. At this point if I continued playing id rather get the new schematics in the store... no use in looting my butt off trying to earn xp. I dunno I am a sucker though... still feel kinda burnt out. 

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Well congratulations to everyone that grinded ur butts off to finish the battle pass. I didn't even get close. I got some of the shelter upgades but some i didnt get at all. But i believe is cause i started gaming about 2yrs ago and im still trying to get my shooting\aim on spot. Cause. Im always getting mowed down by those people that play pro\sweaty. Id like to keep  playing but i have lost the fun in trying to play and getting mowed down. Well everyone enjoy the game & keep up grinding ur butt off. I like the game but there is things that need fixed\implemented and the only way it will work is if you all listen to each other & work together. Go getum Outlanders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hi Sakabato,

You make a valid point about utilising cover. I've played a number of games and noticed the same sensation.

Been in an identical spot as pre update, and it's obvious that the position does not offer the same cover or give me the same view as before. It felt to me as though the size of the avatar has been increased slightly in relation the everything else on the map. Probably got it totally wrong but that's how it felt.

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I would hope that there is solid reason for the change in camera angle.

I.e Smaller field of view requiring less processing power, therefore less chance of game crashes.

I'm slowly getting use to it but it could definitely be tweaked.

I have noticed since the previous update that there's more of you and your opponent killing each other at the same time, it's a little frustrating but something to do with hit registration I guess.

That being said that hit registration is a little better than the preppers rego. That was aweful.

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improved camera my ass... lol do not agree with that. absolutely hate trading kills also. don't get credit for half of them. happens waaaayyy to much. worst part of updates if you ask me. now the camera angle... kinda getting used to it. played a few matches yesterday and it took 3-4 games to not shoot into the ground lol and the dang Thompson. Ive lost more aur paras and adrs  to that dang gun after one of these updates. not sure which changed a bunch of stuff. I never had much trouble hitting my targets. I learned early on how bloom and guns  performed and stuck with the game even though most of my friends thought it was to difficult. battle pass is doable. I had paced myself last season for atleast one level a day once I got way up there. getting to and through the 60% booster was probably the most taxing for me.   the 80% booster and 100% booster make it pretty easy. to finish it out. my play style usually pays out pretty well. pretty aggressive and greedy. im sure iv caused a lot of frustration in other outlanders but I die too and lose my full pack or drop in a gun fight or a bush/exit camper. its just part of the game.  had to find that balance  of having enough loot and not trying to kill everyone for a stupid common crate or hit the signal tower one last time. better to leave and take a good pay out than risk it. i can see how it can be pretty tough for players that don't cover alot of ground or pick up a lot of loot. yesterday I hit level 10 in just a couple hours  on the new season even with a few bad games. might play to level 20 and think about getting the battle pass. I didn't play today though. still want to stay away for a bit. it might have been just the time of day/night but it seemed like I didn't run into teamers at all. maybe one game that I noticed. so that's good. maybe not marking the barred house or signal tower on the map might make things a little friendlier. if you find it you find it. would stop the giant rush and maybe balance out the matches. 

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