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F/a-18 c "fighting omars" public beta ready

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Harnu @ Jan. 13 2003,04:40)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">1 suggestion;

The AGM's, could you slow those like how the AA were before?  It was like a speed of 1,200.  Dunno if it were kph or mph... I just call it OFP speed biggrin.gif   I'm prolly the only one who wants it tho.  I just like the effect  smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

its kph. . .cuz i compared the speeds of the cars in this game and came to the conclusian its kph.

and as far as 1.91 goes. .i have it. .and it seems to work fine for me. . but its still in its beta/experamental stages. . a few ppl i know have it and it has cuased thier pings to shoot sky high. .and a few otehr prolems have occord since upgradeing. .lik ei said thou mine works fine. so i dunno what to say

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I'll try to put it on my regular addon folder and about the beta patch 1.91 na it is beta and I don't like beta patches beta addons is different crazy.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Skaircro @ Jan. 12 2003,08:52)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">To fix the 'plane hovering while gear is up' problem you have to define the land contact vertices as part of the undercariage selections (front/left/right gear) AS WELL as the levy/pravy tlumic's.

Really nice job btw!  smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

I fixed this problem finaly. The problem was naming the rear gear selections in the land contact LOD levy kolo and  pravy kolo. I changed those names to the names I used when selecting the left and right rear gear. Everything works like it should with the gear now...


....and yes Harnu, it fixed the problem with u not being able to fly at 0 meters...


....time for the next item on the list. O, and the target lock sound idea is not looking very promising so far sad.gif

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Woohoo Thx hudson tounge.gif

That extra 12 inches really does come in handy! (Seriously tounge.gif )

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wow.gif3--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Harnu @ Jan. 14 2003,01wow.gif3)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">

That extra 12 inches really does come in handy!  (Seriously  tounge.gif )<span id='postcolor'>

biggrin.gif  no comment  tounge.gif

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May I suggest something?

It is in regards to your post with the 2 modern Naval schemes in which you said you would also make the tail a clan texture so in MP games you would see your clan.

That is a good idea...however...for single player games how about you implement something similar to what ST did for his nam pack. That is....provide a texture face for certain markings on the plane..such as tail logo, the number on the nose etc....and the user can use the settexture command in the editor to change the logo to whatever unit they want. This way you ship only one model (that of the standard 2 tone gray) but it can have any number of unit combinations depending on how many different unit logos you ship with the PBO.

What do you think?

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let me just state on behalf of hudson. . that this man has put alot of work into this addon. .and still is working hard at it. . .this man has put alot of time and devotion toward this addon and i think that he deserves a round of applause *claps hands*.on another note to answer any questions that you may have about the addon. . .ok. .well i can only answer one which i know he has prolly been PMed about a thousand times. . ."how about a 2nd beta" and/or "when is final release". the next release will be final. . .and it wont be for at least 2 months. . so if you are gonna ask this in the forum or PM him i shall take the liberty to answer that now smile.gif . . great job hudson.

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Thanks for the idea Tigershark, sounds good. Ill throw that on the list :-)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (~Too Tall~ @ Jan. 14 2003,04:39)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">let me just state on behalf of hudson. . that this man has put alot of work into this addon. .and still is working hard at it. . .this man has put alot of time and devotion toward this addon and i think that he deserves a round of applause *claps hands*.on another note to answer any questions that you may have about the addon. . .ok. .well i can only answer one which i know he has prolly been PMed about a thousand times. . ."how about a 2nd beta" and/or "when is final release". the next release will be final. . .and it wont be for at least 2 months. . so if you are gonna ask this in the forum or PM him i shall take the liberty to answer that now  smile.gif . . great job hudson.<span id='postcolor'>

Of we could just let Hudson state on the behalf of himself? tounge.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Hudson @ Jan. 14 2003,00:08)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Skaircro @ Jan. 12 2003,08:52)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">To fix the 'plane hovering while gear is up' problem you have to define the land contact vertices as part of the undercariage selections (front/left/right gear) AS WELL as the levy/pravy tlumic's.

Really nice job btw!  smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

I fixed this problem finaly. The problem was naming the rear gear selections in the land contact LOD levy kolo and  pravy kolo. I changed those names to the names I used when selecting the left and right rear gear. Everything works like it should with the gear now...

gear.jpg<span id='postcolor'>

That was my next guess........really it was!! biggrin.gif

I see you now have the "quicksand feature" when wheels are up while on the ground. wink.gif

I have no idea if this is fixable, but I think all planes have the same problem, even the original ones.

Technically it shouldn't be a problem since there is no real need to have the wheels up while on the ground in a mission.

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unless ur a freak like me and practice crash landing with gear up tounge.gif ive become pretty good at it too

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Just wanted to keep you guys updated on the progress of the final release. I have fixed most the bugs and added quite a few of your suggestions to the planes.  Currently Im working on the set of grey textures...


I decided to go with a marine hornet (thanks wonder) from VMFA-251 "Thunderbolts" as the greys base. You also might notice that the AMRAAMs in the above pic have been retextured. Same goes for the AGM88 and the AiM9. I am also currently working on a CBU-87 clusterbomb to replace the Mk82 and paveway 2000lb bombs...


I still have a few more fixes to make in o2 and alot of scripting that needs to be done. Its looking like 2 or 3 weeks till final version is released. I will be BETA testing final release in the next week or two, If you would like to help then please either send me an e-mail at hudson@radishville.com or send me a private message here. I can also be reached on ICQ and MSN. Thanks again for all the great feedback/suggestions you guys have made and if you have anymore than you better speak up now  biggrin.gif  final release is getting close...

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Those look great. Better than the first release (though the first release was absolutely amazing).

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A proper realistic loadout would be nice. I wonder why it hasnt been done already. Addon makers just release several different versions I.E. one with bombs one with AGMs one with AAMs. Thats the most anoying thing about the thunderbolt in this game. It only carries mavericks when in fact it would also carry sidewinders, bombs, and an assortment of AGMs.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Paladin @ Jan. 20 2003,20:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">A proper realistic loadout would be nice.  I wonder why it hasnt been done already.  Addon makers just release several different versions I.E. one with bombs one with AGMs one with AAMs.  Thats the most anoying thing about the thunderbolt in this game.  It only carries mavericks when in fact it would also carry sidewinders, bombs, and an assortment of AGMs.<span id='postcolor'>

Im sure if it were possible BIS would have done it. 1 proxy type per aircraft is the limit right now. You can also use r raketa and l raketa to launch "tube fired" missiles or rockets. But that still limits you to only 2 different weapon systems per vehicle. When you setup the chaff/flares on l raketa and r raketa then you see why only one type is used.

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I came across this reply by AXE somewhere in these forums:

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">After doing many expirements with proxies, this is what I have


1. You can only have one proxied weapon.

2. If there is a proxy on your model, all guided weapons will

fire from it.

3. If you don't have proxies, you must define points "L strela"

and "P strela". All guided missiles will fire from these two

points unless there is a proxy on the model.

4. Unguided rockets will fire from proxies or the points

"L raketa" and "P raketa".

That seems to be the rules as far as i can tell. If you find

something to the contrary PLEASE POST IT!!! It almost

drove me insane trying to get two guided missile systems

on a plane, but eventally I gave up.

<span id='postcolor'>

L raketa and P raketa Are taken up by the Flares/Chaff. That leaves us with detachable weapons and L strela & P strela to play with.

I suggest the following loadouts: All versions will include 2 sidewinders on wingtips(L strela & P strela, won't disappear after firing),Countermeasures and of course 578 20mm rounds.


, 8 detachable rockeye bombs 2 on each underwing station (or even 2 more on centerline, if you don't mind getting rid of the fuel tank), FLIR and a targeting pod on the nacelle stations (part of the aircraft model, no function. Of course it could also be left empty tounge.gif ).

Air Defence

2 amraams on each underwing station plus 2 more on nacelle stations. Total: 10 amraams 2 sidewinders. Centerline fuel tank.

I was also hoping to get one armed with JDAMs and one with Mavericks. Also on my wish list there was a working HUD with pich ladders and all, but since there are only a handful of people who can make HUDs, we prolly won't be seeng it. Perhaps in the future version updates then wink.gif

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l strela and p strela didnt work with proxies set up  sad.gif  the missiles fire out of the middle of the plane. If I add sidewinders on the raketa memory points then the flares look like they are firing from center of plane crazy.gif I guess ill put the sidewinders on the wings as L & P raketa and you guys will have to live with the chaff looking funny when launched. Hopefully BIS will add multiple proxy support in a future patch and this can be changed. 578 rounds, Hmm thats not gonna cut it in a MP game. Thats all I play. When BIS decides to change the A10 from 2000 to 1000 I will change from 2000 to 578  wink.gif  until then I guess we both get 2000 biggrin.gif  JDAMs, Do you just want it to be a giant laser/radar locking bomb? You sure you want plain ol rockeyes instead of a CBU or some fuel air explosives? Ill switch the AGM88 version to  mavericks. I have also asked the DKM guys for some info on the animated HUD over at their forums. Hopefully they will get with me on that and the hornet can have a working heads up display.

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But then again BIS apaches carry 500 rounds instead of 1200 wink.gif Oh hell, just have ammo trucks waiting in an airbase. biggrin.gif

The JDAMs is a GPS guided bomb, and it needs no laser illumination. It looks just like a normal MK-whatever "Slick" bomb. The reason i came up with JDAMs is that you could drop precision bombs independently without the help of an illumination element.

Fuel-air? No thanks! Too much of an overkill with a blast radius of up to 1km! It's just unethical. Might as well have nukes.

Rockeyes actually are CBUs ...CBU-20s as i recall, and when i said Rockeyes i meant any types of cluster bombs tounge.gif I wouldn't mind having the flares come from the center of the plane. The countermeasure dispensers actually are quite much in the center of the plane.

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A bit late but anyways.....

TooTall quit flamebaiting please, speak to the other people in a polite, thoughtful manner or don't speak to them at all.

If you can't all (all as in not just TT) play nice we'll remove you from the sandpit smile.gif

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Oh btw... i remember there was a thread about making clusterbomb effects (bomb explodes at certain altitude raining smaller explosions underneath) somewhere in the O2-config editing -section i think.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (placebo @ Jan. 21 2003,15:52)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">A bit late but anyways.....

TooTall quit flamebaiting please, speak to the other people in a polite, thoughtful manner or don't speak to them at all.

If you can't all (all as in not just TT) play nice we'll remove you from the sandpit smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

biggrin.gif  lol took ya long enuf. . .ok ok im done havin my fun. . .i just needed to piss someone off for my own amusment  tounge.gif

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