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ZN Anhor

Extended Base Mod

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I might be wrong, its been awhile I dealt with exile code, but if I was you I will do the following:
First you need to activate the hacking feature in class CfgHacking by     enableHacking = 1;

Then if you want to add new containers to be hackable the same way safes are:
You will need to add a new class to class CfgInteractionMenus in your mission config.cpp
Check how Class Safe is structured. Copy paste rename the classname and in target = "Exile_Container_Abstract_Safe"; specify your crate classname.

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Anyone know a fix for the loot stop spawning in buildings from the mod?


I have the code for loot spawns and potions for both already

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Just two examples



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  On 2/28/2022 at 9:02 PM, Thomas TKO said:

You need the custom Code override from ebm , its on the mod i think 

Thanks mate, Would that be this? "exileclient_system_lootmanager_thread_spawn"


So is this right?  or dose the "e" on the first "exileclient_system_lootmanager_thread_spawn" need to be a capital E or stay lower case?

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My Entry in config.ccp

//EBM Loot                                
ExileClient_system_lootManager_thread_spawn                                        = "Custom\LootManager\exileclient_system_lootmanager_thread_spawn.sqf";


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So, uhm, for some reason Extended Base mods kinda works.

We got a dedicated server running Exile.Altis
Extended_Base_Mod is added, and the vendors have the items.
Items can be purchased and put in backpack (or car or whatever).
But when I go to our Territory and try to place the structures, they don't show up.
I get the construction GUI, and it looks ok, apart from the fact that I can't see the structure and thus can't palce it anywhere.
Anyone have some insight?

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  On 10/11/2023 at 8:00 AM, rgscriven said:

have you added the mod correctly and the keys

Good call on the key, fopr some reason it was missing from the server. So a quick reinstall of the addon, and everything works beautifully!

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