Vandeanson 1677 Posted March 8, 2019 Welcome to Vandeanson's Basebuilding! In this thread I will cover everything about my WIP basebuilding mod. V0. 2: feature showcase and introduction V0. 3 - I have re-written the blueprint creation function. It is now easy for users to add new custom blueprints or delete default blueprints when creating a mission. - added an option to rotate the object (the object that is being built) - added an option to get object closer or further away (max distance can be limited, currently at 5m) - GRAD persistency enabled for placed stuff (tested in client hosted and dedicated) - placed objects can be destroyed, you get back scrap materials (which can be refined into other materials again later) - moving an object will save its new position via GRAD - added a few new materials - added place-able light source with on / off switch. I plan to add a feature that requires a generator connected. See light showcase: next steps: - release updated showcase video - add more blueprints - add GRAD setting to save collected material per player - "Move" and "deconstruct" addactions to be saved via GRAD - adding possibilities to destroy other players placed objects - adding blueprint spawners, so players can collect and learn new blueprints - material traders - loot system for all materials that may be found (currently wood, stone and sand can be farmed) Looking forward to receive any input, suggestion or ideas from the community. A playable mission demo will follow shortly. Cheers VD 12 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted March 8, 2019 This is really very nice Vandeanson ! We will definitely be waiting to see more ! Keep up the good work. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vandeanson 1677 Posted March 10, 2019 Hi all, Below the earlier announced update video for v0. 3 Cheers VD 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vandeanson 1677 Posted April 9, 2019 (edited) @all After some time away from Arma, I have had some time again lately to dig into this project. I am progressing well and will release a script version/demo mission rather soon, mainly to gather as much feedback and critique as possible before I release it as mod on steam. Recent changes & and current state of main features: Interface: - addaction based - requires the max melee weapon Hammer equipped in hands to make the building menue visible - ressouces count is currently shown as hint when closing the inventory. I might add a HUD tho Simplified blue-print creator function: - select 3 types of ressources to use (e. g. Wood, electronic parts, sandbags,..) - select amount of ressources needed - enter classname of object to build. You may add ANY structure you like - select category (Walls, fences, utilies, light,....) - this will add a respective add-action in the building category of the building menue. Object display name and material costs are shown based on your settings. Persistent light switch add-action: - adds "Switch Light on/off" add-action to players. This is only visible when near light sources. - to switch lights on, a power generatior (can be built) needs to be within a certain range - if a light is switched on, the add-action will turn it off instead - works on built lights, editor placed lights and terrain object lights Utilities (structures needed for basebuilding, that can be built) : - portable generator (e.g. To power lights) - worktable (to refine ressources like wood into wooden boards) - workbench (to cut stones into cinderblocks) - windmill (to power generator) - welder (to weld metal scraps into metal panels) - Storage place (roof structure where you can persistently safe ressources e.g. A stack of wooden boards or sandbags that will be available after server restart) Crafting: - ressource refining, see utilities above - craft gear: experimenting with crafting friths ruins gear - Craft bandages/FAK from cloth ressource - craft a ghillies suit:) Ressource gathering and spawn system: - gathering (fell trees, mine stone, dig up sand) using max melee weapons (axe, shovel, pickaxe) - refining (see crafting and utilities) - all other ressources are spawned via the loot economy feature Loot economy: - a dynamic loot spawn system per player - spawns loot 500 meters around the player, but not closer than 40 meters - resets when the player moves 540 meters away from the last spawn point center and deletes the previous loot, unless any other player is nearby - loot types: spawn boxes with addaction that provide random ressources to the respective player - spawn stacks (rewards bigger amounts of ressources) of main ressources near industrial buildings - spawns military style ressources near military structures (razorwire, sandbags, metalpanels) Persistency: - placed structures are safed via GRID - gathered ressources may be stored in storage structure Object placement: - free placement - move object away/closer while placing - turn object - align object to ground or sea level - move placed objects again after placement - deconstruct placed object for partial ressource refund - i might add a height restriction, so you can not build 1000m up into the sky Persistency & MP/coop compability: - persistency via GRAD persistency - MP compatible Issues & to does: - general code clean up - finalize what ressources should be in - finalize basebuilding categories - finalize default blueprints - tune ressource gains from collecting, crafting or gathering ressources - navigation mesh: AI can still walk through placed walls. Currently no solution available. - might add a feature to create safezones (to send AI away) in your base, TBD - will add a grasscutter function - create demo mission - i ll probably add a feature that will reduce spawnchance of loot or ressources when other players are near. To avoid lootexplosions:) Cheers VD Edited April 9, 2019 by Vandeanson 4 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vandeanson 1677 Posted April 9, 2019 Example code of how to add a blueprint, figured that will be quite easy to use? _bluePrint = { [ "Land_Portable_generator_F", //classname "VABB_ElectronicParts", // ressource 1 "VABB_Wire", //ressource 2 "VABB_ScrapMetal", // ressource 3 20, // ressource 1 required amount 15, // ressource 2 required amount 10 // ressource 3 required amount ] call fnc_VABB_BlueprintCreatorv2; }; VABB_3_13_Utility append [_bluePrint]; // VABB_3_13_Utility is one of the categories Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EO 11277 Posted April 9, 2019 I should do a Ravaged Safety Vest, just for VD. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vandeanson 1677 Posted April 9, 2019 List of current ressources: might add cord or string for the crafting patterns player setvariable ["VABB_Wood",_amount,true]; player setvariable ["VABB_Stone",_amount,true]; player setvariable ["VABB_ScrapMetal",_amount,true]; player setvariable ["VABB_Cloth",_amount,true]; player setvariable ["VABB_Wire",_amount,true]; player setvariable ["VABB_Netting",_amount,true]; player setvariable ["VABB_Nail",_amount,true]; player setvariable ["VABB_MetalBar",_amount,true]; player setvariable ["VABB_ElectronicParts",_amount,true]; player setvariable ["VABB_MaterialScraps",_amount,true]; player setvariable ["VABB_Screw",_amount,true]; player setvariable ["VABB_WoodenPole",_amount,true]; player setvariable ["VABB_WoodenBoard",_amount,true]; player setvariable ["VABB_RazorWire",_amount,true]; player setvariable ["VABB_Brickstone",_amount,true]; player setvariable ["VABB_MetalPanel",_amount,true]; player setvariable ["VABB_SandBag",_amount,true]; player setvariable ["VABB_Sand",_amount,true]; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vandeanson 1677 Posted April 9, 2019 2 minutes ago, EO said: I should do a Ravaged Safety Vest, just for VD. Head-Foreman Joe would approve: 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EO 11277 Posted April 9, 2019 It shall be done then....who's gonna argue with a man brandishing a hammer! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vandeanson 1677 Posted April 9, 2019 noone... also, his union is damn strong! 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vandeanson 1677 Posted April 9, 2019 Finalized a few features:) Use of utilities and dependencies: Build a welding trolley and a workbench to weld metal panels and metal poles from metal scraps. Both utilities must be in reach while welding. Cut stones into cinderblocks on a workbench, while using a hammer. (no, not with your bare fists) Build a workstand to craft wooden boards and wooden poles from wood. With metal panels, wooden boards, wooden poles and screws you can build a storage shed. Store your ressources under this roof for persistent saving. On a workbench, with cloth and cord, you can craft a ghillie suit. With cloth, metal panels and cord you can craft ballistic vests... And so on.. Build a windmill to power power generators nearby. Build power generators to power your lights. Build lights to lighten up your base. Gather all other ressources by felling trees, mining stone, find loot in houses, near industrial buildings or in military areas and start building your base;) Weee that was a fun session! Cheers vd 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vandeanson 1677 Posted April 10, 2019 Some ideas: #1 Will add or at least experiment with a anti AI safezone at your base. It could be a dynamic area that growns the more "wall" like structures are placed until a certain max radius. Or that the safezone has a low % chance to repell closing in AI that is increased up to 100% depending on how many wall/defensive structures are built. Reppelling could be done via an actual small pushback loop (while within safezone radius) like: _pos = _zombie modeltoworld [0,-1,0] ; Or sending the AI away with BIS_fnc_scriptedMove; ( thanks @johnnyboy) #2 In addition or in combination, placed structures could add up to a defensive value for your base (maybe a base must be declared by placing a flag, and doing so will allow you to place certain special structures like containers to store gear, utilities for crafting, respawn tents... while free building anywhere only allows limitted access to some structures) . While not at your base, bandit raids could be simulated, and based on your defensive value, each attack has a chance (chance lowered by defensive value) to remove vehicles or containers from your base and destroy some structures, further weakening your base. The chance of an attack could be lowered by not placing your camp in plain open sight but in a deep forrest or by adding camo structures such as camo nettings. I welcome any idea that might help realizing the above;) Cheers Vd 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beno_83au 1369 Posted April 10, 2019 Uhhh, nuts. Thought this was a release and got a bit excited. Gonna have to follow it now and bide my time. Keep up the good work. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vandeanson 1677 Posted April 10, 2019 22 minutes ago, beno_83au said: Uhhh, nuts. Thought this was a release and got a bit excited. Gonna have to follow it now and bide my time. Keep up the good work. Soon my friend.. Soon;) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnnyboy 3802 Posted April 10, 2019 7 hours ago, Vandeanson said: Or sending the AI away with BIS_fnc_scriptedMove; ( thanks @johnnyboy) A doMove to a position away from camp might be better, as I think scriptedMoves will freak out if there is an object in their path (they either will get stuck not moving while still playing animation or ghost through it...I think). 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vandeanson 1677 Posted April 10, 2019 Oh very important, i forgot that I added a grass cutter feature😎 mown your frontyard in the z'pocalypse 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vandeanson 1677 Posted April 11, 2019 (edited) Aaalright figured I could share this version... below you ll find a unpolished demo mission, in case someone feels like testing the basebuilding script=) to fill up your mats type this in the debug console 200 call fnc_VABB_AllMats; You will find all required tools in the car. - Axe: to chop wood - Shovel: to dig for sand - hammer: have it equipped to activate basebuilding - pickaxe: to mine stone Issues: - distance for lightswitch check to lightsource is too big - lights are "built" with lights on - need to change that - sandbag crafting (under refining) missing - cinderblock crafting (under refining) missing - to store your gathered mat, you need to build a shed and store stacks of mats there. not all mats have addactions to be stored, but the concept stands - GRAD persistency system is not fully tuned yet - persistency might not work reliably yet. addon requirements: - Max Melee Weapons mod if you get around to test it, let me know what you like and what not. EDIT: copy the content except the mission.sqm file into a new mission folder, where you have placed a playable character and a Crate with max melee weapons in editor. It seems that the attached mission didnt save properly. Sorry:) cheers vd Edited April 12, 2019 by Vandeanson 2 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
anaximandross 34 Posted May 26, 2019 @Vandeanson I've been developing a mod/mission called State of Chaos, its a zombie apocalypse survival mode. I'm incredibly interested in integrating this in, and I'd be more than happy to help you with any testing that you need (I have a dedicated server and some scripting experience). Feel free to DM me if you're interested Also, I can't seem to get the stones to mine correctly. Are there specific rocks? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vandeanson 1677 Posted May 26, 2019 6 hours ago, anaximandross said: @Vandeanson I've been developing a mod/mission called State of Chaos, its a zombie apocalypse survival mode. I'm incredibly interested in integrating this in, and I'd be more than happy to help you with any testing that you need (I have a dedicated server and some scripting experience). Feel free to DM me if you're interested Also, I can't seem to get the stones to mine correctly. Are there specific rocks? Sure thing, the project is on hold until i have updated another project, but feel free to use the test versions and then also the final version if you like it. The testing capability will indeed be helpful. Happy to receive feedback! What map are you on? It recognizes the big rock formations. Small rocks and boulders usually not, could not get that to work yet:( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
anaximandross 34 Posted May 26, 2019 Ah ok, that could be it! I was on Altis, but I was looking at some of the smaller formations. Perhaps that was the issue. I was also having some sort of graphical issue regarding the menu system. It wasn't popping up at all for me. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vandeanson 1677 Posted May 27, 2019 There is no interface, it is all about addactions, and ot only pops up of ypu have a hammer equipped Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
anaximandross 34 Posted May 27, 2019 Hmm, I had the hammer out, but It was being sort of weird. Maybe I was just having trouble following what was going on. Still, great concept and has a lot of potential! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
accuracythruvolume 547 Posted June 6, 2019 Got this while trying to shovel on the beach on altis: 7:30:14 Error in expression <oor (random 3); _DirtNew = _DirtCurrent + _plusDirt; _caller setVariable ["VABB_> 7:30:14 Error position: <+ _plusDirt; _caller setVariable ["VABB_> 7:30:14 Error +: Type Bool, expected Number,Array,String,Not a Number 7:30:14 File C:\blahblahblah\Arma 3\missions\VABB_Dev1104.Altis\VABB\VD_Basebuilding\Functions\VABB_addActionsAndEH.sqf, line 67 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
accuracythruvolume 547 Posted June 6, 2019 I could also get stone pretty easy from even kinda small rocks, but wacking trees with the axe made some disappear after awhile but no wood gathered. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites