JasonTheRed 15 Posted April 11, 2019 I can't seem to get this to work. No errors but no spawning either and the credits for the script aren't loaded either. in initServer.sqf I have this line: [] execVM "GF_Auto_Population_Zombie\Credits.sqf"; // Please keep the Credits or add them to your Diary [] execVM "GF_Auto_Population_Zombie\GF_Auto_Population_Zombie_init.sqf"; When I launch the mission I enter as Zeus and do not see any spawning. I'm using MaxZombies and have the mod loaded as I can drop them in via editor or zeus. I have the latest scripts installed as well. Am I missing something? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted April 12, 2019 Hello there JasonTheRed ! Would you like to send me the mission to check it ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JasonTheRed 15 Posted May 5, 2019 I redownloaded and now I get a bunch of errors having to due with Markers. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted May 5, 2019 2 minutes ago, JasonTheRed said: I redownloaded and now I get a bunch of errors having to due with Markers. To be honest i haven't really understand what exacly is the problem about. Can you write more information ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aussie battler 94 Posted June 16, 2019 @GEORGE FLOROS GR thanks for sharing such a great script. The great @maxjoiner has added zombie dogs to his mod. The classname is "max_zombie_dog", just in case you want to add it to the next update. cheers 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted June 16, 2019 5 hours ago, aussie battler said: thanks for sharing Thank you very much @aussie battler ! I have some personal issues at the moment , but i think that in the near future , everything will be fine and we will carry on with our live and arma ! I'll try to add this as well once i can ! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aussie battler 94 Posted June 17, 2019 @GEORGE FLOROS GR hope everything works itself out for you.The legend @maca134 kindly added Max_Zombies to A3 Launcher 🙂 For those wanting zombie dogs: In Units_Array.sqf search for GF_APZ_Max_zombies and add: "max_zombie_dog", should look like this: Spoiler GF_APZ_Max_zombies = [ // Max_Zombies classnames "max_zombie_dog", "Max_zombie", "Max_zombie_female1_2", "Max_zombie_female1_5", "Max_zombie_female1_4", "Max_zombie_female1_3", "Max_zombie_female1_1", "Max_zombie_female1", "Max_zombie_female2_2", "Max_zombie_female2_5", "Max_zombie_female2_4", "Max_zombie_female2_3", "Max_zombie_female2_1", "Max_zombie_female2", "Max_zombie_monster", "Max_zombie_monster5", "Max_zombie_monster4", "Max_zombie_monster3", "Max_zombie_monster1", "Max_zombie_4", "Max_zombie_3", "Max_zombie1_5", "Max_zombie1_4", "Max_zombie1_1", "Max_zombie2", "Max_zombie2_2", "Max_zombie2_5", "Max_zombie2_1", "Max_zombie3_2", "Max_zombie3_4", "Max_zombie4_3", "Max_zombie4_1", "Max_zombie4", "Max_zombie_monster2", "Max_zombie1", "Max_zombie3_5", "Max_zombie3_3", "Max_zombie3_1", "Max_zombie3", "Max_zombie4_2", "Max_zombie4_5", "Max_zombie4_4", "Max_zombie_2", "Max_zombie_5", "Max_zombie_1", "Max_zombie1_2", "Max_zombie1_3", "Max_zombie2_4", "Max_zombie2_3" ]; 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aussie battler 94 Posted June 19, 2019 Great work on this script @GEORGE FLOROS GR, I can see you have put allot of time & effort into it. Is it just me or do @maxjoiner 's zombies not really work with this script? I find that the fast zombies are the only ones you need to be aware of. The others (slow / medium zombies) don't move (they seem stuck on one spot). They will still do the zombie animation & deal damage if you get close. I have removed Vcom just in case that was messing with them. Ryan Zombies & Demons work fine. Maybe they are on a smoko break? EDIT: Maybe its because I am adding GF loot to the Zombies that is stuffing up Max Zombie behavior. Ill try it without & see if that gets them going. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted June 19, 2019 3 hours ago, aussie battler said: Is it just me or do @maxjoiner 's zombies not really work with this script? I noticed this as well and i think it's because of the added movement. Maybe this is what is messing with , because so else i don't think that there is any problem with the Mod separate. I have also sometime ago tried also to help a little bit Max about the zombies , so i know generally what is written in. I'm not that sure , but there is this possibility. Maybe if i remove the movement and use only the spawn will be fine. I need to check it once i can ! Thank you very much aussie battler for the feedback ! Feel free to ask me about anything , in the meantime have fun ! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted June 19, 2019 20 hours ago, aussie battler said: EDIT: Maybe its because I am adding GF loot to the Zombies that is stuffing up Max Zombie behavior. Ill try it without & see if that gets them going. I don't think that this is the problem ! It doesn't work with the uniforms corectly with the Max zombies. I just ended a different but very similar script if you have time to check it , because i haven't that much ! It's a lighter , probably better with the basic stuff : +GF_Zombie_Spawner.Stratis.zip this one doesn't include WP. The Zombies will be spawn only in the residencial areas and despawn in the selected distance. There is a loadout selection. There is unit and group spawn , with no WP , garrisoned and stalk option. I have the stalk commented // in order to check it first without. See you and have fun ! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aussie battler 94 Posted June 20, 2019 @GEORGE FLOROS GR appreciate your help, Ill test it out and let you know the results. I asked Maca to put Max Zombies in A3 Launcher. It is such a great mod, would be a shame to let it go to waste. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aussie battler 94 Posted June 20, 2019 @GEORGE FLOROS GR I may have found the problem, I think it is the zombie dogs & monsters. Your new script worked fine for a few minutes and then froze. RPT error: Cannot create non-ai vehicle Max_zombie_monster, Cannot create non-ai vehicle max_zombie_dog , The zombie dogs are created in with helipads (createvehicle) and then have the models attached to the empty helipad: Spoiler _DS = "Land_HelipadEmpty_F" createvehicle getpos _D; _S = ["zdm1","zdm2","zdm3"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; [[_DS, _S], "S_M", true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; The other zombies are created with createUnit (cant see where the monsters are created): Spoiler _grp = Creategroup east; _zb = _grp createUnit [_zombie,_pos, [], 0, "NONE"]; I am going to try to spawn the zombies using code from Maxjoiner's mod config & swap it into GF Zombie Spawner: Spoiler //_Unit = _Group createunit [selectrandom GF_ZS_Enemy_array,_buildingpos,[],0,"Can_collide"]; _Group = createGroup GF_ZS_Enemy_Side; _Group setVariable [GF_ZS_Enemy_Side]; _Unit = [_pos,10,1,"random"] spawn zombie_anim_FNC_create_zombies; //Max's spawn notes: nul = [_location,_distance,Zombies_numbers,zombies_type] spawn zombie_anim_FNC_create_zombies; [_Unit] joinSilent grpNull; [_Unit] joinSilent _Group; _Unit setVariable["Var_GF_ZS_Spawn",true]; _Unit spawn GF_ZS_Cleaner; if (_unit isEqualTo "Max_zombie_monster", "max_zombie_dog") exitWith {}; // I dont think the dogs & monster are going to wear uniforms because they are created by createVehicle. if(GF_ZS_Change_Loadout)then{_unit spawn GF_ZS_Loadout;}; No need to answer, I know you are short on time. I am just trouble shooting. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted June 20, 2019 4 minutes ago, aussie battler said: No need to answer, I know you are short on time. I am just trouble shooting. Thank you very much , i didn't notice about it ! So on right now , if you don't spawn the dogs and the monsters , is it working as intended ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aussie battler 94 Posted June 20, 2019 Ok making progress. Thanks for the new spawner code, it seems to use less resources. The problem was with the dog & monster ai not spawning + adding gear (I think it is the uniform). Max Zombies work without dogs, monsters & adding gear. When you dont add gear there is a zombie avatar in place of the uniform. When I try and add the zombie avatar to myself the game crashed. I'll try adding loot without adding a uniform (maybe just a vest + backpack). I'll add the code here when I get something that works. Max Zombies are on side East, Im trying to get them off that. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted June 20, 2019 3 hours ago, aussie battler said: Max Zombies are on side East, Im trying to get them off that. Thank you very much aussie battler ! I have sometime , so i'm going to check it as well ! The new spawner should work better. I tried to edit this more simple , because so else there was no need of the whole other scripts from the original ai population script. - do you want to change the side of the zombies ( east ) ? if this is what you mean , there is available this in the settings. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aussie battler 94 Posted June 21, 2019 Hey George Max Zombies are already on side east. Your new zombie spawner script leaves them on side east (even when I change the config). I think you were just missing this in GF_Zombie_Spawner_Types.sqf: ( [_unit] JoinSilent _Group; ) Spoiler //________________ Author : GEORGE FLOROS [GR] ___________ 19.06.19 _____________ /* ________________ GF Zombie Spawner Script - Mod ________________ Not Published yet SOON ! Please keep the Credits or add them to your Diary https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SQF_syntax Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ ArmA 3 | Notepad ++ SQF tutorialhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aI5P7gp3x90 and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colors to be able to detect ex. problems )http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8680 or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in:https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215850-compilation-list-of-my-gf-scripts/ BI Forum Ravage Club Owner :https://forums.bohemia.net/clubs/73-bi-forum-ravage-club/ */ private["_pos","_Group","_unit","_stalked","_Buildings","_Building","_buildingpos","_buildingpos","_buildingPositions","_count"]; if(GF_ZS_Systemchat_info)then{ systemchat "GF_Zombie_Spawner_Types Script - Mod initializing"; }; if(GF_ZS_diag_log_info)then{ diag_log "//________________ GF_Zombie_Spawner_Types Script - Mod initializing ________________"; }; //___________________ GF_ZS_No_WP_Unit ___________________ GF_ZS_No_WP_Unit = { if(count allUnits < GF_ZS_Enemy_Max_Number)then{ _pos = GF_ZS_pos; if!(_pos isEqualTo [0,0,0])then{ _Group = createGroup GF_ZS_Enemy_Side; _unit = _Group createUnit [selectrandom GF_ZS_Enemy_array,_pos,[],0,"NONE"]; [_unit] JoinSilent _Group; _unit setVariable["Var_GF_ZS_Spawn",true]; if(GF_ZS_Change_Loadout)then{_unit spawn GF_ZS_Loadout;}; _unit spawn GF_ZS_Cleaner; }; }; }; //___________________ GF_ZS_Stalk_Unit ___________________ GF_ZS_Stalk_Unit = { if(count allUnits < GF_ZS_Enemy_Max_Number)then{ _pos = GF_ZS_pos; if!(_pos isEqualTo [0,0,0])then{ _Group = createGroup GF_ZS_Enemy_Side; _unit = _Group createUnit [selectrandom GF_ZS_Enemy_array,_pos,[],0,"NONE"]; [_unit] JoinSilent _Group; _unit setVariable["Var_GF_ZS_Spawn",true]; if(GF_ZS_Change_Loadout)then{_unit spawn GF_ZS_Loadout;}; _unit spawn GF_ZS_Cleaner; _Group setBehaviour "AWARE"; _Group setCombatMode "RED"; if (isMultiplayer) then { _stalked = selectrandom GF_ZS_allPlayers; [_Group,group _stalked] spawn BIS_fnc_stalk; }else{ [_Group,group player] spawn BIS_fnc_stalk; }; }; }; }; //___________________ GF_ZS_Garrison_Unit ___________________ GF_ZS_Garrison_Excluded_Buildings = [ "Building_Classname_here", "Building_Classname_here" ]; GF_ZS_Garrison_Unit = { if(count allUnits < GF_ZS_Enemy_Max_Number)then{ _Buildings = nearestObjects [GF_ZS_Pos,["House", "Building"],GF_ZS_Garrison_Area_Distance]; if(typeName _Buildings != "ARRAY") exitWith {}; if(count _Buildings > 0)then{ _Building = selectRandom _Buildings; if(!(typeOf _Building in GF_ZS_Garrison_Excluded_Buildings))then{ _buildingPositions = [_Building]call BIS_fnc_buildingPositions; _count = count _buildingPositions; if(_count > 0)then{ _buildingpos = selectRandom _buildingPositions; _buildingpos = [(_buildingpos select 0),(_buildingpos select 1),(_buildingpos select 2)]; if !(_buildingpos isEqualTo [0,0,0])then{ _Group = createGroup GF_ZS_Enemy_Side; _unit = _Group createUnit [selectrandom GF_ZS_Enemy_array,_buildingpos,[],0,"NONE"]; [_unit] JoinSilent _Group; _unit setVariable["Var_GF_ZS_Spawn",true]; if(GF_ZS_Change_Loadout)then{_unit spawn GF_ZS_Loadout;}; _unit spawn GF_ZS_Cleaner; }; }; }; }; }; }; //___________________ GF_ZS_No_WP_Group ___________________ GF_ZS_No_WP_Group= { if(count allUnits < GF_ZS_Enemy_Max_Number)then{ _pos = GF_ZS_pos; if!(_pos isEqualTo [0,0,0])then{ _Group = createGroup GF_ZS_Enemy_Side; for "_x" from 0 to(GF_ZS_Squad_Members + random GF_APZ_Squad_Members_random)do{ _unit = _Group createUnit [selectrandom GF_ZS_Enemy_array,_pos,[],0,"NONE"]; [_unit] JoinSilent _Group; _unit setVariable["Var_GF_ZS_Spawn",true]; if(GF_ZS_Change_Loadout)then{_unit spawn GF_ZS_Loadout;}; _unit spawn GF_ZS_Cleaner; }; }; }; }; //___________________ GF_ZS_Stalk_Group ___________________ GF_ZS_Stalk_Group = { if(count allUnits < GF_ZS_Enemy_Max_Number)then{ _pos = GF_ZS_pos; if!(_pos isEqualTo [0,0,0])then{ _Group = createGroup GF_ZS_Enemy_Side; for "_x" from 0 to(GF_ZS_Squad_Members + random GF_APZ_Squad_Members_random)do{ _unit = _Group createUnit [selectrandom GF_ZS_Enemy_array,_pos,[],0,"NONE"]; //nul = [_pos,50,1,"random"] spawn zombie_anim_FNC_create_zombies; //nul = [_location,_distance,Zombies_numb,zombies_type] spawn zombie_anim_FNC_create_zombies; [_unit] JoinSilent _Group; _unit setVariable["Var_GF_ZS_Spawn",true]; if(GF_ZS_Change_Loadout)then{_unit spawn GF_ZS_Loadout;}; _unit spawn GF_ZS_Cleaner; }; _Group setBehaviour "AWARE"; _Group setCombatMode "RED"; if (isMultiplayer) then { _stalked = selectrandom GF_ZS_allPlayers; [_Group,group _stalked] spawn BIS_fnc_stalk; }else{ [_Group,group player] spawn BIS_fnc_stalk; }; }; }; }; if(GF_ZS_Systemchat_info)then{ systemchat "GF_Zombie_Spawner_Types Script - Mod initialized"; }; if(GF_ZS_diag_log_info)then{ diag_log "//________________ GF_Zombie_Spawner_Types Script - Mod initialized ________________"; }; Comment out the monster & dogs from units array: Spoiler GF_ZS_Max_zombies = [ // Max_Zombies classnames //"max_zombie_dog ", "Max_zombie", "Max_zombie_female1_2", "Max_zombie_female1_5", "Max_zombie_female1_4", "Max_zombie_female1_3", "Max_zombie_female1_1", "Max_zombie_female1", "Max_zombie_female2_2", "Max_zombie_female2_5", "Max_zombie_female2_4", "Max_zombie_female2_3", "Max_zombie_female2_1", "Max_zombie_female2", //"Max_zombie_monster", //"Max_zombie_monster5", //"Max_zombie_monster4", //"Max_zombie_monster3", //"Max_zombie_monster1", "Max_zombie_4", "Max_zombie_3", "Max_zombie1_5", "Max_zombie1_4", "Max_zombie1_1", "Max_zombie2", "Max_zombie2_2", "Max_zombie2_5", "Max_zombie2_1", "Max_zombie3_2", "Max_zombie3_4", "Max_zombie4_3", "Max_zombie4_1", "Max_zombie4", //"Max_zombie_monster2", "Max_zombie1", "Max_zombie3_5", "Max_zombie3_3", "Max_zombie3_1", "Max_zombie3", "Max_zombie4_2", "Max_zombie4_5", "Max_zombie4_4", "Max_zombie_2", "Max_zombie_5", "Max_zombie_1", "Max_zombie1_2", "Max_zombie1_3", "Max_zombie2_4", "Max_zombie2_3" ]; In GF_Zobie_Spawner_list.sqf I think GF_ZS_Stalk_Unit is working. Zombies are tracking and coming after me. You can uncomment that one, I still have to test GF_ZS_Stalk_Group Spoiler GF_ZS_Spawner_List = { _Unit = selectRandom [ GF_ZS_Stalk_Unit, // Might not work with Max Mod GF_ZS_No_WP_Unit, GF_ZS_Garrison_Unit ]; _Group = selectRandom [ GF_ZS_Stalk_Group, // Might not work with Max Mod GF_ZS_No_WP_Group ]; I'll keep experimenting & give you more results on what is working. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted June 21, 2019 10 hours ago, aussie battler said: I'll keep experimenting & give you more results on what is working. Thank you very much for everything ! - Did you got my message ? The loadout script works but it needs to be commented the uniform change , because it fails due to the woman zombies : man woman also the grenades must be removed , because i notice that they use it to each other and i haven't add any random about the primary anad the handguns yet. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted June 23, 2019 Here is a little bit more fixed version of the new spawner : +GF_Zombie_Spawner.Stratis.zip It can be used any kind of unit ( not only Zombies ) , but on right now it's tested on how it's working with Max Zombies. the dog now is working and the women are excluded from the extra loadout random script , only for the uniform. There is added some random for the gear loadout. The stalk and garrison options are working as well. The side selection is now fixed , but the Max zombies , seem to have also - rating. there are still some issues with the loadout script and certain zombies , but i can't detect them on right now , because the classname is different from the ingame name. here are some pics : 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aussie battler 94 Posted June 23, 2019 Hey @GEORGE FLOROS GR Great work on the upgrade to zombies spawn script. I have noticed the FPS pickup up & I can spawn lots more zombies now. The old script would search for a safe position to spawn near a player, this one hits up a town straight away. The script is very lightweight & kind to system resources. You were right about removing zombies throwing grenades, players complained straight away. Zombies spawn in straight away, near the player, nice work. Zombies track a player & are drawn to them. The different outfits make every zombie look individual, love it. 10 out of 10 for this script buddy. Thanks for sharing it and getting Max Zombies to work with it. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted July 15, 2019 Thank you very much aussie ! I have update this more , i didn't had that much of time though but i will check it more in the near future and maybe update soon all the population scripts as well. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jandrews 117 Posted October 12, 2019 Hey gf. Is this mod ready to use with all 3 zombie mods? And is there a user guide on set up? Thanks for your stamina with arma scripting. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted October 12, 2019 5 hours ago, jandrews said: Hey gf. Hello there jandrews ! It's been a while since i have edit this and i didn't manage to update this , so i will upload the files , but i can't remember if there was anything that i have to do etc. It should be working for all the 3 mods , but i can't really remember and i can't check it on right now. You can test this and if you want , you can tell me about it . I'll check it as well once i can. +GF_Zombie_Spawner.Stratis.zip Expires in: 29 days 21:59:18 | Size: 20.9 KB | 12.10.19 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MG141 0 Posted January 23, 2021 Hello, I am using your stratis mission for zombies, but I'm getting this error in the server console and having hard time trying to fix it. I also had problem with dynamic simulation but I disabled it. This is ln line 99 of "zombie cleaner" Error code: 15:18:19 Error in expression <ce}count playableUnits isEqualTo 0) ) then { _Unit_list = _Unit_list - [_x]; d> Error position: <then { _Unit_list = _Unit_list - [_x]; d> Error Undefined behavior: waitUntil returned nil. True or false expected The script it not initialized and no zombies spawn. I didn't change any configuration except spawn radius. If anyone has a solution I would be really thankful. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bck-bbb4bcca850c9eb6 0 Posted June 17, 2021 Does anyone have the GitHub to this? Armaholic is shut down, so I'd really appreciate if someone could upload it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aussie battler 94 Posted July 17, 2021 @bck-bbb4bcca850c9eb6 Great script, you can get it here: https://github.com/aussie-battler/GEORGE-FLOROS-GR-Arma3-Scripts 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites