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David Shipley

Is the geforce 4 ti4200 good enough for ofp?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Major Fubar @ Dec. 30 2002,11:43)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I've got a P4 1.8G processor with 256MB PC2100 ram. My OFP really sucks at long view distances, but seems to do OK with all other settings (resolution, detail etc.).

I have a GF2 video card. I am thinking of buying a GF4 Ti4600. Are you telling me this won't make any difference to the maximum viewdistance I can use without slowing up the game?  confused.gif<span id='postcolor'>

I had a Geforce 2 MX400 and recnetly upgraded to a Geforce 4 Ti4600 and the only real difference is that I can put x4 AA on and a few more options on and get a slightly higher frame rate. Viewdistance and geometry are real killers of frame rate so i keep them the same

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When I get my 2400+, 512 corsair XMS3200, Epox 8rda+ and Ti4600 later this week I'll tell ya how it goes smile.gif

Should be able to crank it all up and run smoothly, especially since I'll be running the 2400+ at 2400mhz with FSB/RAM at 200mhz

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (//relic// @ Dec. 31 2002,07:05)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">When I get my 2400+, 512 corsair XMS3200, Epox 8rda+ and Ti4600 later this week I'll tell ya how it goes smile.gif

Should be able to crank it all up and run smoothly, especially since I'll be running the 2400+ at 2400mhz with FSB/RAM at 200mhz<span id='postcolor'>

Just don't come here and bitch about how unstable OFP has become wink.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Black Knight @ Dec. 30 2002,09:49)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Major Fubar @ Dec. 30 2002,12:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">As for the RAM, I'm running Win 98, which can only utilise 256mb RAM. When I upgrade to Win 2000 or Win XP, I will get some more RAM.<span id='postcolor'>

What do you mean it can only utilise 256mb RAM? I have Win 98 SE with 512 ddr. Does this mean i need to upgrade to XP confused.gif

btw does my avatar show up?<span id='postcolor'>

Of course Windows 98/98SE/ME can utilize more than 256MB of RAM -- it can address up to 4GB, I believe.

However, it doesn't do this very efficiently, and once you go beyond 512MB of RAM, the system may actually slow down during operation, or give memory allocation errors when there is plenty of memory free. There is a Microsoft Knowledgebase article explaining the issue and offering a workaround.

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Well i'm planning to upgrade my pc to XP soon anyways, also gonna add another 512 ddr stick and a GeForce 4 Ti4600, but thanks for that info Frag, didn't know that.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Mister Frag @ Jan. 01 2003,01:07)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Black Knight @ Dec. 30 2002,09:49)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Major Fubar @ Dec. 30 2002,12:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">As for the RAM, I'm running Win 98, which can only utilise 256mb RAM. When I upgrade to Win 2000 or Win XP, I will get some more RAM.<span id='postcolor'>

What do you mean it can only utilise 256mb RAM? I have Win 98 SE with 512 ddr. Does this mean i need to upgrade to XP confused.gif

btw does my avatar show up?<span id='postcolor'>

Of course Windows 98/98SE/ME can utilize more than 256MB of RAM -- it can address up to 4GB, I believe.

However, it doesn't do this very efficiently, and once you go beyond 512MB of RAM, the system may actually slow down during operation, or give memory allocation errors when there is plenty of memory free. There is a Microsoft Knowledgebase article explaining the issue and offering a workaround.<span id='postcolor'>

Well, I'll be sure to tell all my IT lecturers that they were wrong about the practical RAM limit of Win 98. wink.gif

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Well, as you can see from my PC below, I don't have a really sluggish one. However, with a view distance of 2500m my GF4 @ 1280x1024-32 can't cope if I activate FSAA or aniso sad.gif

Then, the idea is simple, get a Radeon9700Pro that takes very little hit in fps if you activate FSAA and aniso. HOWEVER most Radeon9700 OFP players report flashing textures in the game ... which crap part of the game if not all of it ... too bad indeed.

I really hope that both BIS and ATI will solve that one soon confused.gif

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i tried on uncles compiuter:

P 2.4

1gb ram

geforce 4

hd top speed

I put all setings on full, and the game runs fine, then i put viewdistance on 5000m and the game was still fine the frames drop from vd 3000 to vd 5000m (34-27)

i fly a-10 very high above island and the island was beautifoll

thats good dont ya think?? smile.gifbiggrin.gifxmas.gif

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Guest BratZ

Woah you were able to put it on best quality and max range?

And still be able to play? That is #$@!!!@ SWEET!!

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yeah !

world must be on high not on wery high detail sad.gif

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Suma mentioned some time ago that the hardware that can handle the full graphical detail in OFP doesn't exists yet.

If you max everything out with today's CPUs and video cards, you'll be watching a slideshow regardless of what you have.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Totala @ Jan. 07 2003,21:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">HOWEVER most Radeon9700 OFP players report flashing textures in the game ... which crap part of the game if not all of it ... too bad indeed.

I really hope that both BIS and ATI will solve that one soon  confused.gif<span id='postcolor'>

According to the ATI guys at the Rage3D forum the problem with flashing textures is solved and the fix will most likely be in the next driver release. They wouldn’t say when this driver will be released though.

But I have to say that this problem is not that big as I though it would be when I first bought my 9700. Its not like its flashing all the time. Most of the time its working fine and it looks great with FSAA and anisotropic filtering smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote ([WKK]-SkyQuake @ Dec. 30 2002,08:57)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">A GF4 TI4200 shuld easily be able to run OFP in 1600*1200, even with 4x Antialising on!<span id='postcolor'>

I have an Athlon XP 2400+ with 512MB 333 DDR RAM and a Creative 3D Blaster Ti 4200. I can`t run these settings confused.gif

I play in 1280x1024x32, normal detail ingame setting, 1880 viewdistance. In the external OFP configuration menu I have set both LOD settings to maximum and all details up, only terrain is set to second best choice. That`s realistic, I can`t run a single game in 1600x1200 with 4xAA smile.gif

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I'm planning on getting a

AMD Atlon XP 2400+

512mb PC2700 Ram

Nforce 2 Motherboard with AGP 8x

Geforce 4 Ti4600

SB Audigy 2


And a small set of 4.1 speakers because i use headphones mostly anyway

I'm hoping i can run OFP decently on Nogova with lot's of unit and maybe 2000-3000 view distance. Do you think i shoulf get better components anywhere? XP 2600? I'm on a Å1300 budget

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I wouldn`t take an Athlon XP 2600+, because it costs a lot more than the 2400+. And the speed improvement is very low. In fact it`s even hard to see a difference between my 2400+ and my older 2000+. I only have 900-1000 3dmarks more.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (FallenPaladin @ Jan. 08 2003,21:28)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I play in 1280x1024x32, normal detail ingame setting, 1880 viewdistance. In the external OFP configuration menu I have set both LOD settings to maximum and all details up, only terrain is set to second best choice.<span id='postcolor'>

I always use the single mission Battlefields as a benchmark to see if my settings work out. The settings above work fine on this system configuration smile.gif

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To all you lads (and lassies) thinking about getting a GF4 Ti4600 i would say this, don't! for probably around half the price you could get one of the cards from Albatron, they are selling Ti4200's that are made using better quality pcb's and 3.3 ns memory chips, they are basically built to be overclocked and can easily be overclocked to beyond the specs of the 4600. The latest ones are also 8x agp compatible, i plan on getting one of these myself to replace my ageing radeon 8500le. And the cash you save on that could be put to good use on a new stick of ram, a faster cpu, or a nice new HDD. Have a look around you will see that these Albatron cards are very highly rated!. I think they are designated 4200 turbo or something, with the newest 8 x agp versions designated 4680 turbo or something similiar. Here's a link to one of several reviews done on these cards, or go to google and type in the name of the card and search around yourself...Albatron Ti4200 review

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I used to play OFP with a PII233, 128MB RAM (66 mhz) and a 3dfx voodoo banshee 16 MB,

it worked,

so your GF4 will do fine wink.gif

ow yes don't worry, I got a new pc now biggrin.gif

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May I say:

I bought an ATi card last year and I will never buy one again.

Enough said.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (S_Z @ Jan. 08 2003,12:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Totala @ Jan. 07 2003,21:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">HOWEVER most Radeon9700 OFP players report flashing textures in the game ... which crap part of the game if not all of it ... too bad indeed.

I really hope that both BIS and ATI will solve that one soon  confused.gif<span id='postcolor'>

According to the ATI guys at the Rage3D forum the problem with flashing textures is solved and the fix will most likely be in the next driver release. They wouldn’t say when this driver will be released though.

But I have to say that this problem is not that big as I though it would be when I first bought my 9700. Its not like its flashing all the time. Most of the time its working fine and it looks great with FSAA and anisotropic filtering smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Hi there-Do you happen to have the 9700 PRO or 9700 TX? I'm about to invest in a new Dell, and I'm wondering if the 9700PRO that is an additional $180 above the TX (When you get it from Dell) is really worth it. If everything goes correctly, my new system should look like this:

Dell Dimension 8250

P4 2.4 GHz

512 MB PC1066 RD RAM

120 GB Ultra ATA/100 HD

Win XP Home OS

19" FD P992 FD Trinitron Monitor

128 MB DDR ATI Radeon 9700 TX

48x CD ROM

40x/10x/40x Max CD-RW Drive (2nd bay)

Altec Lansing ADA745 4.1 Surround Sound Speakers w/ Subwoofer

Sound Blaster­ Audigy 2 sound card with DVD Audio

I think I should be able to run OFP/OFP-R/SEBNAM with ease. My current P3 1.0 GHz w/ 512 MB PC133 RAM & Nvidea G-Force 2 GTS isn't quite cutting it these days when playing OFP online, especially when I play with the NAM pack.

Thanks for your help!

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I have the 9700 Pro version. I’m not sure if its worth the extra cost to get the Pro version, the only difference as far as I know is the speed they are running at, there is no extra features with the Pro version. You could probably overclock the TX version to run at the same speed as the Pro without too much trouble if you wanted.

IF you can you should wait a couple of weeks until the Geforce FX arrives, that will make the price of the Pro version to drop a bit I’m sure…I couldn’t wait any longer and I had to get a new card smile.gif I also had a Geforce 2gts before this one.

What ever you choose you will get a great card! All games looks so great now that you can run them with 4xAA and 8/16x anisotropy filtering and it still run smooth smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (S_Z @ Jan. 11 2003,03:27)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">IF you can you should wait a couple of weeks until the Geforce FX arrives<span id='postcolor'>

That's what I'm holding out for. I dunno how long I'll be able to take waiting, the Geforce4 is really tempting and not too expensive, but I think holding out for the FX will be worth it. It's a major leap in technology compared to going from the Geforce2 to the Geforce4. Then again, if it costs $400, I don't think it will catch on too quickly, and if that happens, developers aren't going to bother supporting the custom features of the card.

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I would go for a 8X MoBO and get a cheap GF4Ti4200 8X AGP card,

that way you have the newest hardware that is cheap and the possibility to upgrade in the future.

I have a:

P4 2,53 Ghz

Asus P4S533

512 MB DDR333

GF4 Ti4200 128MB

SB audigy platinum

there isn't a game which I can't play with everything on high and on FSAA 4x.

I'm a happy 'camper' biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (HK (HunterKiller) @ Jan. 10 2003,13:56)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">To all you lads (and lassies) thinking about getting a GF4 Ti4600 i would say this, don't! for probably around half the price you could get one of the cards from Albatron, they are selling Ti4200's that are made using better quality pcb's and 3.3 ns memory chips, they are basically built to be overclocked and can easily be overclocked to beyond the specs of the 4600. The latest ones are also 8x agp compatible, i plan on getting one of these myself to replace my ageing radeon 8500le. And the cash you save on that could be put to good use on a new stick of ram, a faster cpu, or a nice new HDD. Have a look around you will see that these Albatron cards are very highly rated!. I think they are designated 4200 turbo or something, with the newest 8 x agp versions designated 4680 turbo or something similiar. Here's a link to one of several reviews done on these cards, or go to google and type in the name of the card and search around yourself...Albatron Ti4200 review<span id='postcolor'>

HK, for a Ti4200 card the Albatron's are great Ti4200's.

However, do not expect to OC it to even close to Ti4600 speeds anymore. The Albatron cards that all the reviewers received were using Hynix (?) ram, however Albatron has since changed to Samsung 3.3ns BGA ram, which overclocks poorly and robs the core of the voltage it needs to achieve oc's like 310-320.

So basically - buy an Albatron now and you'll pay a premium price, but with nothing to show for it. You're probably better off buying an Abit OTES, Triplex 3.3ns or X-micro card as they achieve pretty good overclocks but don't cost as much as the Albatron.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (TE Hellfire @ Jan. 10 2003,11:54)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">May I say:

I bought an ATi card last year and I will never buy one again.

Enough said.<span id='postcolor'>

same here, but me it's a bit different

I got myshelf a new HDD, but I found out that my Gforce 2 MX400 and MSI K7T Turbo Limited Edition motherboard were not compatible with it (don't know why, this is stupid), so I have change video card with my father and now i'm stuck with an ATI Radeon 7000 (so you guys complening having a "old" Radeon 8500, if I were you I would not complain much)

with my gforce I could run everything without problem at normal/high resolution

and damn ATI s*ck in making drivers! crazy.gif

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