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All Arma 3 WW2 Mods Compilation List

Last updated:  January 1st, 2025

Current number of mods in the list: 573


Hello WW2 Fans!

    This compilation list was created from my frustration of steam Workshop's lack

of function to better sort items in collections, this sorted list is my

Arma3 WW2 Steams Workshop Collection seen here:


that compiles all the WW2 items (not missions) into one place!


The collection on the Steam Workshop page has all the items in one place however they are not

separated or sorted based on type or subject, my list here does this for you!

Video Overview

Animations & Static Poses

  Reveal hidden contents

Backpacks, Helmets, Gameplay, Infantry Weapons, Objects, Planes, Ships, Statics, Structures, & Tanks

  Reveal hidden contents

Compatibility Mods

  Reveal hidden contents


  Reveal hidden contents

Creator DLC SpearHead 1944

  Reveal hidden contents

Factions & Units

  Reveal hidden contents

Insignias & Loadouts

  Reveal hidden contents

Major Conversion Mods

  Reveal hidden contents

Map Markers

  Reveal hidden contents

Outfits & Uniforms

  Reveal hidden contents

Singleplayer / Multiplayer Campaigns

  Reveal hidden contents

Retexture packs, & Texture packs

  Reveal hidden contents


  Reveal hidden contents

Sound, Music, Radio, & Voice Sound Mods

  Reveal hidden contents

Terrains (Maps)

  Reveal hidden contents


I hope that my list here will help the community recognize the creators for their work,

and give credit where due, as new content adds more enjoyment and replayability to the game.



This thread will be updated as new content is added to the Steam Workshop Collection.

Edited by Gunter Severloh
Added new mods, fixed some mispelled words.
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You guys are welcome!

I'm planning to update the list and add some description to each listing based on the mod or whatever the item is,

this way when you are searching for something you can get a brief idea of what the listing is all about instead of having to click on each one.


Some names for mods aren't very straight forward describing what they are so i think a brief description for each will seriously help.

Another idea i was playing with is to have the overview pic for each listing, but im not sure that will work, it may break or space the listings to much and make

the list much longer then what it is, i had tried using spoilers for each section but it made the list messy and things started blending so i left it as is.


Now if you guys find a mod or something that is WW2 even a map that is suited for a WW2 Scenario please post your reply, pm me, or contact me on steam

and let me know, and i will add it to the collections on steamworkshop and add it here.

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Compatibility mods

  • CSA38 ACE Compatibility
  • FRL - Frontline IFA Compatibility

 Helmets, Infantry Weapons, Objects, Planes, Statics, & Tanks

Under Tanks

  • FWW2 T26 (Alpha)

Terrains (Maps)

  • Vis
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Maps in the community are referred to as terrain, missions or scenario's which you are asking about are the terms or words you want to use.

As for your question the only SP/MP missions i have are linked in my sig for IFA3 only, theres really not much i can do with the missions if you typed in IFA3 or Iron Front

in Steam workshop you would get just about every mission there and all are in those 2 collections i have, the collections are already sorted by Alphabetical order,

a good portion of them can be played in SP/COOP or MP but both are separated specifically on sp or MP.

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Singleplayer/Multiplayer Campaign Mission Mods

  • Greece at War 1940 - 1949
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Outfits & Uniforms


  • 11th Armoured Division Uniforms - World War Two
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Additions & Changes:

  • Added descriptions to several listings, this is WIP so not completed yet
  • Adjusted top description spacing
  • Added Video overview title
  • Adjusted font size of Item subjects as well as item listings themselves
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Compatibility mods

  • FOW ACRE2 Compatibility
  • IFA3 ACRE2 Compatibility
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  • Added more descriptions to the listings, more to be done still WIP

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Outfits & Uniforms

  • "Hohenstaufen" Re-tex Pack


  • Fixed some listings were not alphabetical order
  • Fixed some misspells 
  • Added a few more descriptions to some listings (still WIP)

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  • Finished adding descriptions to the listings except for a few because their names, and lack of desc on the page itself.
  • Adjusted spacing of listings.
  • Fixed couple spelling errors.
  • Removed a listing that had nothing to do with WW2.


I hope that the list doesn't seem gaudy if thats the right word for it, in some respects  at least to me it looks a bit better (cleaner)

without the descriptions, but the descriptions will save you time.


Description color/size

Getting the appropriate size, and color for the descriptions was a bit tricky, but it seems to work to a degree, i tried many other colors, and the

red on a smaller font seems to work and not make it overshadow the listing itself, that overall was the purpose to provide information for the listing without making it

blend in, or overshadow,  if anyone else has a better suggestion please let me know.


New ideas

   I would like to try other ideas where the sections per subject stands out, which will make it cleaner and look more organized, my overall goal

for this was to provide listings with information to a point where you scroll very little to see each section, something like i did with my AI compilation list, i may

still experiment and see what i can do better here, stay tuned!

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  • Adjusted/Fixed/added a - before descriptions of listings as well as space between a listing and its description
  • Increased the size of the Subject Headers over listings and changed the color to blue
  • Put all listings per subject into Spoilers, which condense the listings, allowing you to access, scroll, and view each subject and listing more efficiently
  • Moved the last update text to the title like i have it with my AI Compilation list - (Allows for faster status of the list)
  • Removed some wording/lines in a few listings so that they are more condensed, and readable
  • Increased the size of the Video overview title and changed the color to blue
  • Made bold the title that points to the link workshop collection
  • Changed size and font color of Credits


Took me little time to do this, but i think this look is more efficient then the previous look,

possibly more ideas to come, but the forum has its limits in function, and sometimes something simple is the best path

although added immersion in a subject's presentation is always a definite plus!

All for now!

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Insignias & Patches

  • 92nd Buffalo Infantry Division Insignia

Outfits & Uniforms

  • Irish Defence Forces 1936

Helmets, Infantry Weapons, Objects, Planes, Statics, & Tanks

Infantry Weapons

  • Lewis_Test(Work in progress) - Lewis machine gun.


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Compatibility Mods

  • WW2_Side_Patch

Retexture packs, & Texture packs

Retexture Packs

  • 1st (Polish) Armoured Division - Shermans
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Hi Vandeanson, welcome!

Thanks for the headsup, i have added it to the list in the weapons section under the original LEN Weapons pack.

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Outfits & Uniforms


  • Eastern collaborationists - A set of uniforms for the collaborators, policemen and schutzmannschaft.

I dont know how i missed this one, but its been out since 2017, but now added.


If anyone finds anything i missed on the workshop for WW2 please post your reply and let me know,

so i can add it to the list accordingly, thanks.

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The following items have been removed by the author on Steam Workshop:

  On 9/24/2018 at 9:56 AM, Gunter Severloh said:

RUG DSAI IFA3 - Gives your and the enemies AI a voice beyond the stale radio messages.


  On 9/24/2018 at 9:56 AM, Gunter Severloh said:

Adami's FoW Retexture Pack - This addon is a small retexture pack of Faces of War British uniforms.

Each item on the list have been checked to see if they are still there, other then these

two listings all items on the list are present.

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Helmets, Infantry Weapons, Objects, Planes, Statics, & Tanks

Infantry Weapons

  • GSTAVOs StG44 - This is the Sturmgewehr 44 also know as Maschinenpistole 43 and 44.
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Factions & Units


  • 101st Airborne WWII - created from the alive orbat editor.

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Hey. Thanks for this list.  


Am wondering if anyone has tested the fow and if lite compatibility mods to make each mod work better with each other.   For example fow tanks may not do same damage to if lite tanks.  But the compatibility  mod equals the damage numbers.  

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