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Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

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Lee that looks very nice..I tried to do the same thing BUT when I use texview it always saves my picture in .paa no mather what I do...Can someone help me in teaching me how to save a .tga into .pac rock.gif

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When saving with texview, name your file yourpicture.pac

Don´t forget the .pac, texview choose .paa automatic.

MfG Lee

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These two guys had been hunting each other for more than a couple of minutes in FDFmod AD called police quest. Needless to say the observers started to get restless. smile_o.gif

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if I save mypicture.pac it will save it mypicture.pac.paa  wink_o.gif

so please more help

Won't the trick of using "" solve that? ie save it as "mypicture.pac"

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Hi @ll,

Lovely BAS-Island: Thx @ the producer!


...and so variuos areas


Who finds my friend Georg in this pic?                                                                                                                                                               [middle of pic; near the road]


Forward:....slooO0000Oooowly !


what a evolution since...Malden:


(sry 4 that, if there are some Malden fans here)

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Just experementing with some more stuff smile_o.gif

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good morning smile_o.gif

i´ve been on a lan party for the last 12hrs biggrin_o.gif was great fun but unfortunately again no OFP mad_o.gif hmm anyway...i owned them in BHD with my sniper skills...i better say my hiding skills smile_o.gif

Decided to play a bit OFP before i go to bed..and took 1 pic:

swamppatrol.jpg1.89 MB .png

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Heyy Lee which units are those? rock.gif

Your GF are looking very nice i must say even better the Black dogs at the moment biggrin_o.gif

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Good Morning all

Here are 2 Pics from Parvus in the Jungle of the new Island from the Bas Mod. But he doesn´t find the correct way to the contested orders. smile_o.gif)


Oh Parvus finds the Barracks. I´m Overwhelmed. tounge_o.gif


have a nice day.

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FBI Units

here you go.

But the SPAS12 will get you a white screen if you press your target button( means your v key crazy_o.gif )seems like it isn't finished :/

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this is my first contibrution, so whadya think? (i know i could have done alot more with the text, so gimme a break :P) final.jpg (dont know if the picture exceeds limit, moderators are welcome to edit post if it is..)

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