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Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

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Quote[/b] ]Use the numpad to move around camera, and the + and - key to zoom in and out.

Thanks! smile_o.gif

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Heh, Vladimir Ill'ych, the story of my life. tounge_o.gif


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Title: Sabotage of the U-24 *dismissed*


Title: Second Patrol till 06:00 a.m.


P.S. Its always extremly nice to have a look in this part of the forum. Like open a sweety - to get surprissed how it smells - ... cya @ll

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Canadian soldiers and armored crew take break, unaware of the enemy's watchful eye.


It's like where's waldo. Wheres the sniper?

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Looks like the 2003-2004 christmas truce there Mr Burns smile_o.gif

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Hey people!!! How do u get these x-mas trees? i was flying all over the island and didn't see 'em wink_o.gif

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