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Is there any way you could add a Rename function to squad management?  Many of our AI players get spawned in with the same name.

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11 hours ago, pSiKO said:


it is always 3 actions,  during game , after multiple revive ?

did it happen for all player / AI ?


" If the players redeploy after death, they will disappear." and then it reappears when its wounded again ?


Just three times in the picture, as long as the player or the AI is saved from a coma, there is an extra action. And in fact there is no limit as long as the cycle continues.

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On 1/9/2021 at 11:43 PM, gkleinfe said:

Is there any way you could add a Rename function to squad management?  Many of our AI players get spawned in with the same name.


I'll think about this, others players ask for same things.

I see how I can do this !


edit: function added to squad management. 🙂

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Any possibility in adding a pylon management system to aircraft and UAVs?  Like this?



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On 1/10/2021 at 3:41 AM, strayer49 said:

Just three times in the picture, as long as the player or the AI is saved from a coma, there is an extra action. And in fact there is no limit as long as the cycle continues.

btw, how do you start the server ?

it is dedicated or hosted ?


btw: i rewrite a bit the remotexec call, that may solve your issue

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it is dedicated or hosted ?

Dedicated server. Start with TADST.



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1 hour ago, strayer49 said:

Dedicated server. Start with TADST.



quite strange cannot reproduce, anyway i'll rewrite a call, that may solve your issue

can you retry with the latest version ?

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I'm trying to rearm a UAV (MQ-12 Falcon) but can't.  Is this feature disabled in Liberation?  Possibly because to rearm or refuel, a player must be in the drivers seat, which is not possible in these vehicles.

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8 hours ago, gkleinfe said:

I'm trying to rearm a UAV (MQ-12 Falcon) but can't.  Is this feature disabled in Liberation?  Possibly because to rearm or refuel, a player must be in the drivers seat, which is not possible in these vehicles.


it works,

look at

for more info about How Auto Support system works

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an update is out.

- AI rank manager (unit level up)
- Time to live for counter Attack units


- Pay fine when TK
- Rewrite spawn Defenders
- better Garbage Collector


- Add Toggle HUD on/off (useraction 14)
- Add parameter to enable/disable Wild Life
- Add rename unit feature (squad management)


- Admin tool: Uban Offline players
- various fix / update



and a good news,

I've got the permission from "Sgt. Dennenboom" to use his SDB_DALE module to dynamically change an aircrafts pylons.

lot of work in line 🙂

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On 1/9/2021 at 5:43 PM, varrkan_ua said:

How you about to add a module from EvorA mission from @Sgt. Dennenboom, If he allow, of course. I mean his SDB_DALE system, which allow to to dynamically change an aircrafts pylons.


@pSiKO or it could be this one 



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We are trying to add a set of night vision goggles on the Weferlingen version of the mission in the arsenal, we can see it in the arsenal, pick it up but then it disappears from our inventory. Is this a blacklist thing we should remove?

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8 hours ago, Ophelian said:



We are trying to add a set of night vision goggles on the Weferlingen version of the mission in the arsenal, we can see it in the arsenal, pick it up but then it disappears from our inventory. Is this a blacklist thing we should remove?


Yes, there is !

in the file : "addons\LARs\liberationBlacklist.sqf"


you'll found all blacklisted items.

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19 hours ago, varrkan_ua said:


@pSiKO or it could be this one (..)



I've got the permission from @Sgt. Dennenboom,  use his SDB_DALE module.

now I have to read,understand and merge this code into LRX

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15 hours ago, pSiKO said:


Yes, there is !

in the file : "addons\LARs\liberationBlacklist.sqf"


you'll found all blacklisted items.


Thank you for the fast response.


Sadly i'm posting on behalf of someone else so he gave me more information about the issue. He already knew "liberationBlacklist.sqf" was the right file to edit. Here is a pastebin of our file




For some obscure reason, even if we list the items correctly, the arsenal or something else is blacklisting our modifications and removes the items we take from the arsenal as soon as we exit it. Here is a short video of the issue



Thank you again for your time.




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I barely see you want to equip an AR-15/M-16 riffle ?


this come from CUP weapons ?


in the file 'addons\LARs\liberationBlacklist.sqf' you have two parts:


blacklisted_weapon == weapons that are not allowed in the game (and removed if loaded from loadout)

GRLIB_whitelisted_from_arsenal == items that are forcefully enabled in the game (if not found by weapons side)


so, i you want a gun to be in the game be sure, the classname is not in blacklisted_weapon , and if it doesn't show in arsenal, put it in GRLIB_whitelisted_from_arsenal


if you can give me the classname of the gun, I can retry here.


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Yes. Its a CUP weapon, classname is "CUP_arifle_M16A1E1GL" . We also tried without mods (all the CUP mods, Enhanced movement, QS mag repack, CWA) just to be sure and isolate the issue but it changed nothing. We also left by default everything just to make sure. I really hope we are not overlooking something on our side. If in any case the issue persists or you want to take a look at our .pbo file i'll post it, but the mission is "intact" we only changed the loadout for the arsenal so far. Thank you again for your time and keep up the good work 😉

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13 hours ago, Ophelian said:

Yes. Its a CUP weapon, classname is "CUP_arifle_M16A1E1GL" . We also tried without mods (all the CUP mods, Enhanced movement, QS mag repack, CWA) just to be sure and isolate the issue but it changed nothing. We also left by default everything just to make sure. I really hope we are not overlooking something on our side. If in any case the issue persists or you want to take a look at our .pbo file i'll post it, but the mission is "intact" we only changed the loadout for the arsenal so far. Thank you again for your time and keep up the good work 😉


hi, you're welcome !


I'll take a look to how LRX can support CUPs Weapons (never tried !)


I keep you in touch

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New TeamKill system


    Mode :

        - strict

            GRLIB_tk_count (4) warnings then the killer is ban by server


        - relax

            The player decide to forgive or punish the killer

            at GRLIB_tk_count (4) the killer is ban by server


        - disabled

            No TK managment


GRLIB_tk_count  is configured via server Parameters


+ add strings in stringtable.xml

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On 1/17/2021 at 12:59 AM, Ophelian said:

Yes. Its a CUP weapon, classname is "CUP_arifle_M16A1E1GL" . We also tried without mods (all the CUP mods, Enhanced movement, QS mag repack, CWA) just to be sure and isolate the issue but it changed nothing. We also left by default everything just to make sure. I really hope we are not overlooking something on our side. If in any case the issue persists or you want to take a look at our .pbo file i'll post it, but the mission is "intact" we only changed the loadout for the arsenal so far. Thank you again for your time and keep up the good work 😉




I push an update, I improved the arsenal

now it work with cup weapons. 🙂


there is nothing to edit, (apart if you want to black list some weapons)

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On 1/18/2021 at 9:13 AM, pSiKO said:




I push an update, I improved the arsenal

now it work with cup weapons. 🙂


there is nothing to edit, (apart if you want to black list some weapons)


Awesome! Ill send a message to my friend i'm sure he'll be glad 😉 Thank you so much!

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Thanks for excellent work. I got just one question. Where or how can I change "revive" settings. Right now, when I got schot im instantly killed and respawn screen pops up. No time to revive, no bleedout time. In "KP Liberation" it was ver easy to change in "mission_params". In RX Liberation I can't find those settings. Any hints ? 

I set Liberation RX on remote server.

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On 1/21/2021 at 1:20 PM, Fiero_185th said:

Thanks for excellent work. I got just one question. Where or how can I change "revive" settings. Right now, when I got schot im instantly killed and respawn screen pops up. No time to revive, no bleedout time. In "KP Liberation" it was ver easy to change in "mission_params". In RX Liberation I can't find those settings. Any hints ? 

I set Liberation RX on remote server.


sorry for that, There was a bug in the version you use, please update your pbo

revive settings are in  "PAR revive" param

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hi !

@varrkan_ua: I need you to test the DALE system ! 🙂


I've almost finish the integration, check latest build


@Sgt. Dennenboom, you made a real good job, was a pleasure to deal with your code !


The Menu appears when you're in an aircraft and close to fob.





works for some drones too !

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