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Hey all, i'm looking for anything on how to get a "ground fog" type of atmosphere... I've looked on the forums but the only post that hit spot on only had 3 replies, and when the guy tried to get an answer, the other just disappeared I guess... But here is a picture or sort of idea I'm looking for... Now I know this isn't Arma 3 and that it's DayZ but I have seen this done in Arma 3 before...



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I have used this in the past.



Refer to this posting to fix it for A3 


And you have to use the Armaholic link to dl it.

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I'd also recommend Harzach's choice too, I used it in a mission a while back....


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Hello there Socs !


There is a similar script in the BMR Mission if i am right.


It's  .fsm


Fog script v1.62
Made by Rockhount[BAfH] (visit us on http://www.bafh.eu/ )

Open the editor, create a new unit/object and put the example into the init of the unit, after that save the mission.
Then open the folder .../Dokuments/ArmA 2 Other Profiles/Nickname/missions/misisonsname and copy the script into the folder.

example: null=[l1,100,11,10,3,7,-0.3,0.1,0.5,1,1,1,13,12,15,true,2,2.1,0.1,4,6,0,3.5,17.5] execFSM "Fog.fsm";
l1 = name of unit (use "" for markers and when you on a  multiplayer session only want to set the fog around the player: run the script once! with 'Player' (not 'this' and not 'name of the unit/object'!!!), example: null=[Player,200,10,... )
If the unit/building was destroyed/died or the marker was deleted, the script will exit automatically!
100 = Maximumdistance
11 = Minimumdistance
10 = Count of clouds
3 = Minimumsize of clouds
7 = Maximumsize of clouds
-0.3 = Height of clouds (must be a bit below the ground to look realistic)
0.1 = Respawntime of clouds
0.5 = Transparency
1,1,1 = Color of clouds
13 = Remove-speed of clouds
12 = Minimumlifetime of clouds
15 = Maximumlifetime of clouds
true = The fog will be effected by wind (for no wind effect: false)
2 = Windstrength (acts only when the wind effect is 'true')
2.1 = Random-direction-period(in seconds) (acts only when the wind effect is 'true')
0.1 = Random-direction-intensity (acts only when the wind effect is 'true')
4,6,0 = Move-direction-speed (x,y,z) - same effect as wind, but constant and adjustable(acts only when the wind effect is 'false')
3.5 = Stardaytime (the fog will spawn when the ingametime is 03:30)
17.5 = Enddaytime (the fog will spawn when the ingametime is 17:30)
RandomDirectionPeriod 2.1 with RandomDirectionIntensity 0.1 means that 0.1 will be added to the direction-speed (x,y,z-randomized) of a moving-cloud every 2.1 seconds.

An example for norrins revive-script:
NORRNCustomExec1 ="null=[Player,100,11,10,3,7,-0.3,0.1,0.5,1,1,1,13,12,15,true,1,2.1,0.1,4,6,0,0,24] execFSM ""Fog.fsm"";"; // Exec1 occurs following being revived
NORRNCustomExec3 ="null=[Player,100,11,10,3,7,-0.3,0.1,0.5,1,1,1,13,12,15,true,1,2.1,0.1,4,6,0,0,24] execFSM ""Fog.fsm"";"; // Exec3 occurs when you spawn at base
class FSM
  fsmName = "Fog";
  class States
    class Start
      name = "Start";
      init = "private [""_Center"",""_xdistanz"",""_mdistanz"",""_dichte"",""_msize"",""_xsize"",""_height"",""_zeit"",""_transparency"",""_col1"",""_col2"",""_col3"",""_mlifetime"",""_xlifetime"",""_spawn"",""_wind"",""_windstrength"",""_forward2"",""_right2"",""_up"",""_dirPeroid"",""_dirIntensity"",""_mtime"",""_xtime""];" \n
       "_Center = _this select 0;" \n
       "_xdistanz = if (count _this > 1) then {_this select 1} else {80};" \n
       "_mdistanz = if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2} else {10};" \n
       "_dichte = if (count _this > 3) then {_this select 3} else {10};" \n
       "_msize = if (count _this > 4) then {_this select 4} else {3};" \n
       "_xsize = if (count _this > 5) then {_this select 5} else {7};" \n
       "_height = if (count _this > 6) then {_this select 6} else {-0.3};" \n
       "_zeit = if (count _this > 7) then {_this select 7} else {0.1};" \n
       "_transparency = if (count _this > 8) then {_this select 8} else {0.5};" \n
       "_col1 = if (count _this > 9) then {_this select 9} else {1};" \n
       "_col2 = if (count _this > 10) then {_this select 10} else {1};" \n
       "_col3 = if (count _this > 11) then {_this select 11} else {1};" \n
       "_spawn = if (count _this > 12) then {_this select 12} else {15 + (random 1)};" \n
       "_mlifetime = if (count _this > 13) then {_this select 13} else {8 + (random 1)};" \n
       "_xlifetime = if (count _this > 14) then {_this select 14} else {15 + (random 1)};" \n
       "_wind = if (count _this > 15) then {_this select 15} else {true};" \n
       "_windstrength = if ((count _this > 16) && _wind) then {_this select 16} else {1};" \n
       "_dirPeroid =  if ((count _this > 17) && _wind) then {_this select 17} else {0};" \n
       "_dirIntensity =  if ((count _this > 18) && _wind) then {_this select 18} else {0};" \n
       "_forward2 = if ((count _this > 19) && (!(_wind))) then {_this select 19} else {0};" \n
       "_right2 = if ((count _this > 20) && (!(_wind))) then {_this select 20} else {0};" \n
       "_up = if ((count _this > 21) && (!(_wind))) then {_this select 21} else {0};" \n
       "_mtime =  if (count _this > 22) then {_this select 22} else {0};" \n
       "_xtime =  if (count _this > 23) then {_this select 23} else {24};";
      precondition = "";
      class Links
        class isDedicated
          priority = 0.000000;
          precondition = "";
        class not_isDedicated
          priority = 0.000000;
          precondition = "";
    class Fog
      name = "Fog";
      init = "private [""_time"",""_zeit"",""_x"",""_height"",""_radius"",""_size"",""_msize"",""_xsize"",""_randomdir"",""_CC"",""_Center"",""_xdistanz"",""_mdistanz"",""_dichte"",""_transparency"",""_col1"",""_col2"",""_col3"",""_Pos"",""_lifetime"",""_mlifetime"",""_xlifetime"",""_spawn"",""_wind"",""_windstrength"",""_right"",""_forward"",""_up"",""_forward2"",""_right2"",""_dirPeroid"",""_dirIntensity"",""_mtime"",""_xtime""];" \n
       "_time = time + _zeit;" \n
       "if (typename _Center == typename """") then {_Pos = getMarkerpos _Center} else {_Pos = getPos _Center};" \n
       "if (_wind) then {_right = (wind select 0) * _windstrength;_forward = (wind select 1) * _windstrength} else {_right = _right2;_forward = _forward2};" \n
       "if ((daytime > _mtime) && (daytime < _xtime)) then {" \n
       "for [{_x=1},{_x<=_dichte},{_x=_x+1}] do {" \n
       "_radius= _mdistanz + random (_xdistanz - _mdistanz);" \n
       "_CC = [_col1,_col2,_col3,.3*_transparency];" \n
       "_size = _msize + random (_xsize - _msize);" \n
       "_randomdir = random 360;" \n
       "_lifetime = _mlifetime + random (_xlifetime - _mlifetime);" \n
       "drop [""\A3\data_f\cl_basic"","""",""Billboard"",_spawn, _lifetime,[(_Pos select 0)+_radius*sin _randomdir,(_Pos select 1)+_radius*cos _randomdir,_height],[_right,_forward,_up],5,0.2,0.1568,0,[_size],[[_col1,_col2,_col3,0],_CC,_CC,_CC,_CC,_CC,_CC,[_col1,_col2,_col3,0]],[0],_dirPeroid,_dirIntensity,"""", """",""""];" \n 
       "};" \n
       "} else { " \n
       "_time = time + 5;" \n
      precondition = "";
      class Links
        class if_object
          priority = 0.000000;
          precondition = "";
          condition="!(typename _Center == typename """")";
        class if_marker
          priority = 0.000000;
          precondition = "";
          condition="typename _Center == typename """"";
    class End
      name = "End";
      init = "";
      precondition = "";
      class Links
    class dummy
      name = "dummy";
      init = "";
      precondition = "";
      class Links
        class wait
          priority = 0.000000;
          precondition = "";
          condition="time > _time";
        class if_object_or_unit
          priority = 0.000000;
          precondition = "";
          condition="!(alive _Center)";
    class dummy_1
      name = "dummy_1";
      init = "";
      precondition = "";
      class Links
        class wait
          priority = 0.000000;
          precondition = "";
          condition="time > _time";
        class if_marker_not_ex
          priority = 0.000000;
          precondition = "";
          condition="((getMarkerPos _Center select 0) == 0) && ((getMarkerPos _Center select 1) == 0)";
  finalStates[] =





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1 minute ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:

Hello there Socs !


There is a similar script in the BMR Mission if i am right.


Yup, that's the same one AZCoder posted.

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9 minutes ago, Evil Organ said:

I'd also recommend Harzach's choice too, I used it in a mission a while back...


Nice script !

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That reminds that I haven't done a ground fog effect in a mission in years. I will try the one Harzach posted, probably easier to implement than the old A2 one.


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TBH I haven't tried either of them, I probably should give them both a go!

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1 hour ago, AZCoder said:

That reminds that I haven't done a ground fog effect in a mission in years. I will try the one Harzach posted, probably easier to implement than the old A2 one.


1 hour ago, Harzach said:

TBH I haven't tried either of them, I probably should give them both a go!


... I will be waiting for the results !!!    :ftvsmilie2:

  • Haha 2

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2 hours ago, Harzach said:

TBH I haven't tried either of them, I probably should give them both a go!

By the way, since you usually always have an answer at the ready for me, lol, do you know how to force the ramp on the MK10 Landing Craft Utility to open upon beaching? I can't find the name of it to set it as a trigger so do you know if there's any other way to force open it? Because the units don't get out if the ramp isn't open... This is for a world war 2 scenario... Any help or suggestion are appreciated.. Thanks :D

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6 minutes ago, socs said:

MK10 Landing Craft Utility

What mod?

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_unit animate ["FrontRamp",1]; _unit animate ["FrontRampRubber",-0.7];

"_unit" is a placeholder, of course. Reset those values to "0" to raise the ramp.

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3 minutes ago, Harzach said:

_unit animate ["FrontRamp",1]; _unit animate ["FrontRampRubber",-0.7];

"_unit" is a placeholder, of course. Reset those values to "0" to raise the ramp.

So which one is for which? Is it in the condescending order that I have it listed or is it for the same vehicle?

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That code works for the Burnes Armory LCU. If FFAA uses the Burnes LCU, then it will work for that one too.

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Sweet, that's real helpful! Thanks a bunch!

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22 minutes ago, Harzach said:

That code works for the Burnes Armory LCU. If FFAA uses the Burnes LCU, then it will work for that one too.

Does this apply with the rear ramp too? Only asking because the troops tend to get stuck when disembarking until you let them out in the back...

Update: I was smart enough to try it myself lol, no need to respond... Thanks a bunch!

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11 minutes ago, socs said:

Does this apply with the rear ramp too? Only asking because the troops tend to get stuck when disembarking until you let them out in the back...

Just use the first part, and change the class to "rearRamp."

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Just now, Harzach said:

Just use the first part, and change the class to "rearRamp."

Lol yeah I was smart enough to think of that surprisingly... Thank you once again!

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Hey, the "Fog script v1.62 Made by Rockhount[BAfH]" works great, but how to deactivate it?
I try to implement this script in a trigger, but i don't know how to deactivate this script if i leave the trigger zone.

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Give the trigger a name and deleteVehicle triggerName on it? That might throw an error in the fsm though, I would have to test it.

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19 hours ago, Koust said:

Hey, the "Fog script v1.62 Made by Rockhount[BAfH]" works great, but how to deactivate it?
I try to implement this script in a trigger, but i don't know how to deactivate this script if i leave the trigger zone.

I dont know why but the script dosent work for me somehow. does anyone know why? i dont get any errormsgs.

does it have to do with the ingame fog settings?


note: changed that also:

"drop [""\ca\data\cl_basic"","""",""Billboard"",_spawn,_l ifetime,[(_Pos select 0)+_radius*sin _randomdir,(_Pos select 1)+_radius*cos _randomdir,_height],[_right,_forward,_up],5,0.2,0.1568,0,[_size],[[_col1,_col2,_col3,0],_CC,_CC,_CC,_CC,_CC,_CC,[_col1,_col2,_col3,0]],[0],_dirPeroid,_dirIntensity,"""", """",""""];" \n


"drop [""\A3\data_f\cl_basic"","""",""Billboard"",_spawn, _lifetime,[(_Pos select 0)+_radius*sin _randomdir,(_Pos select 1)+_radius*cos _randomdir,_height],[_right,_forward,_up],5,0.2,0.1568,0,[_size],[[_col1,_col2,_col3,0],_CC,_CC,_CC,_CC,_CC,_CC,[_col1,_col2,_col3,0]],[0],_dirPeroid,_dirIntensity,"""", """",""""];" \n 

nvm. but i recommend you to use:


looks way better.

Edited by Alert23
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I'm at work ,but letter I'll share my fog script. I made/edited it so fog moves around but not local on player . It's server side ( if I remember correctly). 

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ok, I cant credit the people that helped me, it may end up being all of you .. So Do As You Want With It.. (sharing is caring).

 Created by Dr.Death JM 3.12.17
server_f = [];	
for "_i" from 0 to 1 do 
[] spawn 

    _fogSpawnMarkers = ["fspawnfog"];
    _fogOb =  createVehicle ["D_Tree_4",[0,0,0],_fogSpawnMarkers,0 , "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _fogPoS = position _fogOb;
	    _zFoger = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal _fogPoS;
        _zFoger setParticleParams [
        ["\A3\Data_F\ParticleEffects\Universal\universal.p3d" ,
		16, 12, 13, 0],
		[0, 0, -6],
		[0, 1.8, 0],
		1.200, 1.275, 1, 1.175,
		[[1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1, 0.04], [1, 1, 1, 0.06]],
        _zFoger setParticleRandom
		[100, 100, 0.2],
		[0, 0, -0.1],
		[1, 1, 1, 0.04],
        _zFoger setParticleCircle
		[0, 0, -0.12]
        _zFoger setDropInterval
        server_f pushback _fogOb;
        publicVariable "server_f";
        server_f = server_f - [_fogOb];
        publicVariable "server_f";

In the initPlayerLocal.sqf put

_Z = [] execVM "somefolder\z_fogernizer.sqf";


_Z = [] execVM "z_fogernizer.sqf";

in the mission sqm put a marker named "fspawnfog" EXAMPLE

		class Item45

you might want to tweek it, i used another code in initServer.sqf a code from cly's DM framework i was editing (learning) it was based on time of day as you see, its simple to add your own. 

if (CLY_swamp_timeOfDay == 2300) then
0 setFog [1, 1.9, 1.5+1.8];
0 setFog [1+1, 1.9+-0.499, 1.5+1.8];

you'll be surprised how well this really works, and if someone has good particle fx knowledge they can make this even better. 

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