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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Albert Schweizer @ Dec. 02 2002,23:04)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I could read a book in the while this loads, you shut put a different link to some entertainment!  biggrin.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Its worth it, TRUST ME!!! biggrin.gif

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AAAA.......Where the hell do these people come from?confused.gif?

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He must be very good looking cause otherwise there is no reason why a guy like this should have a wife (or I guess he is just too stupid to know his wife is having an affair!wink.gif  tounge.gif

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Man, I nearly pissed my pants from laughter! Hopefully he was joking about filling his computer to the top with water, no one could be THAT stupid! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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Server is really slow now smile.gif

That man has entered the annals of computer modding/o-clocking, tahts 4 sure biggrin.gif

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LMAO biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

Here is the first post, if you havn't looked at the forum. I highly recommend though to take a look for yourself and see the entire thread.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I decided this weekend to try and quiten my PC by following some other members lead and going down the water cooling road. The fans on my PC were really starting to drive me mad

The first thing that I did was to remove all the fans. The one on the processor and graphics card were no problem but the one in the power unit was a bugger to get out.

The most difficult part was sealing all the ventilitation openings in the PC case with silicon. I also put silicon all around the joints on the PC case. The smell of silicon was dreadful but when my wife complained I told her to be patent as it will be worth it when we have a completely silent PC.

Because I had completely sealed the PC case the only opening near top was the DVD drive. So I opened that and put the small hose I had purchased specially for the job into the DVD drive as far as it would go. With what I can only describe as great excitement and anticipation, I turned on the water. It really is amazing just how long it took before the case was complete full, and boy was it heavy. That didn't really bother me as I didn't intend to be moving the PC anyway.

The big moment had arrived so I called in my wife and mother in law (who was visiting) and I announced "prepare to hear nothing!" and flicked the switch on the socket on the wall.

Before I could even press the power button on front of the PC, with a loud bang, the whole place was plunged into darkness

I knew that it was only the tripswitch so I told my onlookers not to panic and I ran out to the hall to turn the trip switch back on. But can u believe it, it wouldn't stay on. After five attempts I decided to try unplugging the PC and would you believe...yes the trip switch stayed on. My conclusion: the PC must have in some way been causing the problem.

After about an hour of tries I finally decided to abandon the whole idea of water cooling and emptied the water out of the PC, put back in the fans (except the fan in the power unit, I had broken that one getting it out) and tried the pc AGAIN. IT STILL CAUSED THE TRIP SWTICH TO BLOW!

My PC is completely shagged thanks to stupid suggestions that I got on this forum. What the hell am I going to do now. I spent two hours last night with a hair drier inside the PC case and it still trips the switch.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated

Conor<span id='postcolor'>

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That must be a joke. biggrin.gif They take water cooling a little too literally.

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I dunno, It's hard to believe either way...but if you read the whole thread he really does a good job of sounding dead serious. Oh well, a good laugh is a good laugh smile.gif

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Ive printed the entire thread, notified everyone I know so far... let everyone know of this guy's stupidity!!! biggrin.gif

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I would love to use this person for human-experiments. I would give him instructions and see which he would actually follow, those that are extremely stupid or maybe only those that are just insane.

I hope he will ask soon of how to tune his car or isolate his house, hell then I would give him lots of strange advises. I would promise him that his car would run with cucumbers and his house would be isolated against ABC attacks.

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Is this level of stupidity even humanly possible?, Noticed his location is Ireland, must be too much Guiness. biggrin.gif

(nothing against the Irish in case I offended someone, in fact I hold a warm place in my heart for them) smile.gif

Grossly offtopic> Ex-roNIN, that girl in your signature is none other than Yamilla Diaz-Rahi. Am I right or am I right? I've been looking for quite some time now.

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Oh by the way, since we are talking about Ireland. If you want to read my favourite auto-biography go and read Frank McCourts: "my mothers ash" and " 'tis ". He got a pulitzer for it is not garbage!

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Laughing at peoples pain is funny.

It's faked though, nobody's that stupid. If they spent a year making their PC they'd know somethings about it.

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I was going to tell the guy how to try and rescue his system parts, the topic is locked! biggrin.gif I was about to mention he should have at least used pure di-hydrogen monoxide... (water)

wink.gif If this is not a joke he may soon be single. tounge.gif

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biggrin.gif PRetty funy, but I can't belive anyone would be that dumb. But then again... confused.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (FSPilot @ Dec. 02 2002,18:03)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Laughing at peoples pain is funny.

It's faked though, nobody's that stupid. If they spent a year making their PC they'd know somethings about it.<span id='postcolor'>

Exactly, well unless he never, ever heard that most water is a fair conductor. (20KOhm/cm approx)

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HEY MAN this i gotta try *Runs of to get some silicon sealant, a screw driver and a hose* LOL man what a dunce biggrin.gif

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