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Falklands mod progress

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wow! Looks really nice! smile_o.gif Like a sort of modern fishermans village, i like the big fat antenna dish to the right side too biggrin_o.gif they got to have a nice tv the ones liviing at that house tounge2.gif just kiddin but it looks very nice, feels like norway or something like that a bit too. But i guess fisher villages share many similarities maybe smile_o.gif

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That 'big' antenna is the Cable & Wireless Phone relay, this is 1982 we talking about...

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bloody well done m8s! wink_o.gif

in british speech...

i wounder what's going on with vehicles/aircrafts/ships/... ?

FLK aircraft carrier programe is still working? ship builders in the docs? wink_o.gif


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Cool, will it be a number of bulidings placed out or will there be small civilian things there, like bins, phone box's and such

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Cool, will it be a number of bulidings placed out or will there be small civilian things there, like bins, phone box's and such

There's about 100 different buildings in that image.. We will be having phoneboxes and other small minor things placed out in the streets...

E.g from a very early stage....


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Hehe pretty dam cool!

How do you get the blur effect, useing Dxdll i take it?

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wow, that must be one of the most detailed islands ever seen on OFP... one of the most realistic compaering to the real terrain...

impressive work, that's all you can basically say... crazy_o.gif

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The shipyard worked has been on strike due to work overload, but in the near future the strike shall be ending...

In other words...

Islands have become top priority with ships second as far as I am concerned (look at my job roles and you will soon understand)

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A small bit of confusion has appeared..

No shipyard is actaully being made, I am the shipyard in affect.. building the ships for the Falklands Team

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Aha. tounge2.gif Thought you meant a mock shipyard for cutscenes or something. biggrin_o.gif

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Actaully I had one but I lost the related files about 3 years ago

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really?! wow_o.gif

personaly, I really appreciate your (all FLK mod) hard work, it's stunning!

you all are working in the Falkland Island's shipyard docks, aircraft/vehicle fabrics, in the barracks, in the field as farmers of land and architects of everything!


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The actaul 'docks' that will be seen are just a couple of pier's

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If my island is finished in time, you could use Barrow docks where the Sheffield amongst others was built. biggrin_o.gif

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Guest RKSL-Rock
Daniel @ Jan. 17 2006,19:16)]If my island is finished in time, you could use Barrow docks where the Sheffield amongst others was built. biggrin_o.gif

I think you've missed the point. CBFASI is the shipyard. There are no ship yards in the Falklands, at least not big ones. As for the docks, is basically 1 concrete quay, a slipway and a few wooden piers.

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Yeah, I know, I was reffering to the fact that he lost his shipyard he worked on.... aw, forget it. tounge2.gif

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I know.. Unfortunetely it's a PITA to do. I keep meaning to honest! whistle.gif

The fact that it's been noticed I'll do it asap smile_o.gif

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Wow! I haven't played an important role during the falkland war (in fact I was two years old back then) but I think all these island screenshots catch the atmosphere very well.

Looking really forward to the finished product!

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i was gonna ask does that phone box smell of piss.. but then

i remembered its in the falklands ..they probably actually used it as a phone tounge2.gif

lol rofl.gif

We might throw some suprises inside though!

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