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Falklands mod progress

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (edc @ Jan. 19 2003,01:58)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Am I the only one who gets an error when I try to open the avi that was linked to?  Media Player says something like 'no suitable decompressor could be found' mad.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Wow.. You hadnt posted when I started to! Anyway.. You need a Divx plugin for it.. Get it from www.divx.com

It was originally 200mb but with the wonders of mpeg, I got it down to 4mb biggrin.gif


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HOLY SH*T that video was awesome!! wow.gif

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very very very very very very very veery very very very very very very very veery very good! biggrin.gif

but whens the release? confused.gif

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The Falklands Mod Team are currently looking for some more help in the various Terrains we are making for the mod.. The levels are already done, but we need a couple more people to help us finish them off..

If you an experienced wrpedit user and would like the chance to join a highly dedicated team then please contact me asap.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote ([Ash] @ Jan. 26 2003,17:49)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The Falklands Mod Team are currently looking for some more help in the various Terrains we are making for the mod.. The levels are already done, but we need a couple more people to help us finish them off..

If you an experienced wrpedit user and would like the chance to join a highly dedicated team then please contact me asap.<span id='postcolor'>

Im not good at any of these stuff but im a good beta tester biggrin.gif

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If we don't get the terrains finished.. There won't be a mod to beta test! tounge.gif

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I can't do any kind of flashpoint modding *cries*

However I also am a good beta tester biggrin.gif and can take screenshots or..... something confused.gif

I'd love to help this mod but i appear to be about as much use to the mod as a puddle. sad.gif

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Well I thought I better give some of you a taster of what is a TEMPORARY trials model.  I have used this to do some basic visaul test and to see if the method of construction works.

I can say that all trials have been successful and it is possible to both take off and land (although I would rather have a helo than a plane based on my success rate).

This model will be replaced by a more detailed model once other trials are complete partilculary in that I am trying to understnad how to do both SAMs and AA Guns for mounting on the ships.

This does mean that ALL the ships that I do are static but fully armed.

Anyway heres a piccy of the trials vessel.


Oh, all but the landrovers are Falklands team addons, the landrovers are made by DeLiltMon

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looks very nice!

one thing i noticed, the blades of the Lynx are not hanging like all helos blades normal do when they not rotate.. just a little detail but would make it much realistic smile.gif

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I think the Lynx is one of those choppers with the stiff blades that don't sag. In fact from memory they point upwards. Could be wrong tho.

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i beleave thats a negative bob. biggrin.gif

but the model gonna be great! biggrin.gif

cant wait to try out my british accent(im amercian biggrin.gif so up yours england! tounge.gif )when im flying the harrier biggrin.gif

(just kidding about that brit thing)

what program do yall use for skinning?

courios couse i can do pretty good in photoshop7

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We are looking for a new Texture guy actually.. Drop me a line..

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what do you mean by "drop me a line"?

and id be happy to texture just need the equptment and some practice on it. i'll email you.

also i am able to test things on a lower end machine.

celeron 500mgz

195mgs sdram

geforce 4 mx 420

not the best but it gets the job done. wink.gif

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heh "drop me a line" means to make contact ie email wink.gif but normally phone call

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A4 Skyhawk Re-Release erm released !!

Issues to be fixed at release of Falklands Mod Argentinian version:

Cockpit panels completely redone

Argentinian Airforce and Navy skins

Features of this release:

New Skins (totally redone)

Animated Canopy

Animated Jet Exhaust

Custom animated gear and U/C bay doors

Various custom warning lights

Other animated bits

Animated and working afterburner effects

3 versions: Sidewinder, Sidewinder and rockets, Mk82 Ground attack




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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (KEVBAZ @ Jan. 31 2003,13:47)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">A4 Skyhawk Re-Release erm released !!

Issues to be fixed at release of Falklands Mod Argentinian version:

Cockpit panels completely redone

Argentinian Airforce and Navy skins

Features of this release:

New Skins (totally redone)

Animated Canopy

Animated Jet Exhaust

Custom animated gear and U/C bay doors

Various custom warning lights

Other animated bits

Animated and working afterburner effects

3 versions: Sidewinder, Sidewinder and rockets, Mk82 Ground attack



www.flashpoint1982.co.uk<span id='postcolor'>

SWEET Downloading now!

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