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No, I made it optional. If there, ACE interactions will be used.

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  On 9/24/2017 at 5:30 PM, _SCAR said:

UCM does not need ACE3 to run, but if enabled the Interaction and Cargo functionalities will the the ones of ACE, otherwise they will default to enhanced vanilla ones.


From first post, Steam and Github's README. 

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Hey @_SCAR first off thanks for all the work you're putting into this, and for your dedication to getting it ALiVE "compliant" 

Just a quick question, the workers will just go through each object in sequence based off the variable name, now those objects don't need to be adjacent to each other do they?

I was thinking about using the new "Hide Terrain Objects" module to put some gaps in the Takistan pipeline and then send in the workers to fix it. Will they be happy to work on 3 or 4 sections and then move 20 metres down the way to work on the next section?

Stretching that a bit further can I then have for instance objects 1-20 on one side of the map, then 21-35 on the other side of the map? Will the workers stop after object 20 and need to be transported, or will they try to walk to the other side of the map to carry on their job?


Thanks again for all your work

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Hey @JD Wang,

UCM will hide the objects of your construction for you. Just build whatever you'd want it to be when the construction is over, and let UCM do the rest.


As per the workers: that's what the "Working distance" setting is for. Workers will get to the next piece if it's within the specified distance.

Materials will not move obviously, so you'll need to ensure that they stay in the area too.


Hope this clears up,


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UCM 0.10 has been released. Main changes:

  • UCM has its own Persistence Module. It works by saving data to the profileNamespace on the server. You will see the save menu in the standard Arma menu of the Pause screen.
  • UCM is now integrated with ALiVE, with some caveats. More here.

Thank you all for feedback!




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I've got a problem with the UCM save button, it doesn't move. So if you want to edit your player controls, you can't because the UCM save button is over top of them.

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  On 10/7/2017 at 3:04 AM, JD Wang said:

I've got a problem with the UCM save button, it doesn't move. So if you want to edit your player controls, you can't because the UCM save button is over top of them.


Can you please post a screenshot? I will look into it ASAP.

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Hey there,

i have the same problem:



A quick workaround is to navigate with the arrow keys, with this trick it is possible to edit the player controls.



I have another Problem with the 0.10 release.

The heli for the materials is doing his job fine, but the helo for the workers just land where he spawned and the workers get out and in again continuously.

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Thank you for your reports. I will do my best to fix them shortly, I'll keep you updated here.

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@JD Wang and @Defender82 UCM has now its own separate menu:




That should hopefully fix your issues.


Re: the workers getting in and out, I'd have no idea but I've improved the way these are delivered. Please check if this works, however do so by recreating a mission from scratch.




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Now Everything is working fine, the separade menu fits perfect and my problem with the workers is also gone.


Thanks for the quick support and for sharing this great mod with us!


Another question, is there a chance to get a Timer/Cooldown or something for the material delivery? I use your mod in a Hearts & Minds Mission and want my buddys to do this as a Sidequest.

In the moment they can call as many materials as they want and bring them all to the construction area at once, what i would like to see is that they can call for material every 15-30 minutes or something like that. So they have do bring the materials more often to the construction side.



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  On 10/10/2017 at 3:33 PM, Defender82 said:

a chance to get a Timer/Cooldown or something for the material delivery? I use your mod in a Hearts & Minds Mission and want my buddys to do this as a Sidequest.

In the moment they can call as many materials as they want and bring them all to the construction area at once, what i would like to see is that they can call for material every 15-30 minutes or something like that. So they have do bring the materials more often to the construction side.


Good suggestion. https://github.com/ostinelli/SCAR_UCM/issues/5

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Haha that was actually going to be my next request too. Thanks for the quick fix.

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So I am understanding that to plan it you must hand-place the individual pieces.  It isn't evident to me from the vids, but is there a "packaged" item selection you could add to a mission so that you can drag/drop or randomly spawn a "build this asset" side mission?  So that a "complete" pipeline from your example could be randomly placed as a side mission?  Sorry if that is already the case but I'm just going from the vids

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  On 10/12/2017 at 2:26 AM, hcpookie said:

So I am understanding that to plan it you must hand-place the individual pieces.  It isn't evident to me from the vids, but is there a "packaged" item selection you could add to a mission so that you can drag/drop or randomly spawn a "build this asset" side mission?  So that a "complete" pipeline from your example could be randomly placed as a side mission?  Sorry if that is already the case but I'm just going from the vids


You understood correctly, you will need to set up whatever you want to build in the map editor yourself. There's no pre-made composition, for a simple reason: there can hardly be a randomly spawned asset since it would never look good. For instance, just putting pipelines one next to the other would result in them having their ends not matching due to terrain differences.


The only thing I can think of is if some community member would like to generate and share some assets built on various maps, so that we could all benefit from pre-built constructions.

I might consider doing so in the future and insert some assets, but right not it is not my priority.


Hope this helps,


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Thanks for the fast update _SCAR !

I like the idea of sharing some Constructions with the Community, so here is my contribution for this:




Its a Missionfile for the map "lythium", near the city called "Arobster" i deleted a pipeline with a gamelogic and built a new one besides the old one.

The trigger can be deleted, its only usefull if you playing it with the mission "Hearts and Minds".

All Modules have to be placed new because i deleted them (in my version i made some changes to use RHS stuff)

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Thanks so much for this mod Scar - great work.


Unfortunately, I'm getting an error, which breaks the mod and hoping you might be able to shed some light on a resolution.


Whats happening is that workers arrive and start working (with the appropriate material of course) on whatever it is, the first piece is complete, pipe,h-barrier, whatever and then it stops. Nothing else is created and I get this error:


10:31:36 Error in expression <, independent, civilian];

_sideValues select (_sideKeys find _sideStr)
10:31:36   Error position: <select (_sideKeys find _sideStr)
10:31:36   Error Zero divisor
10:31:36 File \scar_ucm\functions\utilities\fn_convertSideStrToSide.sqf [SCAR_UCM_fnc_convertSideStrToSide], line 26
10:31:36 Error in expression < %1, expected %2, on index %3, in %4", [_par] call _fnc_getTypeName, [_x] call _>
10:31:36   Error position: <_par] call _fnc_getTypeName, [_x] call _>
10:31:36   Error Undefined variable in expression: _par
10:31:36 File A3\functions_f\Debug\fn_errorParamsType.sqf [BIS_fnc_errorParamsType], line 146
10:31:36 Error in expression <ToSide;
private _isEnemy      = [_side, _opcomSide] call BIS_fnc_sideIsEnemy;

10:31:36   Error position: <_opcomSide] call BIS_fnc_sideIsEnemy;

10:31:36   Error Undefined variable in expression: _opcomside
10:31:36 File \scar_ucm\functions\integrations\alive\fn_aliveOnConstructionAreaMoved.sqf [SCAR_UCM_fnc_aliveOnConstructionAreaMoved], line 32 

I've double, double checked the logic (and the objects are defined correctly) and believe it's all set-up correctly. Using CBA, Alive, ACE (plus numerous other mods). I check the status and I get an overall progress, but 0% on the current object. Odd. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks (let me know if you need more information!).



Just a thought, I have 2 enemy factions opfor and independent. One is an insurgency and the other is a more conventional faction. Not sure if this is the issue? I'm also using spyder mod (https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/186769-spyder-addons/). 

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This has to do with ALiVE integration, which is still partial. File is here:



It looks like one of ALiVE's OPCOMs is reporting a side which is not one of those: ["BLUFOR", "WEST", "OPFOR", "EAST", "RESISTANCE", "INDEPENDENT", "CIVILIAN"]. This gives an error.


Can you run this code in a console in SP in your mission:

    private _opcomSideStr = [_x, "side", ""] call ALiVE_fnc_HashGet;
    systemChat _opcomSideStr;


and report what you see in the system chat (bottom left of your screen)?

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