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About Defender82

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    Private First Class
  1. Defender82

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    allright, will give it a try. If i can do it i will of course share the result here. Thanks!
  2. Defender82

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    is there a way to insert a keybind into the hook / unhook function of the helicopter? If you hover over the target, it can happen that the "hook" option disappears if you do not stay exactly above the target, so it can happen that you jump right out of the helicopter.
  3. Defender82

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    No, i´m only getting the AR-2 working. On the AL-6 you can´t Enter the "Gunner" seat and there is also no option in the scroll menue to drop leaflets.
  4. Defender82

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    here is a suggestion from me: i love playing this mission, defusing the ieds makes a big part of the mission for me. I always thought it was a pity that the IEDs were left behind on the road by the players after defusing. That's why I added an "IED Bunker" to my modified mission. There, players can discard the defused IEDs and blow them up controlled. This creates positive reputation (via a trigger, pierremgi here from the forum helped me with this, thanks again for that!) Here is the link to the trigger settings: in the conditionfield add following: {typeOf _x == "IEDLandSmall_Remote_Ammo" && _x inArea thisTrigger} count allMines > 0 || {typeOf _x == "IEDLandBig_Remote_Ammo" && _x inArea thisTrigger} count allMines > 0 || {typeOf _x == "IEDUrbanBig_Remote_Ammo" && _x inArea thisTrigger} count allMines > 0 || {typeOf _x == "IEDUrbanSmall_Remote_Ammo" && _x inArea thisTrigger} count allMines > 0 in activate: hint "IED is armed"; in deactivate: hint "IED successfully blasted"; 15 call btc_fnc_rep_change; If you now blow up an armed IED in the triggerarea you will get a rep bonus of +15 points.
  5. Defender82

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hey everyone, I think there is currently a problem with the release of leaflets from a drone. With the NATO AL6, I do not get an option for dropping leaflets. If I customize the classname in core / fnc / civ / add_leaflets.sqf on B_UAV_01_F everything works. params ["_player","_uav"]; if !(_uav isKindOf "B_UAV_06_F") exitWith {}; _uav addMagazine "1Rnd_Leaflets_West_F"; if !("Bomb_Leaflets" in (_uav weaponsTurret [[0, -1] select (_uav isKindOf "UAV_06_base_F")])) then { _uav addWeapon "Bomb_Leaflets"; }; _uav selectWeaponTurret ["Bomb_Leaflets", [[0, -1] select (_uav isKindOf "UAV_06_base_F")]]; if (needReload _uav == 1) then {reload _uav}; if ((_uav getVariable ["btc_leaflets_eh_added" , -1]) isEqualTo -1) then { private _id_f = _uav addEventHandler ["Fired", btc_fnc_eh_leaflets]; _uav setVariable ["btc_leaflets_eh_added" , _id_f]; if (btc_debug) then { systemChat format ["Add leaflets EventHandler ID: %1", _id_f]; }; };
  6. Thanks again pierremgi ! First condition works great, it seems i just forgot to arm the IED (did to much testing in the last days i think). The second condition works now also !
  7. Thanks for your help pierremgi ! sadly the first condition didnt worked: if i leave the trigger like in the picture above, nothing happens. (i add hint´s to see if the trigger is working) the second one gives me an error massage: do you have an idea why it didnt worked?
  8. What i mean is that the vehicles didn´t getting any scratches from an explosion (the left one was hit by an small ied, the right one two). It just didnt feels right, but anyway...these vehicle models are really great work!
  9. Hello everyone, i have a problem with a trigger condition. What i want: is a trigger that detect if an IED is in triggerrange (selectet by a classname like "IEDLandSmall_F", there are about 4-5 different classnames). so if the IED is in the trigger the trigger is activated, if the IED blow up the trigger should be deactivated. with the "thislist" command the trigger didnt work (for testing i insert a hint in the activation / deactivation ) oh and the trigger is for an mission that´s running on a dedicated server. i allready tried this stuff: but sadly it didnt work for me. What i specialy whant is an area where players can blow up IEDs that they have disarmed elsewere and get points for that. Hope someone can help me with this.
  10. Hey, i love the vehicles made by Burnes Armories, thanks for that ! i have one question, if the vehicle gets hit by an IED or something, the tires do not disappear. Thats the reason why we dont use these vehicles anymore :\ is this a general problem with the Burnes Armories mods or i am the only one? Maybe someone here has a tip for me? (i tried the Husky TSV - V1.2 and the OSHKOSH M-ATV) For Example: The vehicles (Wheeled) from RHS can loose the tires.
  11. Thanks for the fast update _SCAR ! I like the idea of sharing some Constructions with the Community, so here is my contribution for this: https://www.file-upload.net/download-12759632/Arobster_Pipeline.lythium.pbo.html Its a Missionfile for the map "lythium", near the city called "Arobster" i deleted a pipeline with a gamelogic and built a new one besides the old one. The trigger can be deleted, its only usefull if you playing it with the mission "Hearts and Minds". All Modules have to be placed new because i deleted them (in my version i made some changes to use RHS stuff)
  12. Now Everything is working fine, the separade menu fits perfect and my problem with the workers is also gone. Thanks for the quick support and for sharing this great mod with us! Another question, is there a chance to get a Timer/Cooldown or something for the material delivery? I use your mod in a Hearts & Minds Mission and want my buddys to do this as a Sidequest. In the moment they can call as many materials as they want and bring them all to the construction area at once, what i would like to see is that they can call for material every 15-30 minutes or something like that. So they have do bring the materials more often to the construction side.
  13. Hey there, i have the same problem: https://picload.org/view/dgccglgw/1.jpg.html A quick workaround is to navigate with the arrow keys, with this trick it is possible to edit the player controls. https://picload.org/view/dgccglrr/2.jpg.html I have another Problem with the 0.10 release. The heli for the materials is doing his job fine, but the helo for the workers just land where he spawned and the workers get out and in again continuously.