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Airsoft & Paintball and those in between.

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Have you tried searching on airsoftcanada.com?

If not, then you really have bad luck. wink_o.gif

I am a dedicated veteran airsofter and I occassionally play paintball (yes, I am a traitor whistle.gif ).

The difference between paintball and airsoft is actually very great. Paintball is more concentrated on fast-paced action than airsoft.

Airsoft is in my opinion more tactical and greater strategic planning is involved. The games we play usually require teamwork and communication. We usually split up in several teams and keep in touch with each other by PMR (radio).

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  (Necromancer- @ Nov. 18 2005,16:49) said:
Airsoft is in my opinion more tactical and greater strategic planning is involved. The games we play usually require teamwork and communication. We usually split up in several teams and keep in touch with each other by PMR (radio).

When I graduate (if all goes well, this January) I should have the time for that kind of dedication. As it is now, I'm lucky to see my friends once a week, let alone get everyone together (and with the money) for half a day of running around shooting each other.

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Jumping onto paintball wounds, ive had my left little finger dislocated by being shot from 5ft away, and ive still got the discolouration on my finger! and that was like...last year in febuary! was great game though, charged up a hil got round the back and stormed the base, got 5 of the teams members, then proceeded to get shot by a disgruntled opponent ending up with my finger incident, he then proceeded to get shot by all 15 members (including me) of my team and me kicking him in crazy_o.gif revenge is sweet especially from about 400 paintballs and a foot rofl.gif


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I went paintballing a couple of weeks ago. The owners thought i was 18 and i got in tounge2.gif

One of the guys wanted to be rambo and got the bandanna around his his shoting at everything. Well everyone decided to get him even his own team. tounge2.gif

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  (Batdog @ Nov. 20 2005,02:35) said:
I went paintballing a couple of weeks ago. The owners thought i was 18 and i got in tounge2.gif

They let my 10 year old in here. smile_o.gif

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  (theavonlady @ Nov. 20 2005,10:59) said:
They let my 10 year old in here. smile_o.gif

Must be a painfull experience...

Mostly for the people who he shot at.. tounge2.gif

Today I had a game of airsoft...

It went reasonably well... apart from that I shot some guy in the face. He jumped right in my field of fire, just right at the moment that I opened fire.

The wound was really bleeding. confused_o.gif

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Me at the last skirmish (same one as Necromancer-) in full Soviet 1980s Afghanistan loadout, with gun (Aks-74 & GP-25) I borrowed (1P29 scope is mine though)..

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It holds, iirc, 3000 rounds, but you can never have enough. smile_o.gif As you can see from the amount of the on the ground behind me.

The CADPAT I got on Ebay a couple of years back. It's not genuine, just the knock off gear but its different. Virtually no-one has uses it here in the UK.

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A couple of pictures taken from the skirm on last sunday in Schoten, Belgium...



Calling for air support...


Air support desk is currently busy and is not able to pick up your call, please try again later...

http://img455.imageshack.us/img455/1251/img24531qr.jpg wink_o.gif

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@Necromancer: Good pics, keep them coming!

@Tankbuster: Try to aim and use 30-BB mags, buddy. wink_o.gif Lots of advantages: cheaper play, more tactics involved, less slippery ground of your favourite spot. smile_o.gif

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The C-Mag was just a bit of fun for that picture. I usually use the TM hicaps.

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@Tankbuster: I didn't mean it offensive, I have to say that AEG with this mag could serve great as team support weapon.

We usually play with TM 68-BB mags (although I have set of 30-BB mags for special occassions), they are comparable to real amount of 30 real bullets in real shooting - you have to watch for ammo, save your shots, but have suffiecient amount of ammunition for full-auto support; the main difference is that in airsoft, one should send two BBs in real world's single shot equivalent. I am just mere civilian into military, but I have discussed the topic with real soldiers.

BTW I can remember that in times of air-cocking AS rifles only, there were ocassionaly really harsh restrictions for number of bullets, e.g. 200 bullets per "soldier" for three-days LRRP scenario... Haven't exoperienced this myself, but since it offered great atmosphere, we try to set similar (generally acceptable) rules in our games.

Would be nice to hear your opinions on ammo consumption, or perhaps ideas for limitations, your local rules... smile_o.gif

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Edge; no offence taken. smile_o.gif At my site the accent is on fun and participation, not on milsim, so we all use hicaps. For me, the laugh and joke between the games should be as much fun as the game itself and having extra rules about ammo consumption detracts from that. Many won't agree with me, but that's how I like my airsoft.

That gun would make a decent support wep, but I'm against taking an assault rifle and "making" it into a support wep purely but slapping a C mag into it. With the restrictions here in the UK, we cannot really have a proper airsoft large calibre support gunner role. Power limits prohibit them.

This is where I play. All info there. Linky

Batdog, those are bb's on the floor. smile_o.gif If I remember correctly, while that picture was taken in the heat of battle in a spot where a lot a rounds tend to fall, it was also semi-posed. I saw the photographer and asked him if he'd take a pic.

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@Tankbuster: Fun and participation, that's what airsoft should be about. For you, it is just rather casual play, for me, the fun means sometimes not shooting a single bullet, but following the real procedures by my best knowledge and skill. I just think that little milsim can add the flavour, but I am not exactly the "soldiering weirdo" type.

Besides, such amo limitations serve well to suppress disrupting activities of few stupids, who would otherwise ruin an event by unfair play and bullet-spraying mayhem. smile_o.gif

I think that certain limitations set for particular game (night events, "role-play" games, various additional rules etc.) can serve well to make interesting scenarios. I am rather more into organizing events then attending them, and I think a lot about the right mixture of military realism and fun for everyone.

The general "doctrine" that proved well in our event designs was to put certain well defined pressure to attendants, put them to the test which is both challenging and fun to play. We try to make events in which even the most casual players feel part of a force, know their objectives, have some leadership and discipline and get challenged in a way they like.

Airsoft has much to offer and we try to make it as variable as possible for both us and rest of local community. Just one example: Lots of groups around us tended to camp during events and get bored soon by nobody coming in front of their barrels, so we made an event in which constant movement and alertness was crucial part of winning startegy. Everyone got the idea, moved the whole day on 2 sq. km of variegated terrain and enjoyed the event. Unfortunately, we have no photos from the event, for nobody had time for this, everybody wanted to play. smile_o.gif

I guess the airsoft is so cool because it allows various kinds of players to find their own niche and enjoy their sport. I respect people not by degree of military simulation they achieved or gear they can afford, but by their ability to play fair and winning with skill.

EDIT: Just looked at the Tech Brigade website. Looks quite good!

@Necromancer: Good link! I especially liked that it was stressed that AS community is responsible, mature and maintains safety. I wish AS gets more publicity like this, it would certainly help us arranging events.

Last months we planned an event on very nice spot (just ugly mountain birch forest, no hygienic or environment protection limitations, no profit made of that forgotten place by anybody, no chance to harm anybody etc.), but the owner of the land did not allow 30 people to hide there for one day because he did not know a shit about what we really do and was not willing to hear it. crazy_o.gif

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Overall, I think we are singing from the same hymn sheet, Edge.

A few quick points; Our games are so well managed that the 'disrupting stupids' rarely last long. Secondly, locaps are too expensive when our games last 40 mins and often, I'll shoot 2k rounds. Sometimes I'll shoot none tho!

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  (TankbusterSPAFF @ Nov. 25 2005,21:58) said:
Overall, I think we are singing from the same hymn sheet, Edge.

A few quick points; Our games are so well managed that the 'disrupting stupids' rarely last long. Secondly, locaps are too expensive when our games last 40 mins and often, I'll shoot 2k rounds. Sometimes I'll shoot none tho!

Low-caps are fun... if every attendant uses them.

Unfortunately, almost no one in the Benelux uses low-caps with their AEG's.

Personally i'd really love to play with low-caps, because of the greater realism in airsoft... Imagine the thrill you get when you have to reload your AEG more often and quickly as well.

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I might get a CA M15A4 (for those who don't know, M16A4, basically...) and few boxes of STAR "realcaps". You get 10 of them and the whole box costs 65 €, about double the price of single CA standard M16 mag (68 bb's, 26 euros). Might not feed the best on CA, but hey, we're talking about M16 here. tounge2.gif

Other choise is to get a (deactivated?) AK-74M, buy a Marui AK-47 and get the Marui AEG parts inside the AK-74M. biggrin_o.gif True full metal, wohoo...

Just need to find somebody to play with. And money. sad_o.gif

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You can't convert a real (Deac) Ak-74M..

The Marui receiver is slightly longer or else all parts won't fit in, if you want a full metal Ak-74, either save up for a Guarder kit, or wait for ICS and G&G to release theirs, the last 2 won't be sidefolding though...

Whatever you do, stay away from the CA SLR-105, it's rubbish in terms of realism, not as bad as the Marui Beta Spets but still bad (very unrealistic, especially compared to the real SLR-105)

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