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The Forgotten Battles

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Question.  Are there air/fuel mixture controls?

Reason I ask is because whenever I turn the autopilot on my FW seems to accelerate rapidly from 200ktias on up.  Though when I turn the autopilot off and go full throttle, even EWP boost I still don't accelerate nowhere near as fast as the autopilot.  And yes I do have my radiator closed, flaps raised and my gear up.

Hell I couldn't even catch a bomber as my speed seemed to be at 320ktias and if I went EWP I started overheating.

I went through the controls mapping but I saw no key for air/fuel mixture yet I see the knobs inside the cockpit.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (advocatexxx @ Nov. 20 2002,02:34)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Question.  Are there air/fuel mixture controls?<span id='postcolor'>

Not yet, but there will be in Forgotten Battles smile.gif. The difference in performance you describe is due to the fact the AI 'Cheats" - it uses a simplified flight model.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tovarish @ Nov. 19 2002,20:40)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (advocatexxx @ Nov. 20 2002,02:34)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Question. Are there air/fuel mixture controls?<span id='postcolor'>

Not yet, but there will be in Forgotten Battles smile.gif. The difference in performance you describe is due to the fact the AI 'Cheats" - it uses a simplified flight model.<span id='postcolor'>

Exactomondo, same with Autopilot on your plane.

Just throw your plane into autopilot for 20 minutes when your engine is still cold, the plane will be flying (and keeping up) at 400+ and never even warm up the engine, exaclty the same as AI planes.

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that's why it's so damn hard to catch up to them when they take off.


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Yeah no shit, I always wondered about that. I thought this was supposed to be a simulator? Bombers can outrun the German FW fighters?

I'm disappointed.

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Well, I for one never had a problem catching enemy bombers (though so far I've only finished the Soviet fighter campaign and am starting the Sturmovik campaign). It's mostly the fighters where you notice they can use full power without any fear of overheating. What bombers are you trying to catch up to? The Il-2 or Pe-8 are pretty slow, shouldn't be a problem. If it's the Pe-2 or Pe-3, well, that's pretty historically accurate, those were fast.

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It's in the German pilot career.  Probably like the 10th mission.  Me and my group are to intercept some heavily armored Soviet bombers and take them down.  They advised us that assaulting them from the rear is fatal as most of the machine guns are located in the rear section, but that diving top attacks are highly advised.  Too bad that at 330ktias I can't even frikken catch up to the sucker, let alone climb and dive at him.  Gimme an Me262 dammit!

Edit: That's 330 km/h I think. Just noticed the airspeed indicator has its units in km/h not knots indicated airspeed so I was doing about 180ktias then. I thought knots were the standard used on all aircraft since WWI.

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advocate, turn on autopilot untill the fighting starts... that should get you there. smile.gif

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How many patches do u need to get playing over the internet from the boxed version??

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You need the 1.1 and then the 1.2 patches go get up to speed. The thing is that they are more of addons than patches because each one adds more planes and features so it's not like the game is broken out of the box.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (advocatexxx @ Nov. 20 2002,22:36)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It's in the German pilot career.  Probably like the 10th mission.  Me and my group are to intercept some heavily armored Soviet bombers and take them down.  They advised us that assaulting them from the rear is fatal as most of the machine guns are located in the rear section, but that diving top attacks are highly advised.  Too bad that at 330ktias I can't even frikken catch up to the sucker, let alone climb and dive at him.  Gimme an Me262 dammit!

Edit:  That's 330 km/h I think.  Just noticed the airspeed indicator has its units in km/h not knots indicated airspeed so I was doing about 180ktias then.  I thought knots were the standard used on all aircraft since WWI.<span id='postcolor'>

Ah yes, the Pe-8's *shudder* I played enough of the German campaign to get there, there was no way i could shoot those monsters down. In fact the Russians lost only two during the entire war, both at night when the gunners couldn't see the attacking fighter. I just got shot up badly on one try, limped home and went on to the next mission. Anyways, as bn880 said, just turn on autopilot and increase time until you get to the action smile.gif. (I don't know why you seem not to be able to get abve 330km/h, I can reach around 400 with no problems, and those Pe-8's are not that hard to catch up to). BTW, Knots are the Western standard for measurement of airspeed, Eastern countries always have used km/h and still do (and Il-2 is a Russian sim).

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For the Pe-8 basically get all your guys to attack one and use your wingmen as a cover smile.gif wait until they are attacking and have the bombers attension and go in after a single engine and just pound it. Once the engine is gone you've got it. If I remember you only have to shoot down one to pass that mission.


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Tovarish, what the hell is that joint-wing bomber? That German one that looks like two bombers joined by wingtips. Am I imagining things? Was that thing for real and if so what was the story behind it?

How could something like that even take off/land. Imagine the stresses and imbalance.

I used to play (and still do) microsoft flight simulator for the past 6 years so I'm not exactly up-to-date with WWII era bombers, but that just looked really strange to me. I can't see the advantages something like that would have.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (advocatexxx @ Nov. 21 2002,22:40)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Tovarish, what the hell is that joint-wing bomber?  That German one that looks like two bombers joined by wingtips.  Am I imagining things?  Was that thing for real and if so what was the story behind it?

How could something like that even take off/land.  Imagine the stresses and imbalance.

I used to play (and still do) microsoft flight simulator for the past 6 years so I'm not exactly up-to-date with WWII era bombers, but that just looked really strange to me.  I can't see the advantages something like that would have.<span id='postcolor'>


He-111 Z-1 "Zwilling" (Twins)

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The He 111Z (Zwilling, or twin) combined two He 111H-6 airframes, joined by a new wing centre-section to mount a fifth Jumo 211F-2 engine; designed to tow the Messerschmitt Me 321 Gigant transport glider; two prototypes and 10 He 111Z-1 production aircraft were built.

<span id='postcolor'>



<span style='color:red'>*edit*</span> You do realize there is a "view objects" option in the main menu that would tell you most of this smile.gif.

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Twin planes were often used,like the p82 (not sure about the type number) composed of two mustangs with a radar between them,used as a nighttime fighter.

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Yes, but the Dual Mustang was a f*cking terrible peice of equipment! It looked terrible!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tovarish @ Nov. 21 2002,22:47)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">he111z1.jpg<span id='postcolor'>

siamese twin plane wow.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Renagade @ Nov. 22 2002,01:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">siamese twin plane wow.gif<span id='postcolor'>

I'm tempted to go into the mission editor and surgically separate them with the P-39's 37mm biggrin.gif

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So is the ME262 probably going to be the ultimate BnZ fighter once it picks up alot of speed?  Is it going to be like a FW190 on steriods, since it has better guns and speed?

I imagine its going to be somewhat fragile though.

I really am looking forward to the JU88 and He111 as well as the TB3. I've really loved the Stuka, and the variant with the anti-tank cannons is going to RoxXor. smile.gif How many rounds of ammunition do the large caliber guns on the anti-tank Stuka carry? Does anyone have any idea?

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From what I've seen of the AI Me262, all you have to do is hit an engine - with anything - and you will instantly see flames. (often it goes out though, I think it's the only plane in IL-2 where I've seen the flames go out without it being destroyed, and then it can fight somewhat on one engine for a bit) But in the hands of the good B&Z German flyers out there, yeah, I'm worried smile.gif. Those 4x20mm in the nose are nasty. Most people who fly German online are anticipating the bf-109K or the FW190-D9 and TA-152 more, I guess we'll see how these planes redefine online play. Me, I'm waiting for my La-7 with 3X20mm's smile.gif

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I've never been able to split the Z right down the middle. Don't think it has a 'damage' point right there.


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I dont think I have seen a He-111Z in two halfs, but I have seen a track where someone in a IL-2T drops of torpedo onto one and blows it up!

And what Im waiting for in Forgotten Battles:

Every plane that will be released tounge.gif

In particular the 3rd party ones like the

Typhoon(nice model)


Gotha Go-229:4x30mm cannons, speeds that get close to Mach-1=nice

IL-10- The definitive evolvment of the IL-2.


Forgot the He-219 'Uhu' night fighter.

Also, theres the WW1 mod been made, should be amusing when you cross WW1 with WW2.

Imagine a German Albatross vs. a Yak-9 biggrin.gif

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The complete list of features for Forgotten Battles have been released. See it Here

Also, there are 87 screenshots that have just been made public Here

Now if you'll excuse me, I shall head back there and continue drooling biggrin.gif

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