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[MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (continued)

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You can add R3F logistics and drag them boxes into place :f:


Or you could simply add a drag script like below which is realistic, which liberation needs more realism for sure. What isn't realistic is the the supplies probably way a lot. Can you say forklift? https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=559653520&searchtext=


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27 minutes ago, sowens said:

You can add R3F logistics and drag them boxes into place :f:


Or you could simply add a drag script like below which is realistic, which liberation needs more realism for sure. What isn't realistic is the the supplies probably way a lot. Can you say forklift? https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=559653520&searchtext=



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I personally won't implement 3rd party scripts in the mission directly.

Mostly they have much more functions as we need and we create a dependency to these script if there are issues or anything (maybe these scripts are allowed to be implemented but not to be changed for example)

I still think and honor the guys who create the scripts which can be added to missions etc., really. But as I have also to maintain the mission, help people who encounter bugs etc. it's also better to really know what's inside your mission and don't need to read into some others work.


Everyone is free to edit Liberation how much he wants, as it's under the MIT Licence. And also ACE brings carry and dragging, even a whole added cargo system etc.

At the moment we're planning some basic thing like "pushing" the crate 1m per action in the facing direction or anything else, to help with the start resources.


As @Applejakerie said, there won't be a "HEMTT falling from the skies" or something. But I'm very aware, that the current way to provide the starting resources isn't the best or most comfortable one. So there will be something in the future which makes is less a pain in the ass at the start, but it should prove a "nearly realistic" way and no "magic" feeling.


An addition to the logistic explanation:

On 23.5.2017 at 4:10 PM, Applejakerie said:

-> "AI Logistics" (scroll menu whilst at an FOB), will give you a GUI where on the left side panel you may "Add" or "Remove" a logistics group, these at current are background processes. For each logistics group, you can buy or sell trucks (at current any amount) that will in turn be used to configure your logistical limit per journey (mission). Below this middle panel UI, you've also got all you need to command logistic groups take "X" amount of resources from "A" to "B" etc. Although "A" and "B" can be simultaneously used again in other logistical group missions, the same route cannot run simultaneously between different logistical groups. From here, you sit and twiddle your thumbs. :)) 

You can also set up the mission with "get 100,000 supplies from the factory where I produce supplies at the moment and bring them to the FOB", even if you only have 1 Truck in the group.

That will lead to the "passive income replacement", as the Truck will start loading, maybe see that there are no 300 supplies at the factory (logi groups will always load all trucks before continue) and then he will wait so long until 300 supplies are in the storage area of the factory. Then he will continue his mission with driving to the FOB and unload it (he will also wait, if there is maybe no space to unload all crates). And as then his mission still says "get me also the remaining 99,700 supplies", he will drive back to the factory and so on. :)

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I just put up a dedi server using this mission. Looks great. I and a few friends have been playing 0.92 version last few days and noticed this new version so shifted here. However, now when I start the mission on the air craft carrier I do not see any FOB container that we can lift via the Huron heli to land. Can you please inform

  1. where is the default FOB contain located at the start of mission ?
  2. where are the resources stats which used to display on right side of screen? How do we know how many resources do we have ?



  • I setup the mission pbo as is with no modifications as such
  • I am using Altis map for the dedi server and we do not load any mods in our client
  • I have tried logging in as commander, squad leader but didn't really see any FOB container on the ship deck to pick and take it to the land


Kind Regards, 


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The FOB Box will spawn at the port aft of the carrier (on the other side of the carrier as the huron).

Have you played a older version of Liberation maybe before on that map?

You have to wipe the save if you start with 0.95 once. And be sure to not activated "start with first FOB built".

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2 minutes ago, Wyqer said:

The FOB Box will spawn at the port aft of the carrier (on the other side of the carrier as the huron).

Have you played a older version of Liberation maybe before on that map?

You have to wipe the save if you start with 0.95 once. And be sure to not activated "start with first FOB built".


That FOB box is basically a "Huron Cargo Container". When i slingloaded it to land and tried to scroll wheel to deploy FOB, i didn't get that option. I opened map to see the class  name/ description of this box it showed "Huron Cargo Container" and if i build it, it appears as if a 5x5 meter (or so) cargo drop area rather than a military HQ building like in v0.92. Is this the correct box and i just need to learn how to play this new version ?

Yes, i have played older version of liberation on Altis before (last several days me and my friends have been playing it on the same dedi server). While installing this new version, all i did was put this PBO in mpmissions and selected it in the server config. It started from scratch (progress wise) which is fine for us. 

Where is location of saved files so i can wipe out manually ? Btw, i have never been able to edit Mission Parameters (the parameters button you see on top right while in the slot selection screen where you select to spawn in commander slot or others). When i click on that button, i see all params but i don't see EDIT  button or any way to change them. So they are all default. 

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Nothing has changed regarding the Huron Cargo Container, it is the FOB in container format.

You do need to be 1km from Chimera/USS Freedom however before you'll get an option to place it and when you do place it, it will be the HQ building you are expecting. 


As for parameters, you can edit those but you need to be a server admin. (#login serveradminpassword)

Also, the current mission needs to be "stopped" which is either straight after a server restart (the mission starts when you hit "Okay" from lobby) or by typing #reassign as a server admin. 


Sorry, missed a point. Very bottom of those parameters are two "wipe game save" parameters. You need to do this as you've got a previous save conflicting with the current code.

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And you can't edit the parameters at all if you start the server with -autoInit (which will start the mission right after the server is ready)

But to keep it simple for you as admin, you can unPBO the mission, go into ui/mission_params.hpp and change the default values to your liking. PBO it again and you don't have to change it everytime after restart. Wouldn't recommend to set the wipe parameters to enabled by default by the way ^^

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22 minutes ago, Applejakerie said:

Nothing has changed regarding the Huron Cargo Container, it is the FOB in container format.

You do need to be 1km from Chimera/USS Freedom however before you'll get an option to place it and when you do place it, it will be the HQ building you are expecting. 


As for parameters, you can edit those but you need to be a server admin. (#login serveradminpassword)

Also, the current mission needs to be "stopped" which is either straight after a server restart (the mission starts when you hit "Okay" from lobby) or by typing #reassign as a server admin. 


Sorry, missed a point. Very bottom of those parameters are two "wipe game save" parameters. You need to do this as you've got a previous save conflicting with the current code.


Thank you very much for the input.

  • Indeed, I can deploy FOB from the huron container once I was a bit further away.
  • I am able to change parameters now by first spawning in, typing #login to log in as admin (i am whitelisted thus no pw needed).
  • Using your provided command #reassign i ended the mission, changed parameters (since now i was admin). I basically didn't know how to go back to that screen after spawning in and logging in. #reassign did the job!
  • I changed the bottom 2 params and started the mission
  • Later, I exitted the game unpbo'ed like Wyqer just suggested and updated default params to my liking (yes, i didn't add wipeouts as default :p)

We are all set to play and have fun now :) 


Thank you to you and Wyqer for helping and offering us such a nice mission. Respect!

Kind Regards, 



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"to future implementations including the possibilities of ambushes, convoy patrols, mine clearings etc and even possibly "hearts and minds" styled missions where (as my own suggestion) you could surrender supplies to the civilian population in return for civilian favour, of course, you would have to make sure these supplies arrive safely to succeed in your mission and possible threats could include roadside IED, vehicle IED and ambushes/incursions."


You are fantastic, definitive simulation


I hope in an "immediate" future :-)

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4 hours ago, Applejakerie said:

I wouldn't say a magical starting truck is authentic nor realistic but the current setup is also as you say, cumbersome. 

We've been debating a better setup, any suggestions? We've got:

-- Resources start on your starting position, so they could be carried to the FOB by the smaller starting helicopters (max 1) or the Spartan (3 loaded, 1 lifted - or - 3 loaded, 3 lifted with the Advanced Sling Loading mod). 
-- A map click, that directs where the boxes could be dropped instead of having it automatic above the FOB (so users can pick a larger, more open area nearby).  

Or, either of those two but with an offroad also, which can carry 1 box at a time (way less authentic I feel).

I'm a fan of being able to direct where the boxes are dropped.


It fixes a problem (crates dropping in inaccessible areas) and also creates a solution (how to collect the first few crates).

If you can just have them all drop right near the first storage area you build you don't have to worry about transporting them.  Everyone wins.

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5 hours ago, Drewgamer said:

drop right near the first storage area

They'll be still affected by the wind, so a "land and store" can't be achieved with that, but it gives you more control.


I've a thought for the "lack of transport" for the start ressources.

Well.... I could test if it will work good enough (FOBs are not always directly at a road or something), if I just create a civil offroad maybe 1km away, which will then drive to the FOB, the driver get's out, goes away and despawns. So like a "here, I was ordered to bring you this".

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where can i find rhs units classnames so i can change emeny army compositions (and can i use GREF units?)

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Just unpbo the mission and have a look in the kp_liberation_config.sqf and the preset folder.

You'll find comments which will guide you :)


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Is it possible to use a savegame from 094? When I try to do it, I am not able to spawn properly. I only stay there at Chimera without the ability to do something.

Using the same preset as with 094 does not help. And it happens even if I use a vanilla version of your mission.

But everything works fine, when I delete the old savegame.


Edit: No sorry, I think it is a problem of my specific user profile. But this is a bigger problem than a simple savegame I think.

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0.94 Savegames are Not comptatible with 0.95 due to changes in the save array.

if you want to finish your game first, you can find all versions on Github at the releases tab.

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Sorry that I overlooked it. I am sure, you wrote it down here.


Thank you very much and have a nice feast day.

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Why in team manager menu when I click on to replace the soldier, is it deleted? It would be great to be able to manage the soldier we want from time to time .

 to be able to take control of other team soldiers and personally handle certain situations (example : controlling the sniper to do the targeted action and then returning to the rifle)


Example 2: when your soldier dies instead of respawn  you can take control of another team soldier.


All optional obviously

Edited by Danilik

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On 23.5.2017 at 4:10 PM, Applejakerie said:


-> "AI Logistics"  Below this middle panel UI, you've also got all you need to command logistic groups take "X" amount of resources from "A" to "B" etc.

what are the values for "X"? for one box=100 or 1 or what?

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3 minutes ago, madpat3 said:

"X" amount of resources

not crates


each 100 is 1 box.

Also if you have 5 Supplies, 5 Ammo and 5 Fuel the truck is full (because 3 boxes are generated)

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in the ui for the logistics, only the amount boxes is indicated. would be better if the amount of recources was indicated, too.

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I am here again trying to understand the system better. This time I have question of how the Air Vehicle Slot system works. 

  1. Do I need to have 1 Flight Control per each air vehicle ? 
  2. Or in general if someone can elaborate how this system works please?


Much appreciated. 



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