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[MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (continued)

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Many thanks for your offer.

As I've planned to implement Al Rayak and Sahrani, I've to say that I've nearly finished the Al Rayak missionfile.

But if you like, you could take hands on Sahrani and I won't start create it then.


Maybe it would be best, if you join the discord, so we can talk about it :)

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Just now, Wyqer said:

Many thanks for your offer.

As I've planned to implement Al Rayak and Sahrani, I've to say that I've nearly finished the Al Rayak missionfile.

But if you like, you could take hands on Sahrani and I won't start create it then.


Maybe it would be best, if you join the discord, so we can talk about it :)


Sure thing!  Toss me an invite and we can discuss.  I'll remove from the workshop then since you are nearly done.

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On 11.3.2017 at 9:09 PM, jus61 said:


Altis Server-IP

Server Name:  KP Liberation v0.95 by www.killahpotatoes.de




Altis Mod Server-IP

Server Name:  KP Liberation v0.95 Mod by www.killahpotatoes.de 


Addons: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=919181954





TS:  ts3.killahpotatoes.de

Discord : https://discord.gg/bpPUU48  



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On 5/2/2017 at 3:44 PM, griffz said:



you should try to play with a dedicated server. with a quad core cpu , it's better than hosting mission from your own game client. run a client PLUS a dedicated one the same computer. RAM hungry but faster .


You can run the dedicated server and a client version on the same PC? and not have it meltdown? On this same note, just how powerful a CPU do you need to just run a dedicated server? Because I could just run it on my school laptop or something. I'm sure it could work, I just don't want to give players a crappy experience.

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Hi, beautiful work, and thanks also for the translation into Italian. I would like to ask you something, sorry if it is banal or stupid, but I'm inexperienced in the matter, it is possible during the multiplayer campaign to have the opportunity to switch between the soldiers of your team managed by a.i. How do I do it in single player using the U key? 

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The italian localization is the work of kaso2mod, so you should thank him for that. :)

To be honest I've never used this in any mp or sp. I'll have a look about it. But what about the group management action in the action menu?

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New Experimental Missionfile


  • Production System fully finished as intended.
  • Next task is the "AI Logistics" feature.


Intended behaviour for the changes:

  • Cities don't have the ability to produce resources now if you capture them.
  • Factories can produce every resource from the start.
  • You now have to build facilities in the cities to produce resources. To build them you need to built a sector storage first.
  • You need to store resources in the sector storage to build the facilities. The prices are at the moment:
    • Supply Facility -> 100 Supplies, 200 Ammo, 200 Fuel
    • Ammo Facility -> 200 Supplies, 100 Ammo, 200 Fuel
    • Fuel Facility -> 200 Supplies, 200 Ammo, 100 Fuel
  • The sector storage isn't spawned directly at the player position anymore (it was just a placeholder). Now you get the same preview functioanlity like when building at the FOB.

Download experimental missionfile

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1 hour ago, Wyqer said:


The italian localization is the work of kaso2mod, so you should thank him for that. :)

To be honest I've never used this in any mp or sp. I'll have a look about it. But what about the group management action in the action menu?

Ok, then thanks to kaso2mod


In the action menu pressing \ is the command "select only unit n ....." same result by pressing the U key, for example otrex mission opens a menu where the player  selected i.a and pressing the spacebar takes control of it. 

 P.s How do you re-start your campaign from the beginning by deleting all your saves?

Thanks for the answers, very kind to you, and sorry if i'm boring

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To restart, you choose the both mission parameters to wipe the savegame from the MP Lobby.

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It was possible to recruit troops for the High Command, earlier, wasn't it?


Edit: sorry, it is able. But I am not able to command them. Try to switch the command menu but nothing happens.


Edit2: Okay got it, only through Zeus, no High Command.

To delete vehicles out of the vanilla.sqf (in presets) worked for Altis. When I delete the same vehicles of OPFOR (I promise, I checked it 3 times) in the apex_tanoa.sqf I am able to get my weapons out from a loadout. But in the virtual arsenal is nothing except the loaded weapon available. The game doesn't show more, only the loaded weapons/equipment.

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about the arsenal thing.... could you open an issue on Github with steps to reproduce etc.?

Then I'll have a look into it. But nobody else had a issue like this since now, so that's one reason why I'm interested in the "how to reproduce".

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Okay. When you allow it here: the problem comes, when I delete O_T_MRAP_02_gmg_ghex_F in this group:

// All the vehicles that can spawn as sector defenders and patrols

With the GMG the arsenal is not broken up.

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Then you forgot to delete the "," from the next entry above after deleting the last entry (gmg mrap).

In an array the last entry must not have a comma at the end.

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The first event for the planned international KP Liberation session is created by the way.


We're still looking for people to join. We'll play the latest dev build in a milsim environment.


If you like to participate, please register in the event and state the number of the role you want to play:



More informations about the session itself can be obtained here:


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Hi, 0.95 is coming?

I do not have dlc helicopters, how can i replace huron at first? Thanks for the answer

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0.95 is coming shortly after the Jets DLC but I am not sure how shortly after. I think it's planned for this month.

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@sowens is right. I'm planning to release the next version with a bunch of new features shortly after the Jets DLC (as I want to implement the new Jets and replace the ATLAS with the new carrier)

You can replace the huron classname inside the custom.sqf in the mission. So you can take one from RHS for example, if you use that mod.

Or you start the mission with the parameter, that the first FOB is already built for you, so you won't need to lift the box around.

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thx for taking over the development of this mission, Wyqer, I was always a big fun of this mission but...

I've got annoying stuttering every a dozen or so seconds in this mission only. Constantly. Game ver. 1.68. It doesnt matter if I play vanilla (all mods disabled) or with mods and it doesn't matter also if I play original or KP ver. 0.94 or KP experimental 0.95. First I thought its because of units spawning somewhere in the area but it is not. Maybe there is a script running every dozen or so seconds which causes this? My PC is kind low end though but vanilla Arma runs quite good and smooth.

I don't remember if it happens from the beginning of playing this mission or I just become so sensitive lately... ;)

Can You help, please?..

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Personally I can't confirm any issues like stuttering from my side. Also you're the first one who reported anything like that.

Do you run it locally? Did you reduce the unit limits in the mission params from the mp lobby?


Liberation is in general recommended for dedicated server usage. But well, most machines can handle the mission also as local mp game (so SP game like) without changing anything.

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I've been testing your Liberation with C2 Command and control, and for the most part they seem fairly compatible, however, when trying to open the C2 Command Tab from the Zeus interface I have always gotten a game crash with a Status Access Violation. Beyond that dying or logging seems to drop control of squads in C2's high command. For now I cannot recommend it as an alternative to the Zeus module, however, I can recommend it as an addition to the Zeus module. As long as you remember not to open up the screen from Zeus the squad commands seem to work well enough, along with its Enhanced Movement integration.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Edit: Enhanced Movement no longer properly integrated with C2

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On 11.05.2017 at 3:59 PM, Wyqer said:

Personally I can't confirm any issues like stuttering from my side. Also you're the first one who reported anything like that.

Do you run it locally? Did you reduce the unit limits in the mission params from the mp lobby?


Liberation is in general recommended for dedicated server usage. But well, most machines can handle the mission also as local mp game (so SP game like) without changing anything.


Thx for your answer. Hm, yes, I play as local MP game mostly, but from time to time also in SP mode. And yes, I reduced unit limits to 50% by editing "mission params" in "ui" folder. I lowered also civilians amount and edited other params in this file. Can civilians (spawning and waypoints) be responsible for my stuttering? Or maybe other params broke something (I remember there is a problem with setting day duration to the wanted value)? Missions params in lobby look good though... I've also heavily edited RHS presets to my liking but as I said before even unedited version in vanilla Arma has this constant stuttering. :(

I will disable civilians completly, check this mission once again but in SP mode and try another map (I play on Altis curently). I have to play it without problems, good CTI mission like this one is what I like most.


Edit: Damn it, nothing seems to work. :/ It seems that I will have to get used to this 1 sec freeze every (lets say) 10 seconds... But there must be something in this mission which causes this... I'm not complaining, just want to establish what's the cause of my stuttering.

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You can just replace the mission.sqm with the tanoa one (get it from GitHub for example), rename the folder from altis to tanoa and pbo it again.

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1 hour ago, Wyqer said:

You can just replace the mission.sqm with the tanoa one (get it from GitHub for example), rename the folder from altis to tanoa and pbo it again.

Thanks for the help, always nice to see a friendly face and a helpful person.

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Is there a way to reduce the alert level without a side mission? By editing the right parameter in savegame?

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