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[MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (continued)

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7 hours ago, Wyqer said:


Hey there and thanks for the Feedback.


To First:

I also thought about some methods to prevent the starter package beeing unreachable. Nothing really suitable till now, but I'll keep thinking.



Could you use the drag body animation? Its pretty slow to get it away from power lines. Wouldn't be easy to drag that way.

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I thinking more about preventing it to happen, then a further feature implementation to create a "workaround".

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Small Dev Update with an updated Changelog for 0.95 so far

  • Added: New resource system
  • Added: Italian localization. Thanks to kaso2mod
  • Added: Action to change alignment (up or terrain aligned) during placement of buildings
  • Added: Action to reassign the commander to the zeus module (only shows if the commander has no access to zeus)
  • Added: Paradrop of a resource package when first FOB is built
  • Added: Action to switch between displaying global or local FOB resources
  • Added: Air vehicle slot system (need a Flight Control to build helipads, hangars and air vehicles)
  • Added: Blacklist / Whitelist filtering for saved loadouts
  • Added: Recycling of enemy vehicles
  • Added: Recycle value now depends on vehicle damage, remaining ammo and fuel.
  • Removed: Resource caps system
  • Removed: Old vanilla unit preset (custom.sqf already provides a vanilla setting)
  • Removed: Passive Income (due to new resource system)
  • Removed: Ammo Bounties (due to new resource system)
  • Removed: Civilian Penalties (due to new resource system)
  • Removed: Overwrite functionality for classnames.sqf, as it is no longer needed due to the preset system
  • Removed: gameplay_constants.sqf
  • Merged: gameplay_constants.sqf settings into kp_liberation_config.sqf and added descriptions to the variables
  • Updated: Spanish localization. Thanks to regiregi22
  • Replaced: Manpower icon with supplies icon. Thanks to jus61
  • Replaced: Every deprecated BIS_fnc_MP with remoteExec
  • Tweaked: Arsenal blacklist filtering. Thanks to veteran29
  • Tweaked: Initialization of the arsenal, which should increase the performance for blacklist using
  • Tweaked: Save manager -> helicopters from the LHD or Chimera won't be saved, as they spawn on every mission start/load
  • Tweaked: Name for savegame namespace -> adapts automaticly to worldName
  • Tweaked: Revive settings: BI Revive is enabled by default. Disable it, when you use ACE
  • Tweaked: Config, as some apex classnames were missing. Thanks to Applejakerie
  • Fixed: UAV unconnectable after player death. Thanks to veteran29
  • Fixed: Missing batteries with Apex laser designators. Thanks to veteran29
  • Fixed: Enemy weapon dance. Thanks to kaso2mod
  • Fixed: Non vanilla paratroopers don't have a parachute
  • Fixed: Enemy jets sometimes spawn on the ground instead flying
  • Fixed: Empty ACE medical crate was empty and couldn't be recycled

I'm very confident, that I'll implement all the other planned features till planned release of 0.95 in the second half of May.


You can have a look in the new features with the experimental missionfile (link below), or if you join the public server from @jus61:

Name: KP Liberation by www.killahpotatoes.de


Port: 2302

Needed Mods: None

Admin: jus61


I would very appreciate feedback, suggestions, contributions, bug reports, etc.


Experimental 0.95 Missionfile

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More than a few hours and no bugs yet.

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I answered my own question and the gui designer isn't fun


So I am interested in adding more mission types. I have building them down ok, but I sure don't know how to fiddle with UI's. Is there a tool out like a gui that designs them? I have destroy headquarters, sam sites, artillery sites, mortar teams, etc that I am working on but adding them seems to be a pita. Is the link https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/User_Interface_Editor_(Arma_3) what I am looking for here to make a new one or edit the one there?


and I probably put this in the wrong forum...sorry

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This is the right one, yes.

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A weird question maybe: Even if I play without mods, the enemies are looking like mercenaries, not like soldiers from a big army (Russia). They wear bad vests with less protection e. g.

That was not like this with the normal Liberation. Did you change something in this way? And is it easy to change it again?


Best regards

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Which map do you play?


And maybe you attacked a city, which is more often defended by milita forces then by regular military. This behaviour was "always" part of Liberation, no changes there.

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Yeah, this is functionality from the original Lib, where it would load RHS equipment onto whatever guys are spawned. Just vests and guns, mainly. I think it was the loadout scripts, if I'm not mistaken.


Military bases and reinforcements are your big boy army types.

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A small preview of the upcoming production settings for captured sectors.

This menu is available for the commander. He can change which resources should be produced in each city or factory sector.



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I don't know if your interested in it or not, but Im working on AI Halo and on call AI support (AH6 circles providing cover). The support cost resources, fuel and ammo, or will if I can ever figure out the gui creation.

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Sure, already done. I always write english and german strings for the stringtable. But as I play and work in german, I don't change the language just for one picture. And I suppose, that everybody can get the basic idea about the menu and which informations are provided.



If you've finished your implementation, you can let me have a look, sure.

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New experimental missionfile


The production system is "finished", so here is the next experimental missionfile for testing purpose.

I've tested it on my side and everything work as intended. But sure I can't test all possible situations. So I would really appreciate your help again for testing and reporting of any encountered bugs or strange behaviours.

If you use this missionfile you need to wipe your save!


Intended behaviour:

  • The commander can open the production setting menu, when he is at a FOB and at least one factory or city (not capital) is captured.
  • In the menu you see some informations and can choose what kind of resource should be produced (changing this will reset the production timer).
  • The "Facilities available" area is already functional at displaying the informations, but the functionality behind this information isn't implemented yet.
  • You can adjust the production time in the kp_liberation_config.sqf and it will also be affected by the resource multiplier parameter.
  • The production starts only, when you've build a storage area at the sector.
  • You can build the storage area when: You've build permission, you're inside a radius of 125m around the sector marker and if there is not already a storage area at the sector.
  • At the moment the area will be build directly where you stay. The direction is set to the direction you're looking at (so if you unload crates they will be placed in that direction you're looking). This will be changed later.
  • Military sectors won't spawn crates anymore. Factory and city sectors will spawn a random amount of crates, each with a random resource, once. (1 - 3, also affected by resource multiplier)

Download the missionfile

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Looks good, I'll have to try this on my testhost.

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thru in an ace ai medic script and it made it a lot better for single/small groups. The ai medics can pick us up and other ai if they aren't dead. Really digging the changes now.

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Trying this with the LDH this time and it works locally and doesn't on the server. Probably on my end though.

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Ensure that you load the atlas mod on server and clientside.

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Yes I have that and re-verified my steam and nothing. Probably the server or an addon.

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Consider joining the discord. Then we (all the others and I) can help you surely faster with your issue. And we won't use the thread as kind of "chatroom" ^^

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Great mission! Couple questions:


Do we have any "getting started" documentation etc? I'm struggling a bit how to start the whole mission (what to do first etc.)

Do you see any possible conflicts if I add Alive Module(s). Transportation is something in my mind..





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There should be a How to Play button in game that is pretty extensive. I added some ALIVE functions and it was alright, although a lot slower to load.

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Where do I find the file that includes all the starting parameters in the mission pbo? And is it possible to have no restrictions on Arsenal equipment so everyone can take everything?

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@jingols The file for parameters is "mission_params.hpp" located in "ui" folder. The latter I unfortunately don't know.

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