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About jingols

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  1. That was fast. Thanks! Edit: I'm using the blacklist preset and leave everything empty, but ingame (local server) it still prevents me from taking most of the mod items (RHS, VSM etc.). Is there an easy way to just put no restrictions on the arsenal?
  2. Where do I find the file that includes all the starting parameters in the mission pbo? And is it possible to have no restrictions on Arsenal equipment so everyone can take everything?
  3. Passive income was always nice to have with a small group and the sessions stretched out over time. What was the reason to remove it completely and not leave it in as optional?
  4. jingols

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Battlezone Everon RHS , DUWS RHS , Dynamic Recon Ops or the various Liberation RHS versions are fun missions for Solo and Coop. Been searching for the same. The BECTI missions always had terrible FPS for LAN and Solo play.
  5. jingols

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Do you intend to share the mission file once you're finished? That would be great. I'm still looking for a proper Takistan RHS version. I'm just about to start it myself, but I don't have a lot of time and absolutely zero knowledge of the editor and scripts. The guide is helpful, but I'm not sure if I ever get to it.
  6. Great mission. Would love to see a HALO jump option or proximity respawn similar to Dynamic Recon Ops. Regardless, it's still a lot of fun. Kudos. Hard to find similar well made Coop scenarios for small players groups, even more than 3 years after the A3 release.
  7. jingols

    SP-COOP Pilgrimage TANOA Edition

    Thanks for the reply. I'll edit and adjust it myself.
  8. jingols

    SP-COOP Pilgrimage TANOA Edition

    Thanks for the port and update! Great work. Is it possible for you to create a COOP version without the pilgrimage logo/intro and for both players to load directly into the game? If there are message pop ups from mods on that intro screen, the game doesn't start and upon reloading the FPS tank completely for the entire duration of the game. It's been an issue with every Pilgrimage version since the Apex release.