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Actually I want to keep separate features like you suggested but I do not want to dominate the action menu on the left side :)
To prevent it, I need to develop a GUI and I never did it till now. Need to study a bit. That is actually one blocker for me to implement the circle flight pattern (i.e. for AC-130) as it will be also another feature.


I will keep script and mod versions as much as possible synced with feautures

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Excellent. THanks for adding me to the testing. 

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I just finished the version 1.6 and now released.

  • Added: Roll and pitch angle limits
  • Added: Maximum speed limit
  • Tweaked: Minimum speed is increased to turn on the autopilot is increased to 40 kmh in case their landing speed is below that (i.e. helicopters)
  • Tweaked: From now on it will not fix the pitch to 0° but also will keep the initial altitude, this means if you climb or dive while autopilot is on with a fixed-wing aircraft after you release the controls it will take you back to initial altitude
  • Fixed: Helicopters will not be able to fly upside down anymore


I advise you guys to read the functionality description in initial post in this thread to have better understanding about how it works. I also add the demo video which shows new altitude fix functionality to there.

I would like to thank to @Flax, @sammael, and @Jnr4817 for initial testing and feedback and to @chronicsilence for his matrix functions.




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this mod Get better and better

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Niow, have you considered modding a 'loiter' function (for something like the Blackfish or 'Spooky' C130)?  I wouldn't ordinarily ask, but you ARE our resident autopilot guy :)

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yes that is in the list of to doS but for that one I need to first learn how to make a GUI as adding another action to the menu might not be welcomed by users...

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LOL after writing this (and downloading the new version) I read your wish list !! DOH!

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Testing it at the moment. Either tonight or tomorrow will be released

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Can this be used to set the altitude of Ai -flying as well?  Maybe,use the Autoland feature to make it fly low and not crash,and manipulate the flightpath and tell it what to do at position X?


Well,it wont fly into mountains and so on,and we know it will work.

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I didn't try it but I guess it can be used to set their max altitude with some code change. To be honest, I didn't face AI flying issue till now. What is the reason why you want to use it with AI? :)

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version 1.7 released

  • Added: Co-Pilots can enable the autopilot if they take the control
  • Added: Switch sound when autopilot is engaged or disengaged
  • Tweaked: Give more freedom to adjust the speed of helicopters when autopilot is on


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Thanks for the new version. 
No need following lines anymore in init.sqf?

"DEVAS_AutoPilotON" addPublicVariableEventHandler 
    [_this select 1]  spawn DEVAS_AutoPilot;

And 2017 in your head comment in files. :)

// © v.1.7 May 2016 - Devastator_cm


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yes not needed anymore.

The files in zip are up to date and need to be used in that way

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2 minutes ago, Devastator_cm said:

In progress

WOW.  Ready for test it:f:

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version 2.0 released

  • Added: Loiter functionality to airplanes
  • Added: Speed fix for helicopters
  • Added: Pitch will be adjusted to -5° by helicopters automatically
  • Tweaked: Pitch limit by helicopters is increased to 25°
  • Tweaked: +-10° is the band where helicopters are fixing their speed. Pitch angles outside of this band can be used to alter speed
  • Added: Rudder will turn off autopilot by helicopters

I advise to read the initial entry to see more details.



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This .... is .... awesome !


Mod version on the way I guess ?


Good work mate ... loving it.

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25 minutes ago, kremator said:

This .... is .... awesome !


Mod version on the way I guess ?


Good work mate ... loving it.

yep already released


posted some videos to show what changed as well :)

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What would be the easiest way to get this to work with Ghost missions and the in game vehicle spawn board. It allows you to spawn an aircraft in game in a dedicated COOP mission.


Thanks for any help.

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you can use the mod version and it should be fine fur your purpose. Check first page for the link to mod version

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Hey devastator. Is there any way of changing the radius of the loiter - for instance having a menu inside the loiter menu such as loiter 1km, loiter 2km, loiter 5km etc. 

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yes that is in plan but I just came from holiday and didn't play even a single round of co-op missions with my friends :(( I have hunger at the moment for a decent co-op game and after I feed my hunger I will work on existing scripts/mods

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