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GOS Song Bin Tanh 2.0 (APEX)

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This is a new version of the terrain with APEX vegetation and modified ground textures.

You should not run the older version and this one at the same time as they share some configuration parameters.

I had to use proxies during terrain creation and as a result some objects might be misplaced (on roads, coliding with buildings or too high/low) it's difficult to do better until BIS releases the ressources for terrain building.

The map is 15 x 15 km of dense jungle with many major and smaller rivers.

I made this map to do recon/sabotage/COIN missions, like SOG or LRRP did in vietnam. also like the SAS intervention in Borneo.


Throw away your GPS, and enjoy good old map and compass navigation.


Presentation Video :


Images :


Download :

Dependencies :
APEX, As well as CUP terrains (Separate Download).


Known errors :
There's no rain sound.
You may choose to not use  pja312_sounds.pbo if it's raining.


Credits & Thanks:
Shezan74 for worldTools.


"Le GOS, faire autrement"
Clan réaliste français

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Thanks for the release. Good to see all these jungle maps.

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Oooooooo, nice!


Will N'Ziwasogo be given a similar facelift?

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Thanks Makhno. The Apex tropical trees are a VAST improvement over the old trees with their weird trunk textures and strange colours. And the performance has gone through the roof!


It would be great to fix the missing rain noise - this map is just begging to be played in the rain.


I agree with Autigergrad, a similar overhaul of NZiwasogo would be awesome.



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realy good update :)  i agree completly with TPW  this map needs to be played with lots and lots of rain :P 

and it would indeed be awesome to see N'Ziwasogo recieve the same update  

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What autigergrad, tpw, et al. said. Beautiful work, rain sounds would be fantastic :)


Now if only Valve would fix the STEAM client they buggered up, I could update it :(

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N'ziwasogo will be updated of course, It will be a little bit more complex.

That's why I started with song Bin Tanh.

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Hi Makhno,


I have really been enjoying the updated map with APEX assets. I have noticed in a few areas where large trees are in the middle of the road or coming out of buildings or huts, I was wondering if you have a plan to look at a fix for these?


Great job on the map.


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Not untill BIS makes proper Tanoa objects available for map makers.

SBT V2.0 is done using proxies, with plenty of inacuracies as a result.

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Hey Makhno,


I appreciate that this is an old thread and you may not even visit here anymore nut I just wanted to let you know that I still enjoy playing this map. All your hard work shows and is appreciated.

There are so many scenarios that jungle maps can be used for; Vietnam, Latin America (guerrilla insurgency, Drug Lords), Pacific Islands, Africa. This map can be used a lot (you just have to ignore the village names for some lol).



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