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Stumbled into the aforementioned bug on first play-through and mission didn't end.


Thanks for the report! Could you be a star and let me know in detail what occurs?



I can't seem to replicate the problem my end - does the mission fail with a warning about you running out of time? Which enemy units attack you when you're defending? Is the 'Defend' objective completed? Is it assigned?


I believe the issue has been resolved now, but need to be sure :icon_biggrin:



Until the next music cue is triggered, would there be any way to have the tension music continue (loop) somewhat like a 'bed' in radio terms?


Tricky one this; to loop or not to loop, that is the question!



If I remember correctly, the final objective is accompanied by a looped music track, whereas the earlier tracks are one-time only.


I guess it's a design decision really, and something discussed with the composer. Though it is certainly possible to loop tracks, there are two schools of thought on the subject. I've actually had some feedback from subscribers saying they'd like a bit more silent time, to appreciate the in-game SFX - so it's a difficult balance!

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Hi Kyd


Sorry for the slow respond. Only had time today to give it another run through.


So first thing I should say is that I've been playing on Dev-branch so that should definitely be taken into account when considering my playthrough.


Of the full replays I've done (not including many reloads/reverts) it has failed to end successfully in all attempts but one.


Full splurge in spoilers:




So If you avoid going to OP Sunshade it seems that the mission effectively stalls even if you enter the Hotel. Knowing some players don't play linearly, maybe a fail-safe for this would be good. I know it's a pain to try and work out every possible way a player might approach but maybe fail-safes for entering the hotel (entryways), finding the specop bodies and finding/picking up the intel. I think relying on players moving to OP sunshade is problematic.


Falcon and Remote Designators:



I'm finding that Falcon rarely engage the APCs in a timely fashion. I'm not sure what the specific trigger for them to attack is but I'm sometimes confused as to whether I'm supposed to press 0-8-1 to give them the go ahead, or if that is just for the Hint to pop up, and it is in fact the radio message from Sparrowhawk. I think also if they engage the dismounts with small arms first they will refuse to attack the APCs until they have no available soft targets in view.


I wonder if the designators could be better positioned?


I might suggest having the Autonomous button turned off at mission start (if this is possible) so that they don't swing back to their default heading upon 'Releasing UAV'


Defend & End:



I arrive at the defend position, following the mortar strike as I pass through the woods.


I sometimes drop some mines near the small house with the bomb making kit, which has proved effective once.


I usually lay claymores down where the ATV and the buggy arrive, now that I know where they stop :) blowing them immediately.


I then await the specops which most often come from the NW (similar to buggy) and flank me close to the boats, but occasionally they have arrived from town direction (the previously mentioned area I mined).


The spec Ops often seem to fanny around in the woods not attacking directly, which drags the attack out. I don't think the Defend Task should be dependent on killing all the specops as it would often mean having to hunt them down.


After quite some time the boat arrives, I'm not sure what exactly triggers it's approach... timer? Anyway there is no radio or notification to say 'Swordfish inbound' for example, which I think would add some clarity.


I have had the "Miller you're running short of time!" a couple of time but the mission doesn't end and I had a few 'Mission Failed, you failed to follow orders!' when I went to investigate the little house with the bomb kit... I assume that there's an area that if I leave it the mission fails, if that's the case I think you need to add a warning first "You're deviating from the mission" otherwise it's unclear to the player where the limitations of the AO might be.


I think the main problem is that Falcon and Sparrowhawk are MIA and that the mission seems to depend on them reaching the defensive position. I went to look for them at one point and I'm guessing they are removed/hidden from the map after you pick up the intel. Only once have I seen them turn up at the defensive position, and that was as though they had been teleported there... fail-safe? at which point the mission ended.


I feel also, that the mission should not just end when Falcon and Sparrow arrive, but have everyone board the boat and head out to the sub, which would validate the showcase picture of the team in the boat and give a nice set piece pay-off to end on.



Additional Notes:


There are extraneous 40mm grenades and smoke rounds in your starting kit as well as a GPS, which I don't think are necessary. Additional MAR10 mags in the box at the defensive position might be useful

Map Zoom:

I'm not keen on the auto zoom upon opening the map every time. It's a nice addition to draw attention to the designators at the start of the mission, but after that I becomes more of a frustration than a feature.


Hope this is useful, will try and test any further changes you might make.


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Since you are planning to add an arid version of the stealth helmet :) ...any chance for a pacific version of the boonie and the heavy vest and perhaps even some green retextures for the snake skin vests and helmets ?


cheers :)

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Just played through the showcase again. The voice acting is really damn impressive.


I found two minor issues that could use some love in the showcase:



- The Remote Laser Designator at OP Kilo 1 is placed backwards.


- At the very end of the showcase, it's not too clear that you have to actually have to walk up to Falcon to end the mission. Perhaps a subtle hint as they arrive that they want a chat? The sound of approaching boats gives the impression that you should go to the shore. Did I miss something?


After watching SiC's video, I know I'm not the only only who sat in the boat like a pudding, waiting patiently for extraction, before then finding Falcon waiting for me :hehe:



I think anyone, not knowing this was a mod, would think it's part of the vanilla game. Same goes for Resist and Eden Objects. Stellar job! Congrats to all involved.

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Hiya, guys!


Thanks for all the feedback! Apologies for belated response! 

At some point I'll try and implement these changes, maybe on a quiet weekend later in the year - super busy - but just wanted you to know your comments haven't fallen on deaf ears - thanks so much for the feedback!

Tavish / Electricleash - thanks guys, for the detailed analysis! 

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I love the CTRG stuff in this mod! I noticed there isn't a CTRG Prowler sand texture yet. I might take a shot at it myself if the pacific version is not encrypted and I can use it for reference. Else I hope this mod will be expanded with it sooner or later.

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22 hours ago, joostsidy said:

I love the CTRG stuff in this mod! I noticed there isn't a CTRG Prowler sand texture yet. I might take a shot at it myself if the pacific version is not encrypted and I can use it for reference. Else I hope this mod will be expanded with it sooner or later.

The Prowler(light) is not the only CTRG Prowler.


The devs hid the other two prowlers inside the Motorized Recon and Assault Teams.

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On 4-7-2017 at 5:46 PM, Victruso said:

The Prowler(light) is not the only CTRG Prowler.


The devs hid the other two prowlers inside the Motorized Recon and Assault Teams.

Aha, I didn´t know that, I did manage to an create an armed CTRG prowler by setting the ctrg texture on a NATO armed prowler and removing the doors via the arsenal garage.


But that still means there are only three textures for the prowler:

- NATO jungle

- NATO sand

- CTRG jungle


So CTRG sand is missing. Or did I not understand you correctly? (I don´t have access to Arma now to check things)..

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The CTRG Prowler texture is actually for the unarmed version, but it works just fine on the armed one.


myprowler setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"a3\soft_f_exp\lsv_01\data\nato_lsv_01_dazzle_co.paa"];
[myprowler,nil,["HideDoor1",0,"HideDoor2",1,"HideDoor3",0,"HideDoor4",1]] call bis_fnc_initVehicle;


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2 hours ago, Tankbuster said:

The CTRG Prowler texture is actually for the unarmed version, but it works just fine on the armed one


Ok, so now we've discussed different ways of applying a texture to the vehicle, but it still means a CTRG-Sand texture doesn´t exist right?

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6 hours ago, joostsidy said:

Aha, I didn´t know that, I did manage to an create an armed CTRG prowler by setting the ctrg texture on a NATO armed prowler and removing the doors via the arsenal garage.


But that still means there are only three textures for the prowler:

- NATO jungle

- NATO sand

- CTRG jungle


So CTRG sand is missing. Or did I not understand you correctly? (I don´t have access to Arma now to check things)..

I mean, you can take the NATO Prowler and apply CTRG textures, but it won't have CTRG Equipment inside. That's the difference.

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4 minutes ago, Victruso said:

I mean, you can take the NATO Prowler and apply CTRG textures, but it won't have CTRG Equipment inside. That's the difference.


Aha, that makes sense. I replaced the NATO equipment with CTRG equipment through a small script. I run scripts on most vehicles anyway, but if you don´t want the hassle of that then your solution is a very good one.

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3 hours ago, joostsidy said:

Ok, so now we've discussed different ways of applying a texture to the vehicle, but it still means a CTRG-Sand texture doesn´t exist right?

Last time I looked there was no sand or urban ctrg texture for the prowler

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I just tried the grouped CTRG vehicles and although they are the right side and have the right equipment, they do NOT have the CTRG texture. So if you want to use them with the right texture you have to set it yourself.




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