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[BETA] Open Chernarus Project - Plug AND Play - All Map Support - Dynamic Simulation

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Open Chernarus Project
Open Chernarus Project w/JBAD



@OCP Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=786777307&searchtext=open+chernarus

@OCP+JBAD Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=786865959



Required to install on server as a -mod
Required for client to install(Available on steam and a3l)

Server: Add @OCP or @OCP_Jbad to your server folder


Mission: Add "DATA_HOUSES_DS","ds_houses" to your addons section in the mission.sqm

addons[] = {

Client: Click Subscribe on the steam workshop or arma 3 launcher

This adds new enterable buildings to Chernarus. 
You can use CUP / A2OP / A3MP / AiA and these should work fine. 
Tested with A2OP at this time and works well. 
Tested with CUP Terrains at this time and works well.(Thanks SPOOK) 


Search and Replace PBO is included now. 
This will run on the server postinit. Meaning PLUG AND PLAY for server owners. 
No need to replace buildings on your own. 


For more entereable buildings, use my OCP+JBAD ADDON 


For bug reports use our Forums, a new header is being created today for this mods bug reports 
BUG REPORTING: http://epochmod.site.nfoservers.com/donkeypunch/index.php?topic=631.0


The original work was done by ARGUMENT and released in this thread at BIS: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/171990-wip-buildings-of-russian-village/?hl=houses

In june of 2016 he released his work in this post: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/171990-wip-buildings-of-russian-village/?p=3051642


This source was released under APL-SA as seen in the second link. 
This release is also licensed under APL-SA. 






Thank you all for supporting DonkeyPunch.INFO!!!!! 








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Update published on Steam with Pictures as well as Keys folder for hosting your own server with OCP

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First version:

Added search and replace pbo that runs postinit on serverside only :)


Added a new version

Open Chernarus Project + JBAD requirement


This one has the search and replace with JBAD's buildings as well

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Added second version with JBAD requirements and a search and replace script including the JBAD buildings such as:


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So, is this map only for use with Exile/Epoch ?  Not usable for general Arma 3 play?
I downloaded it, but it does not show up in the editor, even though it is loaded along with JBAD buildings.


EDIT:  Found the debug code in the readme.  I'll try that out.

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What is now the difference to the two versions

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great effort man. finally someone did this.


one question. the original author of these models is "argument", right? would be great to see his name dropped at least once somewhere. not saying it was left out on purpose. just a small suggestion since he did a great job on them and i bet it was a pain in the butt. maybe he doesn't care :lol: , who knows. just thought it couldn't hurt.


either way. awesome work by you too. i guess it's finally time to revisit Chernarus. this could potentially open up a lot of possibility for new eastern european maps too.

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Hey guys sorry for the delay in responding.

It was a late night and I was unorganized for such a release and update to where its at.

I did however in all the other threads, have them modified to show Arguments Credits.

I have also updated the current dev version to show full credits to the modeling work to him as well.


Thanks for your support, Thanks foxhound for the push to Armaholic so quickly :)

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Hey is it possible to get a light version of this? I.E not  so big, using CUP assets and dependant on CUP objects, which many clans and communities use.


Also can you do anything to boost frames?

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Can you release these independent from a map? So we may use these on other terrains than Cherno. Would be greatly appreciated.

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MASSIVE BUG/ABUSE - people in buildings are invisible after 50-70m because it loads a LOD that doesn't show any interior. You can only see them if you scope or zoom with right mouse.




Basically their are little to no LOD's and as a result this is awkward to use in a PVP enviroment

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Aphex26, this does not have any requirements for a specific map, it is made as its intended for Chernarus, but does not stop you from using it on other maps,

RangeCreed thanks again, however please post all bug reports in my community forums so that they can be handled appropriately.

I have replied to you 3 times in the steam comments, I have added you on steam, I have added 1 of your bug reports to my forums manually and have resolved it in last night's update.

If you have seen my replies and are willing, I ask again please report the bugs properly if you intend to help, if you are not here to help go play your favorite map on your favorite server in your favorite game ARMA 3!

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Aphex26, this does not have any requirements for a specific map, it is made as its intended for Chernarus, but does not stop you from using it on other maps,

RangeCreed thanks again, however please post all bug reports in my community forums so that they can be handled appropriately.

I have replied to you 3 times in the steam comments, I have added you on steam, I have added 1 of your bug reports to my forums manually and have resolved it in last night's update.

If you have seen my replies and are willing, I ask again please report the bugs properly if you intend to help, if you are not here to help go play your favorite map on your favorite server in your favorite game ARMA 3!



Yeah no worries, I'll post it tonight :) 


I think it's to do with how certain things are read since APEX released, some models of my own worked flawlessly before but now suffer the same issue

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Update released with new key(ATTN OWNERS/HOSTERS)


[Added] MultiMap / MultiMod support for Chernarus and napf / JBAD

[Fixed] Surface and Penetration and Texture PopUp errors

[Fixed] All ca\data paths in models adjusted to compatible arma 3 a3\data_f paths




@Foxhound, i have updated the main listing news page for the new update, but didnt see how to edit the actual pages. :) thanks for all your hard work.

Ive pushed them both to 0.7 status now that they have MultiMap MultiMod support built in without causing issues on other maps that people want to run and do their own custom searchNreplace.


@everyone, New maps with error free searchNreplace can be added to this mod if you provide the tested work. :)

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Great project, be nice to properly re-visit this island with a face lift.

Question, do the AI recognize the building's interiors?  

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Hi everyone


Anyone got a link for 0.6? need it till my mates server updates.


Thanks :)

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@ohally, i have not been in game with the new buildings and AI.

I will get to that this week when we go live with another project.


If you are interested in adding to the MultiMap/MultiMod support in the search N replace script, you can use this code to speed up the process and pull the info from your RPT.

Storage = [];
_checkBldgArray = ["Land_HouseV_1L2","Land_HouseV_1t","Land_HouseV_2I","Land_HouseV_2L","Land_HouseV_2T1","Land_HouseV_2T2","Land_HouseV_3I1","Land_HouseV_3I2","Land_HouseV_3I3","Land_HouseV_3I4","Land_a_stationhouse","Land_SS_hangar","Land_Mil_House","Land_Mil_Barracks","Land_Mil_ControlTower","Land_Mil_Guardhouse","Land_Mil_Barracks_L"];
	_bldgObjects = nearestObjects [(getArray (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "centerPosition")), [_x], 20000];
	_countBldgs = count(_bldgObjects);
	Storage pushback [_x,_countBldgs];
}forEach _checkBldgArray;
diag_log str (Storage);
hint str (Storage);

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