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by  Richard Von Quest

VERSION:  beta v0.6.0
UPDATED:  27 July 2021

DONATE:   Support Project



This is the Stand-Alone Module of my Scout/Sniper Addon from my SpookWarCom Project. This will focus more on the scout-side of the mysterious of the lethal Spec-Ops Sniper and the unique elements of scouting, stalking and the recon aspects of Scout/Sniper Operations.


A Sniper is a highly trained marksman who operates alone, in a pair, or with a sniper team to maintain close visual contact with the enemy and engage targets from concealed positions or distances exceeding the detection capabilities of enemy personnel. These sniper teams operate independently, with little combat asset support from their parent units. Snipers typically have highly selective and specialized training and use high-precision/special application rifles and optics, and often have sophisticated communication assets to feed valuable combat information back to their units. ~ Wiki



"One-Shot, One-Kill"


  • Simple Custom Ballistics, Wind, Drift, etc
  • Acute Scout/Sniper Hearing while in Blind/Hide
  • Keen sense of Smell for detecting nearby Enemy
  • Questrel Weather Computer (aka Kestrel)
  • 1966 USMC "Hathcock" Edition BoonieHat
  • Audio & Visual Signature Management
  • Targets - Practice & Training Feedback System
  • FPV Scope Minute-of-Angle Knob
  • FPV Scope Zero/Elevation Knob
  • Sniper Immersion without the ACE non-sense
  • Very User & Frame-Rate Friendly
  • Data & Logbook, Charts, etc
  • Mission-Level Module & Settings




This is only about 20% done. This version was a re-write to get it back on track again. There are several features that may not still work, or are unfinished at this time. I just wanted to get this public version out now so you can test and enjoy what I have running so far that is at least stable and playable. This project is more about the Scouting Skills, rather than the Sniper Shooting anyway. I have a lot more coming, but updates are slow due to I have a huge mod-set under development at the time of this writing.


Also to speed up this public version, there is no documentation included. You will have to Search for the older version of this for more details, or wait until an update later for the new stuff.




Shift + D (player menu)

Shift + S (scope knobs)


1. CBA A3 - Community Based Addons A3





Von Quest Industries







DO NOT CHANGE and UPLOAD ANYWHERE. You are free to modify for personal use ONLY. Please DO NOT UPLOAD ON ANY SERVERS, STEAM, etc. Please DO NOT contact me asking for permission to change, tweak, modify, alter, etc and use on Steam, or for your milsim group, friends, etc.


If you want to use any of my projects, then users MUST DOWNLOAD or SUBSCRIBE to this Project. If you like this project, then just download it as-is, fully intact, and use as a normal mod. Any and all requests will be ignored.


I'm offering two possible exceptions. 1.Mention the password: New England Clam Chowder. And cite a good strong case as to what you want, and be specific with your request. This proves to me you at least care enough to have READ this page. If you like this mod, please Click Subscribe. 2.The second way is to BRIBE ME. Click on any Donate/Support link and then PM me with the request(s). No guarantees! This is to only show support, and get my attention. The more donations, the faster I can update, and honor requests.







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I'm surprised nobody said anything yet. You the man! Its tounge-n-cheek.

Govts and military love to use acronyms for everything. :P




Thanks brother! Was going to shoot you a PM when I got up this morning.

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now give new op center ..hahaha sorry could not resist :)


having two days off now and finally find the time to test all of your modules (feedback later on)



Keep it up this project is simply amazing

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Something I came to think of .Is it a usefull thing to have ,if I shoot non-silenced weapon,when they hear the shot,if we had a hot-key to spwan in some mines in various obvious places where the ORF would try to assult the team.


Then code it so,that QRF will know to much-so they run after the team ,set to run no matter what and we need to place mines where they can`t see them before hand.Some pre-set compsition that we can place on the fly.

Maybe,use litter or a rock with some code snippet that makes it become invizable.


Some option to add a flare tube that can be placed and a area trigger attached_to it,to warn/alert team would be useful. thanx

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Something I came to think of .Is it a usefull thing to have ,if I shoot non-silenced weapon,when they hear the shot,if we had a hot-key to spwan in some mines in various obvious places where the ORF would try to assult the team.


I remember the good old days in BF2142 where the sniper could lay down some claymores to deter a following crowd :)

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Here is a weird request:  Could we get a bush to be placed in front of the guy to make him show less? May work.....tall ones in a line in front.

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Kidding, um not sure what you mean. While out walking around, or while prone? If you build the 'normal' or 'thick' Sniper Blind it already builds a bush right on you. You can build those blinds as wide or as thick as you want. The default menu is SHIFT + S to get your Sniper menu options to pop-up.

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New mod v0.2.0-beta available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:


Hey Von Quest , you can upload updates or new mods to withSIX yourself now!

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Is it a way to add some bushes in front of the player if there is very little around,to  artifically add some bushes maybe even a tree in front /behind a player,if none exsist?


Add a camo net ,even trip-wire flares at night ,to help conseal him even further? And to warn him of people that sneak up behind him.   

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A Tree? That's gonna be one helluva Backback. LOL.

I do have plans to add an artificial Blind/Hide Kit. But it won't be for a while yet. You can use Pook's Camo Net mod though. He had Netting you can carry. Not sure when I'll have the time to work on this project. It should be a fairly easy upgrade to add Bushes you can carry. I also have plans to add an Urban Blind as well. Anyone remember the Cardboard Box from Metal Gear? LOL.

I can also maybe add an option in the Module so you can pick if you are able to build the Blind only when near vegetation or not. That way you can build it easier in barren spots. I'll make a note.

Trip Flares are also planned. But I see someone already has released theirs. I'd check that one out for now. I think I saw it on the front-page of Armaholic today.

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v0.2.1 Beta

CHANGED: Crate Name
CHANGED: NO STEALTH if wearing a Launcher
CHANGED: Wearing a BackPack makes it 2x harder to hide
CHANGED: Decreased 'SniperSniff' Level-up time by 50%
ADDED: All 6 NATO Ghillies Supported
FIXED: Several misc bugs, and code tweaks



NOTE: I'll be adding Greener Vegetation in a future update if I can. Right now its using the drier Altis stuff, which looks too sun-baked when building your Sniper Blind. Also, make sure you dump your Launcher and Backpack BEFORE you build your Blind, otherwise the 'SniperStealth' will NOT activate. It would just default to the natural game-engine system.

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Getting back to work....

For the next update I re-designed the Sniper Stealth code. It works WAY better, and adds near invisibility if underwater. I'm scaling it up or down based on new scripts from BIS that I missed a while back. It now calculates several variables for both audio, and visual.


It focuses on your Items, and Bulk to adjust how "stealthy" you are to the enemy, and stresses better commitment to the Stealth mindset.


I also removed (temporarily) the Sniper Blind option. It will be back in soon. May or may not be in this next update.

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v0.3.0 Beta

ADDED: M300X is now MODULAR (Pack/Carry inside Backpack)
CHANGED: Complete Overhaul of Visual Stealth System!!!
CHANGED: Complete Overhaul of Audio  Stealth System!!!
CHANGED: several misc tweaks, etc
REMOVED: Sniper Hide/Blind (temporary)

Edited by Von Quest
Forgot about the M300X - added note
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Quick note to those following this... the entire project is now packed together and up on the Steam Workshop. The newest and best stuff will now be in the Steam Version.



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Complete re-write! A few features were removed to speed up the release. Let me know what you think. The download is via Steam subscription of course.



UPDATED - v0.6


- Reduce Audio Signature

- Reduce Visual Signature

- Set Custom Wind / Drift

- Adjust Scope M.O.A. Knob

- Adjust Scope Elevation Knob

- Build a Sniper Blind/Hide

- Carlos Hathcock Booniehat

- Pack/Unpack the M300X

- Enhanced LRPS Scope

- Urban Cardboard Blind

- Set Vegetation Climate/Type

- Questrel Weather Meter

- Simple Custom Ballistics

- Easy & Immersive Gameplay

- Keen Super Sniper-Scent

- Keen Super Sniper-Hearing

- Data & Logbook, etc

- Feedback Custom Target

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