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Hey Von,


not sure what I am doing wrong. I got all the modules up and turned everything off but I can't get squads or vehicles to spawn at all. I keep getting error pop ups as well. 


Do I need your Core mod as well? 

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Oops! Damn it.... Hang on. Hot Fix coming....


Okay. Uploaded.


-Place ALL Modules (AOs, Defenses, Reinforcements, Combatants, Squads). 5 of them.

-ONLY Use:   1.AOs  2.Defenses  3.Reinforcements.

-Turn OFF the options for the other modules for now.


I'm in the process of re-writing the entire project, and missed that the other ones are active/broken. Sorry fellas.

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Just found an issue when using INDEPENDENT Factions for the Config Path option. Its throws an error, and breaks. Don't use the Green Factions for now. I'll be updating code and adding back in the other Modules this weekend. I'll also upgrade the copy/paste feature when using the config (config viewer) option as well.


Using the Classnames option should still all work okay though, for ALL Factions and Addons.

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hey von! 


is there any way to despawn units that are a certain distance away from the player?, When I am flying from one area to another all the AO's i fly over activate 

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Yeah, sorry brother. It was taken out for the rewrite this last round. It's already in the next update. I'll try and upload a quick update this weekend for it.

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10 hours ago, Von Quest said:

Yeah, sorry brother. It was taken out for the rewrite this last round. It's already in the next update. I'll try and upload a quick update this weekend for it.

sweet! thanks man!

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v0.5.6 Beta

FIXED: Indepenent (Green) Factions not working
CHANGED: Un-coupled all Modules - Place ANY or ALL (segregated systems)
CHANGED: Upgraded code to allow copy/paste of config directly as-is:
EXAMPLE:   "cfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry"   works fine
ADDED: Put back in the DE-SPAWN for all units (preset to 3500m)

ADDED: Master Switch to Turn On/Off any Module
ADDED: NEW Surrounded Module (complete rewrite)
ADDED: NEW Combatants & CIVs Module (complete rewrite)
TWEAKS: Several misc code tweaks, adjustments, etc

Edited by Von Quest
Hotfix for Surrounded missing De-Spawn, and wrong Version number
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28 minutes ago, Von Quest said:

v0.4.6 Beta

FIXED: Indepenent (Green) Factions not working
CHANGED: Un-coupled all Modules - Place ANY or ALL (segregated systems)
CHANGED: Upgraded code to allow copy/paste of config directly as-is:
EXAMPLE:   "cfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry"   works fine
ADDED: Put back in the DE-SPAWN for all units (preset to 3500m)

ADDED: Master Switch to Turn On/Off any Module
ADDED: NEW Surrounded Module (complete rewrite)
ADDED: NEW Combatants & CIVs Module (complete rewrite)
TWEAKS: Several misc code tweaks, adjustments, etc


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testing things right now but right off I really like it!


one thing I noticed is that "surrounded" module is not despawning units when I get a certain distance away. 

Also for the config path regarding groups, the default path has ' instead of " not sure if that makes a difference since I used my own path but just noticed it. 

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Roger that. I'll check on the Surrounded system later. Thanks for the heads up.


You can have anything separated by > ' " >> , or a Space. It'll detect those and convert everything into the script as needed. Any and all will work fine. The example default won't let me enter " in a config file without breaking it. But at the User lever (module input), it'll work great. Just copy/paste directly from the config path.

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1 hour ago, Von Quest said:

Roger that. I'll check on the Surrounded system later. Thanks for the heads up.


You can have anything separated by > ' " >> , or a Space. It'll detect those and convert everything into the script as needed. Any and all will work fine. The example default won't let me enter " in a config file without breaking it. But at the User lever (module input), it'll work great. Just copy/paste directly from the config path.

got it 🙂 


been playing with things all day. really enjoying it!


currently I made it so the Civs are unarmed Blufor survivors who spawn in and run to my teams position randomly while I am carrying out your SOCOM module missions. Enemy units spawn in randomly and attack my position while my team covers the survivors. After I get a certain amount of survivors I call choppers to ferry them out. all with your  Combatants & CIVs Module. SO AWESOME DUDE! 


can't wait to see the other mission you have for the SOCOM module too 🙂 

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Excuse me sir, I do not know how to start the process, I can not find the example mission in the addon, I do not know how to use it. They would be so kind to explain it to me, I really do not know how to make this work. A video would be very educational

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Sorry for the confusion. Basic knowledge of ArmA and the Eden Editor is required. (You joined in 2016, and only have 3 posts so far?)



Use the Eden Editor, and click on Systems in the upper right. It looks like Boxes. Place ANY of the Modules from SCAR you want to use. Just start with one. The first thing you'll need to is Click the MASTER Setting to - "ON". This is just a toggle ON/OFF for that Module.


Since this was just rewritten and enhanced with new standards, I removed all documentation as it was outdated. There are Tool-Tips that will popup when you hover your mouse over the option settings. Most of the Basic documentation is now right there in the Tool-Tip popup.


I recommend starting with the Surrounded Module. Just use one category (Infantry) - leave the rest set to 0.


1. Set it to 1 Loop (it runs the code once - example: 1 squad)

2. Set it to Classnames

3. Place any 5 Red Guys (OPFOR) down, and select them all, copy/paste the classnames into the Surrounded Module

     a. Drag your mouse over the guys, then right-click on one of them and select: Log Classes to clipboard

     b. Paste with CTRL+V into the Module setting

4. Delete those same 5 Red Guys (we just wanted to grab their classnames quick)

5. Set the Focus/Center to PLAYER (the bad guys will move towards you)

6. Place your Character somewhere you want to fight. Use a Blue Guy (BLUFOR)

7. Set your Start Distance and Time to 0s, so it starts right when you press Play

8. Press PLAY


This will spawn 1 Squad of Red Guys, comprised of 2-5 guys in the squad (random). They will spawn near you and then Patrol towards YOU, the Player and engage when they see you, or you can try and ambush them.


Lets start there. Very Basic.

This system of Modules can spawn anything, anywhere, at anytime! You can spawn a single terrorist, or the entire billion-man Chinese military and melt your PC.

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And to anyone who is unaware, the entire project is now packed together and up on the Steam Workshop. The newest and best stuff will now be in the Steam Version.



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Project S.C.A.R, has been re-activated as a Stand-Alone Project as part of my Zero Dark Zero series of addons/mods.




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Its re-randomized each game, and each time you re-enter the AOs.

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@Von Quest I've started making an island-wide mission using SCAR as a way to have a campaign feel as you play, but I'm trying to make sure I'm using the modules in the most efficient manner and had a few questions.


1)  When initially setting up a spawn module, I put x number of different classnames in the squad (let's say I put 12), and when the mission loaded, it would spawn 12 units in each squad.  I didn't want that, and instead wanted to vary the make up of a couple of different squads with fewer members, so I created 3 different spawn modules with different team sizes and different kinds of unit classnames.  That worked, but wasn't sure if that's how it's intended to be used.


2)  When I use three (or however many) different spawn modules and put total number of AOs as 5 (for example), it looks like it doesn't do 5+5+5 AOs, but just does a total of 5 AOs.  I'm assuming that's normal?


2)  When I put classnames in the "OPFOR" category in the spawn module above, when they spawn, they still spawn as whatever SIDE they are.  So independent units spawn as Independent Side and not on the OPFOR side.  This isn't a huge deal, but it seems like it doesn't really matter what side you put in the various module "side" sections, they will always just revert to whatever the mission allegiance is set to, is that correct?


4)  What do the empty circles mean on the map (let's assume 100% intel is set)?  I didn't see that mentioned in the thread and I wasn't sure what they represented.


This really is a great tool and can simplify and speed up the grind of mission making.  Thank you very much for making this and continuing to support it!

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1) The Config Option will select a random group in that last list/set... If you use the Classnames, then it makes that entire set the squad, with a minimum of 3, and an 80% of each remaining slots.


2) I've never used more than 1 type of module. It'll likely break it, since there are global variables that can only be set once. Not sure how the game will handle multiples of the same module. Yes, that's normal. Its only likely gonna use/set the last module to load.


3)  That's just text for notes/labeling, so you know what is what. It will spawn anything in, and use the intended side that's built-in. You can mix-and-match, and don't have to follow the label sides. You DO have to follow the TYPE of spawn (vehicle category to spawn vehicles, armor, etc. or helicopters to spawn helicopters, etc.).


4) Not sure. I'm guessing its the circles for larger numbers of squads?.... 1-3 Squads is just Icons... 4-6 adds circles... 7-9 adds circles filled in slightly... and the rare 10 is a Field Command Bunker Icon.



Its a tad confusing, as all my projects are for our weekend games, and there is entire GameMode called SpookWarCom we play. There is a huge pack of additional offline files, scripts, addons, game sheets, intel reports, reference sheets, rule packets, etc. that go with all these that are not released to the public.

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On 9/1/2023 at 1:28 AM, Von Quest said:

The Config Option will select a random group in that last list/set...


I figured that's what was supposed to happen, but even with one module, it still seems to be spawning the whole list at one time for every squad/group on the map.  I'll mess with it some more, maybe I missed something.  Being able to set the number of units (or number range like 5-7) would be handy, but I'm guessing the existing spawn code would make that a pain to add.


Thanks for the replies.

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On 9/1/2023 at 1:28 AM, Von Quest said:

there is entire GameMode called SpookWarCom we play. There is a huge pack of additional offline files, scripts, addons, game sheets, intel reports, reference sheets, rule packets, etc. that go with all these that are not released to the public.

Yeah.  So. Ah. When. Ah. Is. This.  Ah. Coming. Out. Ah. ?  Lol.


Sounds like a bunch of fun!!


I'll have to try your spawers out.  Glad to see they're being supported still.

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Not much news here since last September, but I really wanted to thank you, @Von Quest. Your module is functional, intuitive and easy to configure. I'm using it on my latest assignment, and it's great to have this tool! Well done!

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Already asked this in the SOCOM thread but it´s probably better asked here. When I run SCAR on a locally hosted server, everything works fine. But as soon as I host on a dedicated server, the units are spawned at the lower left corner of the map and disappear eventually. Is it just not meant for dedicated or am I doing something wrong?

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