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ACE3 - A collaborative merger between AGM, CSE, and ACE

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1 minute ago, xxgetbuck123 said:


Agree, I have a whole mission worth of loadouts I need applying but now I how to import and export code rather than just load em up. 


However I do love the ACE Arsenal, very nice UI and overall look. 

Yes, the look is great, but the inability to cross over your profile created load outs is a massive lick!!

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Just now, Red Partisan said:

I see, so does it effect custom composition squads that have arsenal setups too? Or just the setups saved in the arsenal?

Good question, not tried to check, might be a semi work around, saving their load outs to the ACE one

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Hi guys. Is there anyway i can use the default FAK's with ace? I disabled the medical system using cba settings but fak's still split.

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3 hours ago, Red Partisan said:

So what is ACE Arsenal? I'd just rather make sure it doesn't override my current arsenal compositions in the editor before I update.


3 hours ago, road runner said:

Sadly it does, as soon as you open EDEN, and edit a character, it's the ACE Arsenal, and it's empty, it's quite off putting when you had 50-100 different load outs created in the VA.


ACE Arsenal doesn't break anything. It's a new Arsenal not a Modification. All VA Loadouts are kept intact and not touched. There is no easy way to import them. Rather than making a mission with the old and new Arsenal and switching back and forth to transfer each Loadout. We thought about a method to import all VA Loadouts, I don't remember why that didn't make it into the release.
And overwriting the Eden action and removing the ability to access the normal VA and also overwriting the Zeus Module was a bad Idea.. I hope that get's fixed in the next update.

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8 hours ago, 4-325Ranger said:



Just to clarify after reading the ACE wiki. As the mission maker, once I go into Eden Editor >> Settings >> Addon Options - do I need to click (fill) the box in the Overwrite Clients column if I want that mission setting to apply to all clients on the mission? I notice several are already greyed out in that column, but not all. I'm guessing this is an easy yes, but I figure I'd ask just clarify. Thanks!


That's correct yes, and the ones that are already greyed out are those which can't be changed by clients to begin with as you seem to have guessed


6 hours ago, rekkless said:

I'll throw my question in here.

Personally I love that all the ACE settings are now part of CBA. It is absolutely fantastic. I now don't need to worry about mission makers messing around with the modules in our mission framework.


Two questions however, since the ACE medical system settings are now part of CBA does this mean we can switch between Prevent Instant Death and Revive on the fly? We like to play with PID when we have over 25 players and have Revive on with 3 lives when we have less than 25 players. So can this be done now on the fly at the start of the mission simply be editing the ACE 3 CBA settings on the server and overwriting the mission settings?


Second question, Where have the interface settings gone? Particularly where you could set the ACE menu to lists, keep the cursors on the screen, make the pain effects different??



Not all settings are currently handled on the back end to allow switching on the fly. In future versions we intend to make most of them work this way where possible (and make it clear where a restart is required to change). I believe the prevent instant death setting might already work if switched mid-mission though (best way is to try it and see).


The interface settings should still be present under the Interaction Menu category. The pain effects one should be under medical I believe. If you're asking where the client settings are, please see our announcement again.

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Unfortunately BI loadouts are saved in such a weird manner it's close to impossible to port them over especially when there's missing mods, keep in mind that this is NOT an extension to BI Virtual Arsenal but a rewrite from scratch.

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8 hours ago, road runner said:

ACE arsenal fucks up the VA load outs created in the EDEN editor, you have to start all over again.. PITA.
Any way you can incorporate the load outs already created? If not how can you disable this particular feature?

It doesn't "fuck up" anything, all your old loadouts are untouched in Vanilla Arsenal (still accessible from main menu), but it does overwrite the button in Eden and modules.

For now you can temporarily remove "ace_arsenal.pbo" to use Vanilla Arsenal. We are also working on a transfer script you will be able to use.

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params [["_override", false, [false]]];
private _VALoadouts = +(profilenamespace getvariable ["bis_fnc_saveInventory_data",[]]);
private _aceLoadouts = +(profileNamespace getVariable ["ace_arsenal_saved_loadouts",[]]);

if (_VALoadouts isEqualTo []) exitWith {};

for "_i" from 0 to (count _VALoadouts - 1) step 2 do {
   _name = _VALoadouts select _i;
   _inventory = _VALoadouts select (_i + 1);

   private _sameNameLoadoutsList = _aceLoadouts select {_x select 0 == _name};
   [player, [profilenamespace, _name]] call bis_fnc_loadinventory;
   private _loadout = getUnitLoadout player;

   if (count _sameNameLoadoutsList > 0) then {
       if (_override) then {
           _aceLoadouts set [_aceLoadouts find (_sameNameLoadoutsList select 0), [_name, _loadout]];

   } else {
       _aceLoadouts pushBack [_name, _loadout];

profileNamespace setVariable ["ace_arsenal_saved_loadouts", _aceLoadouts];

For now copy pasting this in the debug console and running it will copy all the loadouts from BI VA to ACE Arsenal, note that missing mod items will not be ported over.
Please note that you need a player unit to be present in 3DEN.


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2 hours ago, jonpas said:

It doesn't "fuck up" anything, all your old loadouts are untouched in Vanilla Arsenal (still accessible from main menu), but it does overwrite the button in Eden and modules.

For now you can temporarily remove "ace_arsenal.pbo" to use Vanilla Arsenal. We are also working on a transfer script you will be able to use.

You missed the point entirely, because it overwrites the VA within EDEN, I'd say that pretty much fucked the VA within the EDEN editor, especially when there was no warning that it would do that.

That being said, I'm still grateful for all that ACE has to offer, and the steps being taken to offer a solution, all one has to do is read some of the comments posted on your steam page, to see it was the biggest complaint of the update. I'm satisfied that removing the ACE arsenal is a short term solution, so thank you for that, the ACE arsenal layout though, is pretty cool, it would be the cherry on the top if the VA custom load outs can be ported over in a later update.

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3 minutes ago, alganthe said:

also, literally the post above yours.

Some of us are not quite savvy with using the debug console thing, the button within the editor as described on GIThub is what most people can relate to, keeping it simple. Appreciate the work being put in to sort it though.

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9 hours ago, road runner said:

Yes, the look is great, but the inability to cross over your profile created load outs is a massive lick!!


One not so easy work around would be to remove the ACEArsenal.pbo file and go into your Vanilla Arsenal in the editor drop down one of each of your load outs in a template mission. So all your current load outs are in a mission.


Then reintroduce the .pbo, go into the mission and resave each of the loadouts into the ACE Arsenal. It would take a long time. But at the very least you won't lose you loadouts.

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5 minutes ago, road runner said:

Some of us are not quite savvy with using the debug console thing, the button within the editor as described on GIThub is what most people can relate to, keeping it simple. Appreciate the work being put in to sort it though.

If you don’t see the debug console in the esc menu (its disabled by default now), add enableDebugConsole = 1; to a file called Description.ext and place it in your mission root folder. Then put the code placed above in the debug console/grey box and click local exec.


If you don’t feel comfortable adding a file to a mission, I see R3vo release a debug console mod on Steam but I haven’t looked into it, just saw it on the front page.

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Not even needed.
3DEN ->  tools - > Debug console

Also, the code that I posted above does it all for you.

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4 hours ago, SilentSpike said:

The interface settings should still be present under the Interaction Menu category. The pain effects one should be under medical I believe. If you're asking where the client settings are, please see our announcement again.


After reading the public "press" release can I just confirm you are now recommending all mission makers and server admins remove all ACE modules from their missions and mission framework? and force use the CBA settings instead?

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1 minute ago, rekkless said:


One not so easy work around would be to remove the ACEArsenal.pbo file and go into your Vanilla Arsenal in the editor drop down one of each of your load outs in a template mission. So all your current load outs are in a mission.


Then reintroduce the .pbo, go into the mission and resave each of the loadouts into the ACE Arsenal. It would take a long time. But at the very least you won't lose you loadouts.

That's not a bad suggestion TBH, I do like the ACE arsenal look, it has a natural feel about it, however the ACE team are on it like a tramp on chips, with a transfer option button

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2 minutes ago, alganthe said:

Not even needed.
3DEN ->  tools - > Debug console

Also, the code that I posted above does it all for you.

That sounds pretty simple, I shall give it a bash.. thanks

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Did the recent update make changes to the stamina mod? After the update seems like it has?

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Has the recent update affected the ability to edit a units loadout in eden editor? I right-click on the unit and chose edit loadout and nothing appears to happen.

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48 minutes ago, alganthe said:

Not even needed.
3DEN ->  tools - > Debug console

Also, the code that I posted above does it all for you.

Gave it a go, it threw up some errors, and unfortunately nothing was transferred across

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