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I did save a couple more times so it’s probably already gone, and I restarted since then lol oh well, testing is just as fun as regular scenario time. But in regular cases I play on Perma-death 😁

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Hi guys!


I've been thinking on possible improvements to the gearpool module before adding support for GM, and I think I got a solution that would fit everyone's needs.

The upgraded module would have the following features :

  • A "side" entry : you can assign a module to a specific side or to "all sides" (make sure to use one module only if set to "all sides"). That allows specific loadouts for each faction.
  • One entry to enable/disable different gear categories for each supported addon (including Arma 3 and DLCs) : weapons, uniforms, vests, goggles etc.
  • Plus an override entry for each category (the custom weapons section will remain as it is).


I think that will cover a wide range of possibilities, and greatly expand the customisation options. Let me know if you have any suggestions.

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I like the sound of those ideas. ^^ :rthumb:


And because GM is very much a period piece, the ability to spawn only GM content would be wunderbar! 

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+1 to ^^^ That^^^!


I definitely like the idea of setting different gearpools for the sides available in the RAVAGE AI module.


Also the customozation options will be very handy if one designs story missions and/or has a certain aesthetic preference for the apocalypse which can only be achieved by a comination of mods.


Cold War gone hot alternative History = GM+RAVAGE


Apocalypse in Germany today= Rosche+RAVAGE+The New Customization options

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2 hours ago, haleks said:

A "side" entry : you can assign a module to a specific side or to "all sides" (make sure to use one module only if set to "all sides"). That allows specific loadouts for each faction


Yes!! Now I can make all the survivors (BLUFOR) peasants and restrict them to only being able to use pistols! This way when a player sees a survivor group and think they’re saved they’ll quickly realize that they are truly out gunned in EVERY possible way. 😉😊 🤣😂



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Dear haleks if this file (fn_init_zombies.sqf) is responsible for the behavior / spawn of zombies, please give the opportunity to download the previous version.

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Ravage gear mixes well with GM gear...



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Well, EO you were right about setting the Day cycle to a 1:1 ratio, it's much better than having everything sped up. Only problem is now that things aren't sped up rain storms last longer, which means my chances of catching hypothermia are greatly increased! Guess I'll stay put in this shack till the rain stops... Those headphones from Myst would sure be handy right about now...  :headphones2:

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7 hours ago, Vald77r said:

Dear haleks if this file (fn_init_zombies.sqf) is responsible for the behavior / spawn of zombies, please give the opportunity to download the previous version.


The issue has been identified and a hotfix deployed :


Fixed :
Incorrect pictures for O² tanks.
Incorrect processing of zedSafeDistance.


Thanks for reporting!

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EO, I completely forgot my last update to add in your Ravage Survival Uniforms to the Hypothermia Script!! 😓 But they are now all added in, players will need to find and equip them if they wanna survive the long cold nights, or the harsh weather! 😁 


Find it here:


//MRZHypothermia.sqf: v3.0

//** MRZHypothermia by MuRaZorWitchKING based off of Detrimental Weather effects by JohnO **//

//** This script is based ENTIRELY off of Detrimental weather effects script by JohnO, I just continued working on his script and it eventually turned into this, you will notice similarities, and added features. 🙂 I recieved permissions to edit this from the EXILE community. **//
private ["_MRZexitHypothermia","_fire","_damage","_building","_clothes","_distanceToBuilding","_rainLevel","_distanceToFire","_showhypo","_showwetness","MRZ_effectsCheck","_SuitableWeather","_hypothermia","_vehicle","_exitA","_exitB"];
_showhypo = true; //True to show hypothermia status.
_showwetness = true; //True to enable whether or not you are wet.
MRZ_effectsCheck = 30; //Time in seconds that the script fires.
hypothermia = false;
_SuitableWeather = true;
wetness = 0;
_sickChance = 0;
hypoValue = 0;
_rainLevel = rain;
_damage = damage player;
_building = nearestBuilding player;
_fire = nearestObject[player,"FirePlace_burning_F"];
_distanceToFire = player distance _fire;
_vehicle = vehicle player iskindOf "LandVehicle";
_distanceToBuilding = player distance _building;
_clothes = uniform player;

_WarmClothes = ["U_I_Wetsuit_rvg",

[hypothermia,hypoValue,wetness] spawn
        _exitA = false;
                if (!alive player) then
                        hypothermia = false;
                        wetness = 0;
                        hypoValue = 0;
                        player enableStamina true;
                        player allowSprint true;
                uiSleep 1;
[] spawn
        _exitB = false;      
                if (damage player > 0.75) then
                        enableCamShake true;
                        addCamShake [5, 3, 30];
                        [120] call BIS_fnc_bloodEffect;                        
                        uiSleep 5;
                        titleText ["<t color='#a80b0b' size='1' align='left' valign='bottom'>You are Dying...</t><br/>", "PLAIN DOWN", 0.5, true, true];
                uiSleep 1;
_MRZexitHypothermia = false;
        if (alive player) then
                if (hypoValue <= 0) then
                        hypoValue = 0;
                        if (hypoValue >= 1) then
                                hypoValue = 1;
                if (wetness <= 0) then
                        wetness = 0;
                        if (wetness >= 1) then
                                wetness = 0.9;
                uiSleep MRZ_effectsCheck;
                _rainLevel = rain;
                _damage = damage player;
                _fire = nearestObject [player,"FirePlace_burning_F"];
                _distanceToFire = player distance _fire;
                _vehicle = vehicle player iskindOf "LandVehicle";                
                _distanceToBuilding = player distance _building;
                _building = nearestBuilding player; 
                _clothes = uniform player;

                if ((_rainLevel > 0.3 )) then {_SuitableWeather = false};
                if ((daytime >= 18 || daytime < 7)) then {_SuitableWeather = false};
                if !((player == vehicle player)) then {_SuitableWeather = true};
                if ((!_SuitableWeather) && (_distanceToFire < 5) || (_distanceToBuilding < 20)) then {_SuitableWeather = true};
                if (_clothes in _WarmClothes) then {_SuitableWeather = true};
                if (_SuitableWeather) then                                                                           
                        _SuitableWeather = true;
                        wetness = wetness - 0.1;
                        if (wetness <= 0) then
                                if (hypoValue >= 0) then
                                        hypoValue = hypoValue - 0.05;
                                        if (hypoValue <= 0.25) then
                                                hypothermia = false;
                                                enableCamShake false;
                                                player enableStamina true;
                                                player allowSprint true;
                                                uiSleep 1;
                                                if ((_showhypo) && (hypoValue >= 0 && hypoValue <= 0.25)) then
                                                        titleText ["<t color='#ffffff' size='1' align='left' valign='bottom'>You are no longer Cold</t><br/>", "PLAIN DOWN", 0.5, true, true];
                                                         _txt = format ["<img shadow='0.2' size='1.5' image='%1' /><t size='1'>%2</t>", "images\thermometergreen.paa"];
                                                        [_txt, safezoneX +  safezoneW - 0.65, safeZoneY + safezoneH - 0.2, 5, 0, 0, 888] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText;
                        _SuitableWeather = false;
                        wetness = wetness + 0.1;
                if ((_showwetness) && (wetness >= 0 && wetness <=0.1) && (!_SuitableWeather)) then
                        titleText ["<t color='#ffffff' size='1' align='left' valign='bottom'>You are getting cold</t><br/>", "PLAIN DOWN", 0.5, true, true]; 
                        if ((_showwetness) && (wetness >= 0.2 && wetness <= 0.3) && (!_SuitableWeather)) then
                                titleText ["<t color='#42aaf4' size='1' align='left' valign='bottom'>You are starting to freeze</t><br/>", "PLAIN DOWN", 0.5, true, true];  
                uiSleep MRZ_effectsCheck;
                if ((wetness > 0.3) && (!_SuitableWeather)) then
                        wetness = wetness + 0.1;
                        player setDamage _damage +0.01;
                        enableCamShake true;
                        addCamShake [1, 5, 10];
                        if (_showwetness) then
                                titleText ["<t color='#00BEFF' size='1' align='left' valign='bottom'>You are freezing, find shelter immediately</t><br/>", "PLAIN DOWN", 0.5, true, true]; 
                                 _txt = format ["<img shadow='0.2' size='1.5' image='%1' /><t size='1'>%2</t>", "images\thermometerfreezing.paa"];
                                [_txt, safezoneX +  safezoneW - 0.65, safeZoneY + safezoneH - 0.2, 5, 0, 0, 888] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText;
                if ((!_SuitableWeather) && (wetness > 0.3 )) then
                        _sickChance = random 1;
                        if ((_sickChance > 0.2) || (hypoValue > 0)) then
                                hypothermia = true;
                                hypoValue = hypoValue + 0.05;
                                if ((_showhypo) && (hypoValue < 0.25)) then
                                        titleText ["<t color='#b25905' size='1' align='left' valign='bottom'>Hypothermia Risk +</t><br/>", "PLAIN DOWN", 0.5, true, true];
                                        _txt = format ["<img shadow='0.2' size='1.5' image='%1' /><t size='1'>%2</t>", "images\thermometerfreezing.paa"];
                                       [_txt, safezoneX +  safezoneW - 0.65, safeZoneY + safezoneH - 0.2, 5, 0, 0, 888] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText;
                                        sleep 2;
                                        _txt = format ["<img shadow='0.2' size='1.5' image='%1' /><t size='1'>%2</t>", "images\redskullicon.paa"];
                                       [_txt, safezoneX +  safezoneW - 0.65, safeZoneY + safezoneH - 0.2, 5, 0, 0, 888] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText;
                                if ((hypoValue > 0.25) && (hypoValue < 0.50)) then
                                        player enableStamina true;
                                        player allowSprint false;
                                        enableCamShake true;
                                        addCamShake [5, 3, 30];
                                        if (_showhypo) then
                                                titleText ["<t color='#c9701e' size='1' align='left' valign='bottom'>You have Hypothermia, seek fire and shelter</t><br/>", "PLAIN DOWN", 0.5, true, true]; 
                                                 _txt = format ["<img shadow='0.2' size='1.5' image='%1' /><t size='1'>%2</t>", "images\thermometerfreezing.paa"];
                                                [_txt, safezoneX +  safezoneW - 0.65, safeZoneY + safezoneH - 0.2, 5, 0, 0, 888] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText;
                                        if (hypoValue > 0.50) then
                                                player enableStamina true;
                                                player allowSprint false;
                                                enableCamShake true;
                                                addCamShake [10, 10, 15];
                                                [120] call BIS_fnc_bloodEffect;
                                                player setDamage _damage + 0.02;
                                                if (_showhypo) then
                                                        titleText ["<t color='#a80b0b' size='1' align='left' valign='bottom'>You are Dying of Hypothermia...</t><br/>", "PLAIN DOWN", 0.5, true, true]; 
                                                         _txt = format ["<img shadow='0.2' size='1.5' image='%1' /><t size='1'>%2</t>", "images\thermometerfreezing.paa"];
                                                        [_txt, safezoneX +  safezoneW - 0.65, safeZoneY + safezoneH - 0.2, 5, 0, 0, 888] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText;
                                                         sleep 2;
                                                         _txt = format ["<img shadow='0.2' size='1.5' image='%1' /><t size='1'>%2</t>", "images\redskullicon.paa"];
                                                        [_txt, safezoneX +  safezoneW - 0.65, safeZoneY + safezoneH - 0.2, 5, 0, 0, 888] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText;
                if ((_SuitableWeather) && (hypothermia)) then
                        if ((_showhypo) && (hypoValue < 0.25)) then
                                titleText ["<t color='#90a014' size='1' align='left' valign='bottom'>Hypothermia risk -</t><br/>", "PLAIN DOWN", 0.5, true, true];
                                 _txt = format ["<img shadow='0.2' size='1.5' image='%1' /><t size='1'>%2</t>", "images\thermometerorange.paa"];
                                [_txt, safezoneX +  safezoneW - 0.65, safeZoneY + safezoneH - 0.2, 5, 0, 0, 888] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText;
                        if ((hypoValue > 0.25) && (hypoValue < 0.50)) then
                                enableCamShake true;
                                addCamShake [5, 3, 30];
                                if (_showhypo) then
                                        titleText ["<t color='#c9701e' size='1' align='left' valign='bottom'>You have Hypothermia, seek fire and shelter</t><br/>", "PLAIN DOWN", 0.5, true, true]; 
                                        _txt = format ["<img shadow='0.2' size='1.5' image='%1' /><t size='1'>%2</t>", "images\thermometerfreezing.paa"];
                                       [_txt, safezoneX +  safezoneW - 0.65, safeZoneY + safezoneH - 0.2, 5, 0, 0, 888] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText;
                                if (hypoValue > 0.50) then
                                        player enableStamina true;
                                        player allowSprint false;
                                        enableCamShake true;
                                        addCamShake [10, 10, 15];
                                        [120] call BIS_fnc_bloodEffect;
                                        player setDamage _damage + 0.04;
                                        if (_showhypo) then
                                                titleText ["<t color='#a80b0b' size='1' align='left' valign='bottom'>You are Dying of Hypothermia...</t><br/>", "PLAIN DOWN", 0.5, true, true];
                                                 _txt = format ["<img shadow='0.2' size='1.5' image='%1' /><t size='1'>%2</t>", "images\thermometerfreezing.paa"];
                                                [_txt, safezoneX +  safezoneW - 0.65, safeZoneY + safezoneH - 0.2, 5, 0, 0, 888] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText;
                                                sleep 2;
                                                 _txt = format ["<img shadow='0.2' size='1.5' image='%1' /><t size='1'>%2</t>", "images\redskullicon.paa"];
                                                [_txt, safezoneX +  safezoneW - 0.65, safeZoneY + safezoneH - 0.2, 5, 0, 0, 888] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText;
        uiSleep 1;


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FFS I hate the Workshop, just deleted my damn mission AGAIN! 😩 


Why is “delete” on the “upload” page? What the hell... 


If you press 'ENTER' at ANY given moment when updating... *POOF* GONE.





I should probably send the files to one of you so you can update it for me I feel like an idiot, again. 😂 🙃🙃

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7 hours ago, haleks said:


Haleks, please, upload the old version for downloading, where there were no sound settings for zombies yet. This is impossible to play - it is not logical. I drive into the town passing through all the streets and simultaneously shoot down all the zombies, make sure that there is no one else, I check the houses - again there is no one. But when I shoot, a whole crowd comes up. From where I checked everything! So it is impossible to do intelligence. The usual station, several zombies walking nearby, assessed their capabilities and decided to stop by - immediately a horde came running out of nowhere.2TFT2.jpg

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@Vald77r, this happens even after the recent hotfix?

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Just now, EO said:

@Vald77r, this happens even after the recent hotfix?

Before and after, once introduced the opportunity for zombies to respond to hearing.

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Maybe if your willing to share the mission file, another pair of eyes might help.

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4 minutes ago, EO said:

Maybe if your willing to share the mission file, another pair of eyes might help.

I played / tested on standard Altis, only unpacked it for the editor to make it easier to test.

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You mean the Altis demo mission?


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In recent playthroughs I've found zombies slowly ('cause I play with walkers only) but surely ('cause I increase the default audio detection) surrounding me after a shootout. Personally, I love it.

@Vald77r,  Did you tried with the audio detection set to 0?

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9 minutes ago, gaverio said:

In recent playthroughs I've found zombies slowly ('cause I play with walkers only) but surely ('cause I increase the default audio detection) surrounding me after a shootout. Personally, I love it.

@Vald77r,  Did you tried with the audio detection set to 0? 

Zombies that react to sound are cool, but only when they really stand on the map, and not so many, that there are only a few of them now, the shot has happened, and suddenly there are a lot more of them. They multiply from the sound of what? Without sound, too bad - they stand and do nothing, and they will not see the enemy. Before the updates it was completely clear - there will be several zombies here, if you kill them, the terrain will be clean. Simple and logical.

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I understand your stating what your observing, but a little more clarity on the mission file would help....


16 minutes ago, Vald77r said:

I played / tested on standard Altis, only unpacked it for the editor to make it easier to test.

Altis Demo mission that ships with Ravage?

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3 minutes ago, EO said:

Altis Demo mission that ships with Ravage?


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18 minutes ago, EO said:


Today I tried to play with the detection distance of 100 meters. See how playable it is.

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The screenshot you provided shows your running mods, possibly CUP for the VW Golf and the zeds are wearing non vanilla gear too.

Maybe try again without the mods your running.

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7 minutes ago, EO said:

The screenshot you provided shows your running mods, possibly CUP for the VW Golf and the zeds are wearing non vanilla gear too.

Maybe try again without the mods your running.

mods do not intrude roles, checked

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