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E3 (June 16-19)

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Forza 6

Arma 3 and Bohemia in general if they've some nice surprise.

Fallout 4

Maybe some new hardware stuff

I think I've fallen bit behind so I'm not sure what to expect this year really.

Edited by St. Jimmy

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I can't wait to see what Microsoft tries to sell at the PC Gaming Show. Hopefully more than a "now you can play Xbox via the PC!" type deal.

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  OnlyRazor said:
I can't wait to see what Microsoft tries to sell at the PC Gaming Show. Hopefully more than a "now you can play Xbox via the PC!" type deal.

I´m also interested to hear where Microsoft wants to take PCs and gaming. They have promised to focus more on PC games very often by now (and then done fuck all afterwards). If the main message of their presentation is "You can stream XBox to your PC, here is an XBox app for Win 10" ....well then they are quite frankly in deep shit. I view the XBox one as the currently least attractive console. Nintendo seems to have the best exclusive games and the PS4 shits all over the XBox when it comes to performance. Why Microsoft doesn´t focus more on PCs, the place where they should be strongest, is beyond me. They were so busy chasing after the console crowd money (and look where that got them) that they ruined their PC gaming branch.

Sadly I suspect that "You can stream XBox to your PC, here is an XBox app for Win 10" will be the essence of their show, together with some empty promises and maybe a new version of the XBox One with more HDD space.

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Arma 3(I hope they show some of the content besides the island to decide if I'm shelling cash for it)

Fallout 4

DX Mankind Divided(can't friggin' wait for another cyberpunk game)

Dishonored 2

Space Hulk Deathwing

Mount&Blade 2

About MS I couldn't care less,these trolls do this every damn year "but but pc is important to us".

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Expecting more expected stuff from the console makers (more Halo and Forza for Xbox, more Uncharted and Gran Turismo for PS, more Mario and Zelda for Nintendo) with some possible surprise here and there and some 3rd party reveals (new CoD, new BF, new Assassin's Creed will be there for sure), however this year's show might be interesting because PC will get it's own show too, sponsored by AMD, Bohemia, Blizzard and others. Looking forward to seeing new ArmA 3 terrain/expansion, new DOOM, maybe some surprise Blizz game (WarCraft 4? :p ). Not much interest into Fall Out 4 because I'm not a RPG player.

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Still can´t believe how much MS has hurt PC gaming, and their own profit. Those are the guys that didn´t want to publish a Freelancer sequel because at some big publisher, some idiot in a suit who has no clue about games said that people dont want to play space games any more, and all the other publishers went with it. And now look at Elite and Star citizen....

Or how about Halo? That game series did well on XBox, but such a great competitive FPS would have done amazing on the PC, but nope XBox needs to have it´s exclusives to stay relevant....

MS has such a long history of really bad decisions when it comes to gaming.....

Warcraft 4 would be amazing.

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Mafia 3 and DX Mankind Divided definitely. Any suprises are welcome too. :) Always nice summer event to follow the E3.

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  Tonci87 said:
Still can´t believe how much MS has hurt PC gaming, and their own profit. Those are the guys that didn´t want to publish a Freelancer sequel because at some big publisher, some idiot in a suit who has no clue about games said that people dont want to play space games any more, and all the other publishers went with it. And now look at Elite and Star citizen....

Or how about Halo? That game series did well on XBox, but such a great competitive FPS would have done amazing on the PC, but nope XBox needs to have it´s exclusives to stay relevant....

I stopped being surprised about MS's lack of initiative after the third(?) or so time they promised to renew their focus on PC gaming. Kind of a shame; some of my best memories of co-op multiplayer were from Halo.

Anyway, at least there's still Deus Ex et al to look forward to.

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I'm waiting for or would like to see:

- Payday 2 updates and Golden Grin Casino (coz' I'm a Payday 2 addict, yo)


- Dead Island 2

- Shadow Warrior 2

- Anything out of StreumOn Studio that isn't a chess game

- Traction Wars

- The Division

- ArmA3 new terrain (and hopefully some good update to come along with it)

- Valve and fucking Source 2, and The Game That Shall Not Be Named

- Black Mesa Standalone

- MGS V: Phantom Pain

- Anything out of Starbreeze, most likely only their TWD game (curious about RAID, but it's too early)

- Hidden and Dangerous 3 (over Mafia 3, long ago they suggested some new "third" game)

- Mafia 3 (I somehow doubt it, was there even any movements in that field?)

- Ground Branch?

- Homefront: Whatever (promises that sounded nice)

- Superhot

- RO2 Western Front Expansion, Killing Floor 2 or whatever new Tripwire can come up with

- Doom 4 (because... this doesn't even need explantation, right?)

- Fallout 4 (more out of curiosity, never been a big Fallout player)

- CounterTerrorist Unit The Game

- Deus Ex: MD (slightly, I haven't got time to finish the first one and to even launch the last one)

- Every day praying for CoJ: The Cartel remake that just doesnt suck in execution

- What Flying Wild Hog \ Insurgency2 dev-studio \ Techland \ CDP Red \ Rockstar are up to

- What kind of shit EA will show off, what kind of CoD will be next

- ...and as You mention it, to MS making clowns out of themselves (supported by blind hope, there's still some dignity in MS)

- a new Far Cry? A new Wolfenstein or some DLC for it? Survivarium? New DiRT game? Any RAGE sequel? New Crysis? Company of Heroes that doesn't suck?

- ...a proper PC HALO game with Coop.

Most of the games I waited for (Dying Light, GTA V, Witcher 3) or was curious about (War of Mine), got released.

Edited by JonPL

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I'm waiting for Fallout 4.

The walking dead coop game from overkill and of course the presentation of the new Island for Arma 3.

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  JonPL said:

- Hidden and Dangerous 3

Good call. H&D2 was one of the best tactical shooters set during WW2 I played, despite being extremely buggy and having terrible team AI. It was not your average 'run and gun' game (let that to Wolfenstein to excel in) but you actually had to plan your every move.

Would be funny if EA would announce a new C&C game exclusive to Windows/MacOS/Linux. :p

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  noob1 said:
Good call. H&D2 was one of the best tactical shooters set during WW2 I played, despite being extremely buggy and having terrible team AI. It was not your average 'run and gun' game (let that to Wolfenstein to excel in) but you actually had to plan your every move.

Would be funny if EA would announce a new C&C game exclusive to Windows/MacOS/Linux. :p

You know, somehow that post made me think of another kind of game that used to be popular. Commandos anyone? Games like that have completelly vanished wich is really a shame. I enjoyed playing Commandos, Desperados, and even Robin Hood (God damn it, I lost the CD, that game was fun) :D

Edited by Tonci87

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If we're talking about things that we all know inside our souls will never happen, then I would like to see a revival of Command & Conquer with EA getting on their knees and apologizing to fans for the death of Westwood Studios.

Hey, I can hallucinate, right?

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  Tonci87 said:
You know, somehow that post made me think of another kind of game that used to be popular. Commandos anyone? Games like that have completelly vanished wich is really a shame. I enjoyed playing Commandos, Desperados, and even Robin Hood (God damn it, I lost the CD, that game was fun) :D

I bought Robin hood on GoG for almost nothing.

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  Tonci87 said:
Or how about Halo? That game series did well on XBox, but such a great competitive FPS would have done amazing on the PC, but nope XBox needs to have it´s exclusives to stay relevant....
Nailed it in one, though I disagree about PS4's performance as a gamechanger -- it may well be a case of "true but irrelevant" in terms of how both gamers at large and Microsoft make decisions, especially if the goal is more about "market share" (read: still being perceived as the top console for online MP) than about pure profit/revenue.

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  ProfTournesol said:
I bought Robin hood on GoG for almost nothing.

You´ll have fun with it, it isn´t as challenging as Commandos but it is well made and has a charme of its own.

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Well the Microsoft presentation is over and, as expected, it was kind of meh...

The big news:

The XBox will get early access with DayZ as one of the first games.

XBox will get some backwards compatibility with 360 games.

Blablabla Halo blablabla Gears, blablabla Forza, blablabla Minecraft Hololens blablabla Dark Souls.

Dean Hall is making some kind of space exploration MMO.

That was basically it, completelly uninteresting.

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I was hoping for new Mass Effect and here it comes...

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Too bad, we did not see much of ME.

Here is the new Ghost Recon Wildlands:

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Wow that GR Wildlands is arcady as hell , almost like Army of Two - also meh setting , it's like when you don't know what plot to use in the game just use generic drug cartels that will do the job

graphics do look nice but the gameplay is pretty boring

Edited by RobertHammer

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  RobertHammer said:

graphics do look nice but the gameplay is pretty boring[/color]

That's the main problem with Ubisoft I guess.

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  Papanowel said:
That's the main problem with Ubisoft I guess.

Heh , that's like most of Ubisoft games in the nutshell

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