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Looking for mod makers

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Hello, I'm looking for some experience mod makers to help work on a upcoming project.

We're looking for the following:

Script writers

Model makers

Texture makers (must also know how to apply them)

Sound makers.

The point of this project is to bring amazing content to the community and great people together to help make something awesome :D

Serious people only, you can add me on steam, sjones113 (Jones) or inbox me your names.

Thank you and enjoy your day. :)

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High quality people usually have enough work already, why should they join you? Not trying to disrespect but why would a serious person with serious skills

contact you, a random person on the internet bringing amazing content etc. Do you think people with serious skills are sitting at home doing nothing, waiting for someone to approach? Do you think

they were working on crap content, but will switch to you for 'amazing content'?

My advice to you is to present your 'business case'. What do want to build, why, when, how.. What do you have already in people and assets, what do you personally bring to the table, etc.?

I see these types of messages regularly and I doubt very much that they work, so I thought I should give you some advice, if I'm mistaken I'll gladly apologize.

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High quality people usually have enough work already, why should they join you? Not trying to disrespect but why would a serious person with serious skills

contact you, a random person on the internet bringing amazing content etc. Do you think people with serious skills are sitting at home doing nothing, waiting for someone to approach? Do you think

they were working on crap content, but will switch to you for 'amazing content'?

My advice to you is to present your 'business case'. What do want to build, why, when, how.. What do you have already in people and assets, what do you personally bring to the table, etc.?

I see these types of messages regularly and I doubt very much that they work, so I thought I should give you some advice, if I'm mistaken I'll gladly apologize.

This. 100% this. You have to at least give an idea as to what you're hoping to achieve other than "bringing amazing content". I for one wouldn't touch such a project with a barge-pole until I knew what it is I'd be working on. If it wasn't a project I had personal interest in, I'd find it difficult to dedicate what little free-time I have to working on it, regardless of how "amazing" it was. Until further info on what the project is, and what you are contributing to it, you're essentially this.

EDIT: Also, wrong place to post this, should probably have gone HERE.

Edited by Jackal326

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This. 100% this. You have to at least give an idea as to what you're hoping to achieve other than "bringing amazing content". I for one wouldn't touch such a project with a barge-pole until I knew what it is I'd be working on. If it wasn't a project I had personal interest in, I'd find it difficult to dedicate what little free-time I have to working on it, regardless of how "amazing" it was. Until further info on what the project is, and what you are contributing to it, you're essentially this.

EDIT: Also, wrong place to post this, should probably have gone HERE.

I'm sorry that I didn't explain the project, reason being I wanted to keep it kinda secret.

But the project is called, "Fly Navy", we wanted to bring more Naval air assets to Arma 3.

Our main projects are: C2-Greyhound, E2A-Hawkeye, T-45 goshawk and F/A-18c (maybe D veriant also), we also had plans for a EA-6B prowler and we also have a Mh-60 seahawk in the works.

---------- Post added at 15:59 ---------- Previous post was at 15:57 ----------

We also have plans for uniforms.

Edited by sjones17

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Whose we? Is there any photos of real progress or is it just words and plans still?

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Whose we? Is there any photos of real progress or is it just words and plans still?

We= Thesn4k3 ,Tablesalt (textures) and myself. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?183290-C-2a-Greyhound-C-O-D this is Thesn4k3 thread, these aren't recent pictures but I will post more when get the chance.

The rest are "words and plans'' for now.

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I would bring amazing content for £10 / hour. Min 25 hours a week!

You are cheap mate...i average above 30EUs/h ;) Just sayi'

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OK, so you're saying that you're planning on naval aviation and linking to a C-2 mod from a while back as being part of this project... so what do you do?

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Hey everyone, sorry to see this post go the complete wrong way. I actually asked jones to help me find a few people who had similar interests in creating content for naval aviation. Jones was a bit too bland with the post and maybe posted in the wrong area. For that I do apologize. I will answer any questions if anyone has them.

I have a few models nearing completion, I just need a few people with talents greater than mine to help with the parts I'm not sure of yet. I've been lucky to get a lot of help and advice from John spartan and tetet but they are busy with their own mods so I try and do a lot on my own. I will have pictures available soon but so far I have made a c2a greyhound, e2d advanced hawkeye, t45 Goshawk. We were given a seahawk model to complete and add. In the list to be made soon are an ea6b prowler and a f/a18c hornet. And as jones said some uniforms and misc stuff.

Again sorry to see this thread go downhill as our goal is to contribute to the community rather than upset it. If anyone has questions or comments I will be happy to answer them.

Edited by thesn4k3

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I want that E2D!!! I have a radar script working for it..

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You can see the radar working plus more stuff. The real magic of this script is that it merges 2 radars, the one on the Nimitz and the one on the E2, and shows all the targets captured by both.

Obviously LOS, Earth's curvature and detection range are taken into account and you have several tools there that any Commander will find very handy.

Feedback is welcome.

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Hey everyone, sorry to see this post go the complete wrong way. I actually asked jones to help me find a few people who had similar interests in creating content for naval aviation. Jones was a bit too bland with the post and maybe posted in the wrong area. For that I do apologize. I will answer any questions if anyone has them.
It's not in the wrong area, but had jones been more specific about what sort of and why assistance was being solicited we would have understood the intent. :)

The naval aviation lineup that you have sounds great! I'm definitely most interested in the Goshawk and the Prowler, what do you have in mind as far as what they can do in-game? I would ask about the E-2D, but then I saw that YankoST1 already posted what he can do...

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I have plenty of ideas for what I want to do with these planes but its just a matter of what I can pull off. I'm still learning the scripting side of mod making so it all depends. The t45 will be a trainer for sure. I'm working with tetet to make it compatible with his nimitz. Id love for the prowler to have jamming capabilities as well as sub hunting and surface ship hunting abilities. I'm sure this is all possible in arma but some of it is just finding the workarounds and stuff. I'm still trying to decide if I want to put weapons on the t45. I'm pretty sure the navy doesn't use it for weapons training in real life but I feel like without weapons capabilities it won't get any love in arma. Anyways most of this stuff is still being considered while I finish the models.

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