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How many core is ARMA 3 using in which part?

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I'm sick of the lagging and low frame of this game even i bought 6000$ pc (at least i don't have to worried about star citizen)

Someone tell me precisely how many core is arma3 using and in the which part? are they have any plan to expand the core? if not then why is it?

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What kind of GPU are you running? Probably need at least a 2Gb GPU for decent frames and higher settings- I think that is where a lot of people will have their bottlenecks, which lag the game. Seems most games these days are heavy heavy GPU eaters.

Not sure about how many cores ARMA3 uses though. I think I read somewhere the game uses 2-cores, I could be conflating with a different game though.

Good day,


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Someone tell me precisely how many core is arma3 using and in the which part?

Aren't you the best person to tell US that, its your system after all...Task manager will give you a rough guide, there are other programs I've seen recommended hereabouts that would give more in depth info. As to the $6000 price tag, that's nice, but unless you list the spec, you could have spent $5999 on the GPU and $1 on a processor with the power of a potato.

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Aren't you the best person to tell US that, its your system after all...Task manager will give you a rough guide, there are other programs I've seen recommended hereabouts that would give more in depth info. As to the price tag, that's nice, but unless you list the spec, you could have spent on the GPU and on a processor with the power of a potato.

Do not underestimate my system i bought this spec for star citizen and i'm running in 60FPS

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As far as I've seen through lots of other similar threads/posts A3 only really uses 1 core, with a little overflow at best into another, maybe 2 cores.

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Do not underestimate my system i bought this spec for star citizen and i'm running in 60FPS

Would you mind posting your system specs? I'm curious how you spent 6k on a simple gaming pc.

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I'm sick of the lagging and low frame of this game even i bought 6000$ pc

Please post your system configuration and Arma 3 settings, if You want any help.

I think problem is not in Arma 3 or with your PC. The main problem is your expectations. You must accept, that no matter how good is your PC, you will not be able to play it smoothly if your settings are on max. It's just not possible.

You have a simple choice - you can rant about Arma 3 performance or you can try to find most optimal settings for your PC and enjoy the game.

For information... In most cases I have 50-120fps in single player, if mission isn't terribly scripted. Multiplayer is different story.

My settings: Most on high/ultra, the most important - object quality to standart, overall view distance 1500, object view distance 1000.

Theses two lines in profile preferences file gave me really good fps boost: GPU_MaxFramesAhead=4; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=0;

System specs: i5 [email protected], 8GB 1600MHz RAM, 970 GTX, Samsung SSD. As you can see, I don't have extremely expensive system. It's really all about your expectations and finding optimal settings for specific PC.

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Would you mind posting your system specs? I'm curious how you spent 6k on a simple gaming pc.

i7 5960X

Corsair RM1000 80PLUS GOLD

G.SKILL DDR4 32G PC4-19200 CL 15 RIPJAWS4 RR (8GX4)



Plextor M6G series (256GB) SSD

it acually cost 5000$ but still

Edited by kgino1045

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I'm sick of the lagging and low frame of this game even i bought 6000$ pc (at least i don't have to worried about star citizen)

Someone tell me precisely how many core is arma3 using and in the which part? are they have any plan to expand the core? if not then why is it?

Sure (picture too big to display so linked):


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i7 5960X

Corsair RM1000 80PLUS GOLD

G.SKILL DDR4 32G PC4-19200 CL 15 RIPJAWS4 RR (8GX4)



Plextor M6G series (256GB) SSD

...I'm guessing you didn't build this yourself, because if you did, I've got a bridge I'd like to sell you.

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...I'm guessing you didn't build this yourself, because if you did, I've got a bridge I'd like to sell you.

Sigh *Facepalm

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The simple answer is a little over one core, the more complex answer is below:

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3638175/Capture%20Palagia.jpg (612 kB)

You can get one of these yourself if you like by downloading the profiler build on steam and then using the command "diag_captureFrame 5" and then 5 seconds later this will pop up.

The way to read this is its all the activities that go into producing one frame. There are 1000ms in a second and the frame above is 26ms or so which translates to 1000/26 = 38fps or thereabouts

At the top you have 12 horizontal bars, these are the cores (6c12t for a 3930k). The coloured sections are activities running on the cores. You should also mentally draw a bar vertically each time the activity changes as well, because some activities can be multithreaded a little (rendering) and others can't.

You might notice for example Arma 3 is dumb about its use of cores, as every other one is HT it should skip those in preference for even numbered cores, but it doesn't and this likely makes things slower not faster. That is about as much as I know about the answer at this point, I can tell you more about DX usage (the rendr section is not dominated by draw calls FYI) but that is the best picture of CPU usage I think we can currently get.

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Problem with A3 is not how many cores it uses, problem is how it utilizes them. The main core gets fully tasked while the other cores get a fraction of usage. It's an on going problem with this series that the developers will have to adress in future releases.

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