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KetsuCorp: General Equipment Addon Release (GEAR)

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  seba1976 said:
Oh yes. Aptly. Thanks.
  Broduz said:

Was wondering if you could include the survivor uniform (the one kerry wears in the SP Campaign) with your great textures and and a brush up of the shirt; not making the shirt look too clean or too dirty but just with a nice worn look, vice the pants.

Particularly for the US and OCP packs. Think it would be a great addition!!

Many thanks

Great suggestion, will add to the LoP (List of Plans)

Many Thanks,


  seba1976 said:
Oh yes. Aptly. Thanks.

Excellent. We apologize deeply for any inconvenience, our mod

is something we care about as much as we do the players who

use it. If there is feedback to be had, we have an obligation to

observe and rectify. Again, so sorry for the previous armor sys.

Many Thanks,


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Is there any snow gear in one of the packs? Must say best gear in A3. Any plans on doing gulf war dessert cammo or iraq war desert.

---------- Post added at 15:06 ---------- Previous post was at 15:01 ----------

Sorry for 2 posts in a row, did you guys ever concider doing pilot gear.

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  sargken said:
Is there any snow gear in one of the packs? Must say best gear in A3. Any plans on doing gulf war dessert cammo or iraq war desert.

---------- Post added at 15:06 ---------- Previous post was at 15:01 ----------

Sorry for 2 posts in a row, did you guys ever concider doing pilot gear.


We're definitely interested in this, the idea is to create

a series of ECWS related products. We use MARPATS's

Winter related functions but what is needed is a basis

kit perhaps using covered rucksacks and arctic warfare

wear. The pilot gear isn't covered yet, but perhaps if it

is demanded high enough we can pursue this as well, if

this shows to be a promising avenue. Hope that will help.

Many Thanks,


P.S. @Community, please don't hesitate to let us know what

else is needed, we are trying to cater for the community we

love the most, and sadly looking at the A3 release content, I

still think you all will have demands and needs for the nearby

future. If you do, let us know what we can do to pursue this.

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So first: I love the AOR pack ;)

In addition I would like to know whats the status with the retexturing from the helmets from RHS, did you get permission for it?

I have also have two suggestions for new patterns:

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  Tobinator said:
So first: I love the AOR pack ;)

In addition I would like to know whats the status with the retexturing from the helmets from RHS, did you get permission for it?

I have also have two suggestions for new patterns:

They've yet to respond to this request, if you wish you

can try and contact them again or petition permissions

if you're eager. We're quietly rumbling away in our own

little projects at this time... Well, some of us are, it's a

matter of who deserves a vacation around this quarter.

Many Thanks,


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Hey KetsuCorp!

Was sifting through your fine quality items in the US packs (OCP, AOR, UCP, Etc.) and noticed that with all the ball caps you've made, you did not include the US velcro flag on the front. This might be a really nice touch if it were included!

Just my opinion though. Take care! :)

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Hey! I love the high quality graphics on these uniforms, vests, and so forth, but I have to ask if I'm doing something wrong if I can somehow have a huge load on the backpacks and vests compared to the vanilla version? For whatever reason, I can load up to 63 magazines into my vest. I'm not sure if it's the nature of the mod itself, because I've read in the thread that you guys intentionally made all of the vests and such weightless. Is this the case?

Edited by DaFuzzyOne

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  Broduz said:
Hey KetsuCorp!

Was sifting through your fine quality items in the US packs (OCP, AOR, UCP, Etc.) and noticed that with all the ball caps you've made, you did not include the US velcro flag on the front. This might be a really nice touch if it were included!

Just my opinion though. Take care! :)

We will consider headwear in a USA update. Perhaps we should create a new

collection that finishes the USA system as a whole before moving onto a new

country or environment. This will make sure that you get all the needed kit in

GEARS without having to compromise on the quality you all know, love & use.

  DaFuzzyOne said:
Hey! I love the high quality graphics on these uniforms, vests, and so forth, but I have to ask if I'm doing something wrong if I can somehow have a huge load on the backpacks and vests compared to the vanilla version? For whatever reason, I can load up to 63 magazines into my vest. I'm not sure if it's the nature of the mod itself, because I've read in the thread that you guys intentionally made all of the vests and such weightless. Is this the case?

This is intentional, we see no point in having restrictions for

you. This community should be well versed in what it can &

cannot take. If it is beyond the measure of realism, do not

simulate it. But in the extant emergencies of having to haul

gear for non realism purposes, we will not step in the way..!

Many Thanks,


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  KetsuCorp said:

This is intentional, we see no point in having restrictions for

you. This community should be well versed in what it can &

cannot take. If it is beyond the measure of realism, do not

simulate it. But in the extant emergencies of having to haul

gear for non realism purposes, we will not step in the way..!

That is one of the most sensful statements I've ever heard in a long, long time. How I wish more people could see it that way.

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  seba1976 said:
That is one of the most sensful statements I've ever heard in a long, long time. How I wish more people could see it that way.

To quote staff ideology, ditto.

Many Thanks,


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Quick Note:

We're getting reports that the scuba system implemented when used with

AI isn't functioning nor is it possible to have underwater weapons (lol?) so

if anyone could confirm that would be appreciated. We'll be working on an

entirely new set of .rvmats for even higher quality commando sweaters on

the pack and finally taking off the glare of the kneepads/elbowpads on the

Crye Uniform as it looks ridiculous. Finally an update to address the Hats in

game that don't appear (only beanie/cap) due to an issue with model.cfg's

is likely to be fixed in the coming months, rendering USA related data final.

Hope that helps,

Many Thanks,


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  KetsuCorp said:
Quick Note:

We're getting reports that the scuba system implemented when used with

AI isn't functioning nor is it possible to have underwater weapons (lol?) so

if anyone could confirm that would be appreciated. We'll be working on an

entirely new set of .rvmats for even higher quality commando sweaters on

the pack and finally taking off the glare of the kneepads/elbowpads on the

Crye Uniform as it looks ridiculous. Finally an update to address the Hats in

game that don't appear (only beanie/cap) due to an issue with model.cfg's

is likely to be fixed in the coming months, rendering USA related data final.

Hope that helps,

Many Thanks,


I can verify that the most up-to-date mod still does not have functioning scuba-uniforms. The remainder of the equipment woks though ie. breathing apparatus etc.

Also, on a side note, was wondering if you guys would be interested in doing some VR suits with some camo to make them sorta like a stealth suit?

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  Broduz said:
I can verify that the most up-to-date mod still does not have functioning scuba-uniforms. The remainder of the equipment woks though ie. breathing apparatus etc.

Also, on a side note, was wondering if you guys would be interested in doing some VR suits with some camo to make them sorta like a stealth suit?

This seems to trouble the staff as the neopren parameter is

enabled. There must be a further function that is not setup

in the code that is missing. As of yet they say they have a

consistent issue identifying which parameter will set this up.

Please do some testing, we have some questions as to if it

is also affecting the AI being unable to carry a weapon for

underwater purposes. If that does tend to be the case we

will need to address this some other direction, as this is an

ongoing issue about a particular piece of content acting up.

  sargken said:
You guys know the US MICH 2000 don't appear.

It depends on if you are running CORE, if you run CORE plus

whatever files you wish you will obtain them. Can you tell if

it is disappeared or not available in-game altogether. Please

submit a description of the issue in concern to your queries.

  Mannulus said:
U.S Woodland BDU's. Let's see it Ketsu!

Are you referring to Ketsu the developer or the staff? He

himself is no longer present in the team. The staff are at

the current time on hiatus. We can confirm that they are

planning to build a number of final pieces of texture work

for the last release of U.S. oriented mil-spec camouflage.

-Development of BDU.

-Development of DCU.

-Development of UCU.

-Development of TCP.

-Possible Development of ECWS Arctic Warfare Kits.

-Possible Introduction of 50/50 Uniform Final Setup.


Intended Fixes:

*Fixing the super shiny kneepads on Crye Uniforms.

*Fixing OD Camouflage Plate Carrier 02A+.

*Fixing the location of Patrol Caps and Beanie Hats.

*Fixing the Scuba parameter available to the Crye kit.

*Final Clean ups and Support for Outside Mods, TFAR/ACRE et cetera.

Many Thanks,


---------- Post added at 14:44 ---------- Previous post was at 14:32 ----------

Quick Reminder for Community,

There is some very specific requests from the Naval Special Warfare

community of teams online that have asked us to collaborate with a

vast number of them to create a GEARS_NSW. Unlike previous setup

structures in mods this will focus entirely on NAVSOC oriented kits. I

don't know all the details yet as I am just a spokesperson but if true

then there will be the possibility of allowing other developers for unit

creations that require the modification data to run their own project.

The last thing we wanted to announce is that if you wish to send us

donations please note that you are not purchasing the sway of staff

or the mod itself. You are supporting a highly dedicated team of mod

builders who commit extraordinary effort to bring such works as GEAR

to the community. We have always appreciated the support given us.

On an absolutely final note while we undergo bug testing I am told to

ask if possible, can we get some screenshots. What is requested is a

user to go into virtual arsenal, create his or hers personal loadout for

the game, take a screenshot then hit the export function and load in

notepad. Give us an IMGUR uploaded .JPG format file with thumb of a

loadout you love, name it for whatever reason and dump the exports

of the code underneath using the

 tag if preferable. We are on

track to release a website that may create this automatically, online.

It's an exciting opportunity to not only showcase your work, but also

demonstrate a good understanding of how kits work. We even want

to see these bugs in action as we develop, as this way we can have

a clearer picture of what may cause these issues for the staff to fix.

Hope that helps for anyone wondering!

Many Thanks,


Edited by KetsuCorp

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What I was saying is in the Arsenal the OCP MICH 2000, doesn't work when you select it, it puts nothing on your head.

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  sargken said:
What I was saying is in the Arsenal the OCP MICH 2000, doesn't work when you select it, it puts nothing on your head.

Are you using GEARS_CORE as required?

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I can confirm the bug with the MICH 2000, 01A and 01B US Multicam helmet "cannot open object gears_core\headware\common\gear_ach_core_00.p3d" I downloaded through PWS. GEARS Core is running

Any chance you guys will revisit the decision not to give weight to any of the items? Kind religates the whole thing to "pretty, but useless" in my opinion. Of course it is your work and I'm not demanding anything, I'm simple giving feedback as an end user.

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  War_lord said:

Any chance you guys will revisit the decision not to give weight to any of the items? Kind religates the whole thing to "pretty, but useless" in my opinion. Of course it is your work and I'm not demanding anything, I'm simple giving feedback as an end user.

How on earth, lack of weight renders this pack useless?

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It's like if someone made wonderful photorealistic guns, but gave them infinite ammo.

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  War_lord said:
It's like if someone made wonderful photorealistic guns, but gave them infinite ammo.

This -at least for me. Still love what you did. Perhaps if you want to stick with that, could we modify it ourselves at least privately?

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  War_lord said:
It's like if someone made wonderful photorealistic guns, but gave them infinite ammo.

BIS' magazine system is not broken, stamina simulation is, at the very least, debatable, hence the different approaches to give the player a choice to circunvent it. If the stamina system is flawed, what's the point in forcing a player in a community to learn to overcome it's problems?

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  seba1976 said:
BIS' magazine system is not broken, stamina simulation is, at the very least, debatable, hence the different approaches to give the player a choice to circunvent it. If the stamina system is flawed, what's the point in forcing a player in a community to learn to overcome it's problems?

If a user feels that the stamina is flawed, then there are mods that change the stamina system. I'm downloading this mod for the gear, not giving anything even the default weight gives me an unwanted package deal. Which is easier, for my hypothetical community to have to maintain our own submod, or your hypothetical community to download a stamina mod? I personally don't want my gear to circumvent the system, if I wanted to do that I'd download a no stamina effects mod.

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  War_lord said:
If a user feels that the stamina is flawed, then there are mods that change the stamina system. I'm downloading this mod for the gear, not giving anything even the default weight gives me an unwanted package deal. Which is easier, for my hypothetical community to have to maintain our own submod, or your hypothetical community to download a stamina mod? I personally don't want my gear to circumvent the system, if I wanted to do that I'd download a no stamina effects mod.

Yada-yada-yada, this mod is pretty useful for me. Please don't disrespect the people who made it, calling their work "useless".

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Dear Community,

We will address the Helmet disappearing issue in personnel

level testing in the next month. We're currently hiatus. An

effort to address the weight issue will henceforth be made

to confirm our intentions. As mentioned prior, the stamina

system determined by ArmA 3 is heavily flawed and has a

numerous plethora of mods intent on fixing the game issue.

With GEAR we've chosen to let the user be the individual

and sole proprietor of his actions. If we imposed weights

it means you have to trust our decision to ensure that a

rucksack carries a certain capacity. The same goes for a

vest and hit points required to knock a target down. The

fact that you require us to be impose this is simply not a

risk we are willing to take. You should be willing to fill the

equipment to the capacity to the extent that is realistic.

There is no requirement further than that. We aim to set

equipment, and I must ask what further do you wish for

the equipment to provide? We motion to complete GEAR

as a high fidelity package of default A3 content that as

far as ArmA III retextures go we stand out as one of the

highest quality retexture packs doing no different than a

series of other retexture modifications. We do, however

have a great library of equipment giving player freedoms.

That said however, we would encourage highly that the

requests to build your own mods off of our framework is

made with credit to the staff here. Other than that, we

welcome you to go wild with units, packs & much more.

Please do not argue over the semantics of weight vs. a

previous implemented, and heavily flawed stamina code

already implemented in A3. Other than that, we're very

excited to see what you all come up with for a loadout.

Many Thanks,


NOTE: Please provide us direct screenshots of the kits

having problems, as we have been told this error is not

present in our development branch and unfortunately I

am only PR, I cannot implement this until they are back.

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