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[SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

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No, there is no way. But maybe it works anyway. Probably only the arsenal is affected and does not show any injury, you can try.

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Well it led to some interesting results. All the troops are now spawned with the RPG-42, which is great but now some of the troops (i think half of them) spawn without rifles (so they have the rpg but no weapons). But the arsenal still functions normally, the problem with the troops is the only one I've encountered. We unlocked the NLAW, but the troops still use the RPG from RHS, so I now have to decide if I want the troops to have an RPG without damage or no rifles :(


Edit: I will try to leave RHS activated and try the real armor mod

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What determines how the troops are armed? I have F2000 in armory but some troops still come out with CPW.


NATO ammo drop. How long will that ammo box stay on the map. Thinking of temp storage in a location, I suppose a vehicle would work for that also how long do they stay?


The white boxes that appear on surrender, can we double the time they stay around?


Clearly I may be spending too much effort on weapon/ammo collection, whats the best strategy for this?



Reminds me. When I temp control AI, the guy I usually am starts barking orders to everybody so it's not only a race against the timer but also a race against how badly he screws stuff up. Any tips to stop this. I was wondering if I played a different soldier initially at startup if it would stop this.

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Hi, me and my friends are really enjoying this mission but we are wondering if it will get more settings and be more customizing? We are few playing so we don't have many resources and the money is too few, it would be nice if people could change the amount of money etc.


Portable teleport point would also be amazing, if for example like a truck and if it gets destroyed you had to buy a new, that would make missions so much more fun behind enemy lines and that stuff.

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@tui007: Yes, I didn't count on that, RHS unlocked weapons are there, and FIA soldiers try to equip them. As there is no real weapon, game drops an error and soldiers spawn weaponless.


@hellfire21: A combination of random + intended sometimes (snipers allways) spawn with Lynkx if you have it unlocked + weapon categorisation. Standard grunto only spawns with rifles, not MGs etc (if I remember well, there is a thousand features implemented and my brain is limited).


@maximum dk: You are free to modify the game if you know a bit of scripting, there is a scripting thread in Steam forum. A better init menu is in a to-do list

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Yes, I just installed the Real Armor mod and now the RPGs are useful now against the vanilla arma vehicles. So for everyone using RHS and this mission : Use the real armor mod to fix the low damage against vanilla Arma vehicles with the rpg

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I have a mortar setup at base (tip: don't man it with militia as they are evidently not even skilled enough to drive vehicles in arma). Does use of that mortar put Pedro at risk of discovery or is that strictly Traitor missions?


Also how do I rearm a mortar/MG etc outside of base?

Do squads rearm or do they eventually run out of ammo?


What happens to static weapons(outside of base) and HC squads when game is saved and restarted?

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- Yes if the mortar fires near HQ.

- Update your Antistasi and use the new "Heal, Repair and Rearm" action in the vehicle ammobox.

- Yes if they find a place for rearm (UPSMon + vanilla behaviour).

- Static weapons get saved. HC squads get refunded.


BTW: PEOPLE! Headless Client is now supported. Dedi server people should go and try it and see how those stinky AAF are now more clever than ever!!!

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I run a Dedi Server, this will be a welcome improvement in performance.





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UPDATE:  I am not sure if others have seen this but I ran with 3-HC's with Dedi Server after the first battle to retain an FIA Outpost all the enemy troops froze in motion, some running some shooting but all had white boxes next to them and they had the AddActions Interrogate or Join but did not respond.  I went to the next enemy base to attack and no enemy was present, no flag either, but citys had civilians.  This was a continuing of an existing mission, not a new one.


I am going to reboot server and try again.



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Uhm, please send the .rpt of all the HC + server please.


It seems you had a massive surrender, and that can happen, of course, but the lack of action is something bad. The lack of spawning is even worse.

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awesome mission.. thank you for that!


I have a question.. where can I find the persistent save files on the server? we run a linux server and I only found something in the server player folder.


this file:

.local/share/Arma 3 - Other Profiles/Player/Saved/steam/meta/cacheItems.map


is that it? or is it saved on the cmdr. client side? I just wanna now in case of upgrading/moving to another server.



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I am linux server retarded, you should search for a profile vars: .vars.Arma3Profile file, but I remember Linux had something different (can't tell you right now)

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.local/share/Arma 3 - Other Profiles/yourprofile/yourprofile.vars.Arma3Profile


You need to launch the server with -name option and create the file in share in case of permission lack

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thanks a lot guys... I use default Player name... found it.


never new what the 'vars' file was for. :P

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UPDATE:  I am not sure if others have seen this but I ran with 3-HC's with Dedi Server after the first battle to retain an FIA Outpost all the enemy troops froze in motion, some running some shooting but all had white boxes next to them and they had the AddActions Interrogate or Join but did not respond.  I went to the next enemy base to attack and no enemy was present, no flag either, but citys had civilians.  This was a continuing of an existing mission, not a new one.


I am going to reboot server and try again.





I cleared the reports, restarted the server and the mission as I did not use persistant save so I could get a clean report file.  Now when it failed with the 3 HC's that was the first time I ran the saved mission with the new features HC, I ran it again this time with only 1 HC and it worked fine, I saved it and will restart today.  If it happens again I will send report file.



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Well, if it works with 1 should  work with 3, as the load balancing is not complex (1 HC for garrisons, 1 for attack units and 1 for civilians)

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Couple days ago, but generally speaking I'm constantly updating with features and bugfixes.

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Hi barbolani,


Thanks for Antistasi, it's a really fun mission.


I think there's a bug with the personal garage duplicating vehicles. I'm not sure when or how it happens.  I've only captured 3 HMG striders total, 2 of those were destroyed, but I still have 6 more in the personal garage.  I only captured 1 Mora, and I just lost it, but I've got 5 more left in the personal garage.  I know I'm not counting the same vehicles twice as I only have 1 civilian truck I recently put in the personal garage.


I run the mission as a local MP server and only use the persistent save system.



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There may be a problem with HC and Rest for 8 Hours.  Said all Players not within 100MTS of base.  I was not able to do so until I edited the mission and moved the HC's to my new base location and resaved and restarted Server.  Then I was able to Rest. 



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thanks, will check it!


EDIT: Uh, the HC are supposed to be out of the count.


Please: type in the console: hint format ["%1",hcArray] and tell me what appears on top right screen.


There should appear something like [HC1,HC2,HC3] if it appears a [] then the HC have been not activated or detected or whatever..

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