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[SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

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I played this mission with my friends on my server but the problem is whenever I left the server I lost EVERYTHING I had in my gear doesn't even matter if I choose continue previous session or not :/ 

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I played this mission with my friends on my server but the problem is whenever I left the server I lost EVERYTHING I had in my gear doesn't even matter if I choose continue previous session or not :/

You did not installed your server completely and/or did not checked if the save works.

Many people reported this kinds of problems here and I even gave the solution twice.

It's your bad. Don't complain here or at least explain the circumstances / your server setup. At least give us an hint to help you...

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Your gear should be on the HQ ammobox, if not, it's because it's unlocked stuff and you have it available in the Arsenal.

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Hey, any plans about changing the AAF mortars recently introduced? As expected with A3 mortars they're pretty much going apeshit on absolutely everything (at least for us) that's enemy, doesn't matter if it's inside a town or wherever (had a mortar bomb the shit out of me <10m away from himself, that's quite the achievement). They just feel pretty overpowered, at least in some situations (ie AAF Outpost has full range over Kavala and will make complete use of that full range) where you're unable to kill them directly. It's a good idea that technically forces you to be on the move more, but if you have, let's say, a City Supplies mission all that'll happen is that the mortar drops 6-8 shells on your position, and since you're forced to stick rather close to the truck you die. The good thing is that once you respawn and enter a civilian car, you're pretty much undercover all the time even when being real close to the truck (given there's no AAF close obviously), so that sorta helps (don't know if that's intended or not, I guess not :P). 


Another thing is the AI, I don't know how much you've changed in the fsm's etc but the AI for us seems to still be the vanilla A3 superhuman AI with 360 headshots from around the corner. We've got ACE AI on but I'm not quite sure if you've disabled that considering that you've now implemented a check for other AI mods (ASR AI etc). 

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hey. sry if a repost... how does this do with mods like Ace 3? and any other mods for that matter. Any mods conflict?

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@jandrews1: Super-repost: Check mission description :) Answer yes.




I wanted to give the same chance to AAF of doing what the player does, this is, constant bombing when things are difficult, which is IMHO very realistic (If I have the chance of indirect fire, and things are not easy, do it).


This said, I will try to review the arty script (it's UPSMon in reality) to make them fire with more caution.


The 10 meters shot, if engine allows it, they will do. BTW they cannot dismount their mortars and shoot you, so I think we can let the AI fire on close distance, isn't it?

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Was testing this with my bro the other day.


We had ACE running and all seems to work well.


But I took a mission and went to area.


I took one shot at a person (Ai) and within 5 seconds was bombed with artilery right on top of me this aint right I mean they locked onto me within seconds and killed me? :(

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Been able to tweak the mortar script, hotfixed (yes, Logistic Missions in Kavala were a hell and a civilian massacre).


About ACE: Not 100% sure but seems something is wrong in ACE, as I had experience of insta kills in a session a couple days ago.


Maybe related to Eden update, don't know.


But definetly not an Antistasi issue, as I limited their aiming skill to acceptable ratios (except snipers, marksmen etc..)


@CER10TY: Don't mess with any AI mod, even ACE module.

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Was testing this with my bro the other day.


We had ACE running and all seems to work well.


But I took a mission and went to area.


I took one shot at a person (Ai) and within 5 seconds was bombed with artilery right on top of me this aint right I mean they locked onto me within seconds and killed me? :(


Quite true indeed. Plus you seem to have to manually take the ACE Medical PBO's out of the ACE directory manually to be allow to respawn and such, otherwise once you die it is over and have to reload, even on a Lan/Internet server. But as my brother said. The Mortar AI seem to be monstrously accurate and pinpoint, and seem to have millisecond response times.


Also played a solo game, creeping up to a checkpoint, all AI was completely unaware of my presence. And I was covered by thick forest on my advance. AI clearly had no idea I was around as they were all in "Safe" lowered weapons, slow patrols. I fired two rounds. And then Mortars landed on my head with absolute accuracy.

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I had scripted a +-10 meters accurancy, from where the mortar man is pointing, plus the engine un-accurancy itself. I had experienced fire several tenths of meters away from where I am.


I think there is nothing wrong with that. I just corrected the fire on some situations (civvies or friendlies near the fire position).


What has no sense at all is to allow players to have mobile mortar teams while they fight against an overwhelming force with no indirect fire support, nothing but realistic.


Now outposts are more than "lootpoints + big roadblocks" and have to be a priority target if FIA wants to operate freely.

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By the way, another question: Where do you save all the data with persistent save, profileNamespace? Because I don't really want to start playing another save in singleplayer whilst also having one in multiplayer (locally hosted server) since it might overwrite the other one.

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I had scripted a +-10 meters accurancy, from where the mortar man is pointing, plus the engine un-accurancy itself. I had experienced fire several tenths of meters away from where I am.


I think there is nothing wrong with that. I just corrected the fire on some situations (civvies or friendlies near the fire position).


What has no sense at all is to allow players to have mobile mortar teams while they fight against an overwhelming force with no indirect fire support, nothing but realistic.


Now outposts are more than "lootpoints + big roadblocks" and have to be a priority target if FIA wants to operate freely.


But that doesn't combat the issue of them. If I'm attacking a checkpoint at night time, say 23:00 and I shoot two rounds from 500m away whilst using a suppressor. There is no feasible way that they could get my EXACT Coordinates, relay that information to the Mortar team who are stationed at a base a various distance away, have the mortar team adjust elevation/pitch to match firing coordinates and have Mortars fire with pinpoint accuracy and kill me within less than 2-3 seconds.


It isn't like my weapon is going to emit as loud a noise or a large flash upon the discharge of said weapon thanks to the use of a suppressor, especially 500m+ away.

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By the way, another question: Where do you save all the data with persistent save, profileNamespace? Because I don't really want to start playing another save in singleplayer whilst also having one in multiplayer (locally hosted server) since it might overwrite the other one.


Yes, profileNamespace, I think if you build another profile for the SP play it won't get overwritten.


But that doesn't combat the issue of them. If I'm attacking a checkpoint at night time, say 23:00 and I shoot two rounds from 500m away whilst using a suppressor. There is no feasible way that they could get my EXACT Coordinates, relay that information to the Mortar team who are stationed at a base a various distance away, have the mortar team adjust elevation/pitch to match firing coordinates and have Mortars fire with pinpoint accuracy and kill me within less than 2-3 seconds.


It isn't like my weapon is going to emit as loud a noise or a large flash upon the discharge of said weapon thanks to the use of a suppressor, especially 500m+ away.


It is not the mortar who's spotting you, it's some enemy which detects you and calls in the mortar strike. The position is based on engine-base AI knowledge, so, nothing different from any other situation. If no enemy is spotting you, the mortar will fire on your last perceived position if any.


Anyway garrisons are managed by UPSMon, third party script, and I am not super - expert on this.


And it never takes 2-3 seconds, mortar rounds typically travel for 30-60, so, moving as a dog and not being unlucky are key elements.


This is war.


@davidoss: Thanks! You gave me an idea. Next release will be titled as "Guerrilla Life", so people looking for Life mods will finish there by accident :)

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Yes, profileNamespace, I think if you build another profile for the SP play it won't get overwritten.



It is not the mortar who's spotting you, it's some enemy which detects you and calls in the mortar strike. The position is based on engine-base AI knowledge, so, nothing different from any other situation. If no enemy is spotting you, the mortar will fire on your last perceived position if any.


Anyway garrisons are managed by UPSMon, third party script, and I am not super - expert on this.


And it never takes 2-3 seconds, mortar rounds typically travel for 30-60, so, moving as a dog and not being unlucky are key elements.


This is war.


@davidoss: Thanks! You gave me an idea. Next release will be titled as "Guerrilla Life", so people looking for Life mods will finish there by accident :)


I understand the nature of war. That is exactly as I said, no way that AI can spot me and Mortar me within seconds. It makes zero sense. They would need to relay information to the mortar squad, squad would need to adjust to fire at those coords, and then wait for the rounds to splash. However, in all my run ins with mortars. They are ALWAYS near on instant the MOMENT I fire a single round, regardless of distance, noise, cover and light levels.


The mission is great aside from Inventory problems and weapons/ammo/attachments vanishing and Arsenal never having anything even when being updated constantly with loot to the main box. It's just those Mortars that drain the fun. If I had an actual chance to engage and then run from that position knowing I could avoid the rounds sure. But as it stands, every run in with Mortars has been fatal with absolutely no line for fault. Like I said. I KNOW that absolutely zero soldiers were aware of my presence and I know there were no more patrols other than the checkpoint, as confirmed by scanning and scouting with a Thermal scope, I was in dense forest/Vegetation, almost half a mile away from the checkpoint, and the mortars at the outpost would have been another half mile away.


But after two single shots in the pitch black, with a suppressor (Which lowers noise and hides muzzle flash) I had Mortars LANDING on my head within LITERAL accuracy of my head. Mortars are a great idea, but they are just WAY too OP.

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I understand the nature of war. That is exactly as I said, no way that AI can spot me and Mortar me within seconds. It makes zero sense. They would need to relay information to the mortar squad, squad would need to adjust to fire at those coords, and then wait for the rounds to splash. However, in all my run ins with mortars. They are ALWAYS near on instant the MOMENT I fire a single round, regardless of distance, noise, cover and light levels.




Believe me, they do it exactly in that way. AI spots you (engine spotting), calls a mortar on your perceived position, mortar adjusts and fires, the rounds take their time to travel and splash (and you are dead).


By no means I am spawning rounds right where you are, and everything is based on AI knowledge of the target.


So the situations you say are not real, if you receive a shot 2 seconds after you fire your weapon it's because 30-60 seconds before, you were spotted by AI, well spotted.


About the Arsenal issues you mention, that shouldn't happen. If so, there is a bug report section in steam forums on which you must read the first post, gather the info and send it there and I will solve it ASAP if there is a real bug.


EDIT: Indeed, as mortar fire is real fire, you should have heard the mortars firing those 30-60 seconds before.

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I agree that your experiences sounds annoying. But, could it be that you are hit by rifle grenades and not mortar?


Enemies with those are very fast to pinpoint your position.

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Believe me, they do it exactly in that way. AI spots you (engine spotting), calls a mortar on your perceived position, mortar adjusts and fires, the rounds take their time to travel and splash (and you are dead).


By no means I am spawning rounds right where you are, and everything is based on AI knowledge of the target.


So the situations you say are not real, if you receive a shot 2 seconds after you fire your weapon it's because 30-60 seconds before, you were spotted by AI, well spotted.


About the Arsenal issues you mention, that shouldn't happen. If so, there is a bug report section in steam forums on which you must read the first post, gather the info and send it there and I will solve it ASAP if there is a real bug.


EDIT: Indeed, as mortar fire is real fire, you should have heard the mortars firing those 30-60 seconds before.


Yes but that is what I am telling you. I am NOT spotted, the only Infantry near by are those AT the checkpoint. NOONE else. Thermal scouting confirmed that there are no other foot troops of any kind and the ones at the checkpoint are NOT aware of me. But It makes zero sense to have a couple seconds from shooting and then get a Mortar on my head a second or so after alerting, there are no mortars firing, just the whistle of Mortar rounds and then splash on my POS.


If it was fair and legit I would not be sat here trying to explain my issue as I could understand this if it was 30 or so seconds AFTER my posistion was discovered (Which shouldn't be very easy in pitch black night, flash suppression and dense vegetation). Sadly however, myself, my brother and a few friends whom play your mission all suffer from the same issues, even from various games of Solo and Coop. I know I'm sounding like a broken record. And I know I come across as abrasive. It's merely just because I'm frustrated to the high heavens from INSTANT Mortar shells. And again it isn't JUST me that has this issue. Issues like losing weapons, scopes, and a lack of arsenal gear entirely regardless of the updates I can somewhat live with, as there are ways around those issues if they truly persist throughout.


Mortars are an absolute bane. I confide entirely 100% I am NOT spotted and there is no sound confirmation of Mortar fire within the distance. If I was spotted the Checkpoint troops would be in alert mode but they are not.

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@Steelrat. No GL nades of any kind, especially not from half a mile away, with pinpoint accuracy off the bat at-least, and especially not with explosions of that magnitude. :/


Apologise for double post. Only just now seen the Multi Quote option and its function.

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First of all, great mod, extremely hardcore experience, just like resistance should be.


I'd like to report two bugs:

(playing on a locally hosted server with 4 ppl.)


1) A (human) medic tried to revive me, while having no medkit. This resulted in me being locked in a injured stance, where I could not move, but could not respawn or use even the ESC button.


2) We attacked a small outpost, that is not even marked on the map. As soon as we killed the last guy, a Mora tank spawned instantaneusly at that base, without any warning.

We managed to escape on foot and attacked a nearby resource base. After clearing it from infantry, once again a Mora spawned right on us, in the ressource base.

As this mod clearly has realism in mind, this just seems like a really annoying bug.


Thanks in advance for any fixes,


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started a server over hamachi ever think is runing fine but there are no ai enemies? any one know why. if you need to know any think els plz let me know.

and thank you for any help you can give

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@jamie1992: All I can do is to repeat. Mortar shells are not spawned, are shot by mortars. Mortar targets are based on enemy notifying your position. It is no virtual arty, it's real AI arty. The AI you were ambushing may have been in safe stance, but you being spotted by some other unnotified AI patrolling the area.


@majorjack: The medic thing is very weird. Antistasi revive relies on you being healed, if the medic has not medikit, he won't be able to heal, that simple. SPACE key should have work. Please go to bug report section in Steam, and post there at least .rpt of the client (your PC). The moras are never spawned on the place to be counterattacked, they spawn in the near bases, selected with several conditions, one of them is not having players near (so they don't spawn in their nose). They can be very quick sometimes, but nothing else.


@loz117117: You mission is bugged, there may be several reasons, please go to bug report section in steam and post all the info is asked in the first post.

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@majorjack: The medic thing is very weird. Antistasi revive relies on you being healed, if the medic has not medikit, he won't be able to heal, that simple. SPACE key should have work. Please go to bug report section in Steam, and post there at least .rpt of the client (your PC). The moras are never spawned on the place to be counterattacked, they spawn in the near bases, selected with several conditions, one of them is not having players near (so they don't spawn in their nose). They can be very quick sometimes, but nothing else.


Hi Barbolani, thanks for the quick reply.


For the medic issue: No button worked except the chat function. As I said, I couldn't even use the ESC Menu (=Main Menu). I'll look into posting the bug on steam later.


For the Mora issue: Trust me, they did spawn on us (we were 4 players at that time!). Both spawned right at the outpost and the ressource base, very shortly after we captured them. I saw them spawn, they didn't drive up to us.

My guess: Both the outpost and the ressource post (it's the one at a dump) are in the middle of nowhere. For some reason, the script could not get a proper path calculation to our location and thus spawned the moras directly onto our position.

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That would mean the engine didnt find a spawn position from a base kilometers away of any player and player controlled AI and decide to spawn them right exactly in front of you. The moras spawn at bases, and then some waypoint to those places is added, no way of teleporting. Send also .rpt of the server so I may check this too. 

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