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forest service


cargo airliner


oh and walkable cargos. Turns out last I tried I was changing the C-130J model, but testing the C-130H plane. No miracle it didn't work : D

Edited by Sabre_Dust

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Working on a C-130 tanker currently



Script courtesy of Franze & John Spartan


my first successful UV mapping lol (on that drogue mesh). Added a few lights for night time refueling

Edited by Sabre_Dust
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Anyone else insta-dying when ejecting out of the back of the C130 going 200km/h on 1000m altitude?


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Oh can anyone confirm Phonics finding? Did a jump or two around that alt and speed from passenger seat and survived (except for not having a chute : D)

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Oh can anyone confirm Phonics finding? Did a jump or two around that alt and speed from passenger seat and survived (except for not having a chute : D)

I'll find some time to record it so everything's a bit more clear - I'll also test it with some members of my group to see whether they get the same thing.

I am using a mod set of 43 mods, and I originally suspected AGM however after testing with it on and off the results were the same.

Looking at the rest of the mods I wouldn't know any that could affect this...

edit: Nearly forgot to mention, originally tested this on a SP mission, the AIs that were also ejecting (1 sec delay between each jump) did in fact survive..

Anyway, I'll test tomorrow to see whether I'm alone on this one :)

Kind regards,


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Thank you : )

I will experiment a bit myself. Not sure but maybe I modified the <get in> <get out> positions regarding to the original. could actually be related to that.

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To suggestions what about getting rid of the countdown timer for RATO/JATO its much easier to get the timing down when its instant fire when you click it, also if you are able to, I would add the "isTouchingGround" as a check to be able to open the entry drop door, if opened in flight it would rip off...

I will also try and get my hodgepodge Halo/Haho script working again and send it your way for possible integration into the models if you would like. And as always keep up the awesome work!!

Edited by Tonys
added the isTouchingGround
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Thank you!

I can reduce the retro rockets firing time to 1 second as the retro rockets need to deploy first.

You can see how the reverse rockets close to the cockpit move outwards just before firing.

In theory I could make another user action to deploy them first and fire later but then we get menu cluttering with all the doors and stuff already.

It's also kinda intended to be difficult and the countdown makes it a bit more dramatic : )

Yea send me your Halo script if you want. I can't promise anything but I will have a look.

Interesting idea with the door. Might have a look. If I manage to implement it quickly I will.

Currently I have a new version ready but the walkable cargo is causing all kind of headaches

(plane falling right from the sky if you try to launch it in Zeus, also taking severe damage when taking off).

I might have to disable that feature.

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Download Lockheed C-130 Variants Version 0.9

v 0.9

added L-100 Cargoplane

added Forest Service Plane

added C-130 J/H Cargo Planes

added CSAT/AAF Planes

added C-130 J/H Aerial Refueling Tanker

(walkable cargo caused too many issues and was removed again)


the tanker variant can refuel my Su-34 and planes like Johns F-18 shown here


The AAF an the CSAT got a transport, a cargo and a tanker variant.

All based on my 4 Prop simplified H version

(it's a bit slower, has greater range - but it is not 15 feet shorter :))

If other addon makers want to use the refueling capability - here's a guide how to:

Your plane needs

1. in model cfg define a bone:


2. in model cfg define an animation

class fuel_probe
			type = "translation";

in the p3d 1.00 LOD add a refuel probe called "fuel_probe" - that's the visible part

in the memory LOD we need a point called "refuel_probe" - to which the drogue will dock to

+ an axis called axis_fuel, along which our probe moves when being extended

in config.cfg you need an animationSource in class animationSources

class fuel_probe
			animPeriod= 2.5;

and in class useractions we need an entry like this

	                        class fuel_probe_extend
					displayName="Extend Refueling Probe";
					position="pos cargo";
					showWindow = 0;
					onlyforplayer = true;
					hideOnUse = 1;
					condition="this animationPhase ""fuel_probe"" < 0.5";
					statement="this animate [""fuel_probe"", 1];";


				class fuel_probe_retract
					displayName="Retract Refueling Probe";
					position="pos cargo";
					showWindow = 0;
					onlyforplayer = true;
					hideOnUse = 1;
					condition="this animationPhase ""fuel_probe"" >= 0.5 ";
					statement="this animate [""fuel_probe"", 0];";

that's it. looks a lot more complicated then it is : ))

you could also shortcut and leave out the useractions and just have it's init phase set at 1

For some planes this would actually make sense as they have a fixed probe that can't be extended/retracted

(some C-130 have it for instance)

Edited by Sabre_Dust
added some info

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Any chance to add some skins for Afrenian Army, Lingor (GAL)? I can paint those for you.

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Hey Icebreakr,

Sure why not.

Filesize is only around 53MB currently, still space for some more textures : )

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thanks guys!


nope, for AC-130 look here please : USAF Mod

They just recently updated the AC-130

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Hi, cool C130 pack, i added it to my team' s collection,thanks for the addon.

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I had originally thought the refueling scripts were missing, however I was mistaken, I thought the pilot/co-pilot would deploy the drogues not the requesting aircraft. My mistake.

Edited by Tonys
was mistaken

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ya exactly. sorry i didn't include any guide or demo. hope the other people figure it out too : )

my idea with this is that you put it somewhere on the map with ai and put 2 waypoints between which it flies back and forth. you can set alt with <this setflyinheight 5000; >

note the odd spelling.

of course a Buddy could be flying it instead

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How does the air refueling work? Whenever I follow an AI jet in MP it desyncs all over the place no way I could get close enough for long enough.

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So you will need to set AR track of waypoints, I recommend 3 wps 2 move and one cycle, the first WP need to have its movement speed set as limited for the C130, and I would also recommend using "this flyInHeight 1000;" in the tanker's init so it stays at a constant 1000m height or change it to what ever height you feel is appropriate for you.

Edited by Tonys

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Really liking the updates so far, lovely work. Is there any chance of changing the refueling script to work with any aircraft using a variable. Say in the init of an aircraft you could put:

c130_fuel_point = [0,0,0];

Where the array is a location on the aircraft - this way its quick and easy for either mission makers to add aircraft as and when they feel neccesary. You may also be able to simply the config for addon makers using this a bit like the variables used by TFAR in the config to define the radio types etc.

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