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[SP] Silver Lion - ArmA2 ACR missions remade in ArmA3 with ACR A3

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Even though the story in the single-player campaign for ArmA2 Army of the Czech Republic DLC never made much sense to me, I really wished I could have played more of it and without bugs. I decided to embark on the journey of remaking those poor broken missions in ArmA3 using the excellent ACR A3 addon.


-remake most of the SP missions from A2 except "There Will Be Flood" and "Man's Best Friend" since ArmA3 has neither ponds or working dogs :(

-create new missions that fit the "canon" and try to expand the story behind the Silver Lion campaign

I'll publish the missions one by one here and on Workshop, I'll try and put together an actual campaign later on.

Required addons:



01: War Criminal

Civil war in Bystrica has ended and both sides placed their weapons down. Although BYSFOR units managed to negotiate a cease fire, the people are still not safe. Part of the area is controlled by colonel Radan Miyović who is responsible for ethnic cleanups in the north of the country. Thanks to testimonies and intel we were able to identify his area of operation.


Dropbox: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/35519913/sp_acr_mission01.Woodland_ACR.pbo

Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=344377029

Armaholic mirror:

- Silver Lion - 01 - War Criminal (@)


02: Patrol

Miyović is ours. Activity in woods has increased and his fighters are running around the woods in large groups. We must focus on the core of the organization and gain dominance in the operational zone. A demoralizing effect will soon follow.


Dropbox: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/35519913/sp_acr_mission02.woodland_acr.pbo

Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=345913693

Armaholic mirror:

- Silver Lion - 02 - Patrol (@) v1.1


03: Man's Best Friend

Everything is clear after Radan Miyović's interrogation. Names and descriptions have been confirmed. According to available information Aslan Radayev, a Chechen weapons dealer and Borz Kazbekov, an officer in Miyović's organization, will attempt to escape from the country tonight. It is assumed they will try to head south across the river.


Dropbox: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/35519913/sp_acr_mission03.Woodland_ACR.pbo

Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=352464143

Armaholic mirror:

- Silver Lion - 03 - Man's Best Friend (@)


04: Fireworks

Our patrols succeeded to disperse most of the remaining Miyović's henchmen. Radayev and Kazbekov are in jail, but a handful of militants are hiding somewhere in the woods. The last camp was discovered by a UAV and its images show that the last remaining enemy vehicles are stationed there. Once we complete this mission, it will be the end of fighting even though ethnic tensions remained rooted here.


Dropbox: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/35519913/sp_acr_mission04.Woodland_ACR.pbo

Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=355802815

Armaholic mirror:

- Silver Lion - 04 - Fireworks (@)


05: Wind Storm

In the year the civil war in Bystrica ended, a conflict also occured in eastern Takistan. Fanatical enemy tore apart units fighting there. International forces still managed to succeed, building bases and keeping some areas under control. Our units provided air support for special operations there and infantry boys for 601st ran around below them.


Dropbox: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/35519913/sp_acr_mission05.Takistan.pbo

Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=365649319

Armaholic mirror:

- Silver Lion - 05 - Wind Storm (@)


Edited by Outlawz7

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Love your missions and recreations Outlaw7, hope you can put all those missions together in a proper campaign file, whenever you finish the series (so we can play as a proper campaign, not scattered SP missions on Scenarios tab =)

And I hope you port your A2 remake of A1 campaign to A3 using RHS, Sahrani port by Mik8man (with plenty opened buildings) and SLA pack - right now I need AiA SA to play those, but I´d rather play it on A3+AiA maps and those aforementioned mods, it would be awesome!


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Very good mission! 5/5 from me. Looking forward to the next mission in the campaign.

Dirty Haz

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Thanks! More missions are coming. I've updated 01: War Criminal:

-fixed some bugs

-added vehicle wrecks along the roads

-added dependency on Chairborne's Mi-8/Mi-17 port and ACR replacement config

-added optional damage reduction for player's group (pop up box at start)

-moved intro message higher so that it doesn't overlay chat

-game saved after each objective

Edited by Outlawz7

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Mission 02: Patrol added.

"Miyović is ours. Activity in woods has increased and his fighters are running around the woods in large groups. We must focus on the core of the organization and gain dominance in the operational zone. A demoralizing effect will soon follow."

See first post for download.

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New addon requirements for ACR 0.6, first mission updated featuring the Land Rover. (second still works with new addons)

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Fantastic! I believe you can make "man's best friend" mission now with ACSZ unlocked content. The dog is now unlocked with that mod!

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Good man Outlawz. Finally I'll be able to play these missions, which I didn't bother in Arma 2 days once I realized how poor quality they were. Thanks!

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I just started playing through. First mission is tough. I don't remember it being so tough on A2 so will compare it again.

These missions would be awesome in coop play.

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I just started playing through. First mission is tough. I don't remember it being so tough on A2 so will compare it again.

I checked, there seems to be less enemies in A2. I'll make some adjustments.

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You can balance the mission by adding back another operator on BluFor side.

In RL, if spec ops were out to arrest a HVT, they would definitely send in more than 4 operators!

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thanks although I didn't played them yet, so no mods needed? if yes so you used arma 3 vanilla factions instead of ACR?

thanks and I'm waiting for campaign pbo version.

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thanks although I didn't played them yet, so no mods needed? if yes so you used arma 3 vanilla factions instead of ACR?

thanks and I'm waiting for campaign pbo version.

Might want to read the first page, in particular the very clearly marked "REQUIRED ADDONS" section.

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ok opened it in web browser and showed up! New bug in tapatalk app which does not show your listed mods!!!!!!!!

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01: War Criminal updated for ACR 0.7, mission now includes dubbing :D

I will update existing missions in the coming days.

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Project on hold until I can find time to work on it again.

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Keep getting this error mesage: deleted.acr_a3_psylandrovers_replacement at the start screen of Silver Lyons missions.

Where is this file?

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Mission 1: I took Lynx to the drop-off point where I'm suppose to order him into a truck but there's no truck there. Only the ACR checkpoint with the vertical arm barrier.

Edited by Variable

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