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Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) Discussion

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French jets bomb Syria in the ISIS stronghold of Raqqa

(CNN)French fighter jets bombed a series of ISIS sites in Raqqa, Syria, on Sunday

in what officials described as a major bombardment.


The targets included a command center, a recruitment center, an ammunition storage base and a training camp for the terror group, said Mickael Soria, press adviser for France's defense minister.


ISIS claims Raqqa as the capital of its so-called caliphate.

The airstrikes come two days after a series of terrorist attacks in Paris on Friday. ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attacks, which France's President described as "an act of war."


Twelve aircraft, including 10 fighter jets, were involved in Sunday's airstrikes, Soria said.

Twenty bombs were dropped, he said, and all of the targets were destroyed.



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Polish military analysis portal - "who buys oil from IS" - google translate yourself 

article says oil is transported:

- to Turkey

- to Iran

- to Jordania via Iraq

- to Syria cause ISIS it not main enemy of Assad 

and who buys oil from Syria - Italy, Germany, France


btw Stephan Molyenux (philosophy vlogs that i quoted and linked) claims that biggest or second position as weapons dealer PER CAPITA is France (to Middle East)

USA sells more weapons - but not per capita 

mainly France and Germany aim those region countries (about Germany selling there a lot said other user of this forum) 

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news from last minutes , journalists informed that Russia started serious bombing of IS city Rakka/Ar-Rakka as revenge for shooting down plane 

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Word about a massive stikes by Russian forces on IS capital in city of Raqqa. Coordinated attacks coming from ships, strategic bombers and sumbmarines!




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Hollande Seeks United U.S.-Russia Coalition Against ISIS (Haaretz, Nov 16)

French president calls for UN Security Council anti-terrorism resolution; says France will step up operations in Syria,

'the biggest factory of terrorists the world has known


"France is at war," French President Francois Hollande said on Monday in an extraordinary address to both houses of parliament in which he called on the United Nations Security Council to rapidly issue a resolution against terrorism.


Hollande also told French parliamentarians that a single, large coalition was needed to fight in Syria. He said the United States and Russia needed to set aside their policy divisions over Syria, adding that he hoped to meet soon with President Barack Obama and Russian leader Vladimir Putin "to unify our strength and achieve a result that has been too long in coming."




France, Russia strike Islamic State in Syria, EU aid invoked (Reuters; Nov 17)

France and Russia staged air strikes on Islamic State targets in northern Syria on Tuesday, punishing the group for attacks in Paris and against a Russian airliner that together killed 353 people.


In Moscow, the Kremlin acknowledged that a bomb had destroyed a Russian airliner last month, killing 224 people. President Vladimir Putin vowed to hunt down those responsible and intensify air strikes against Islamists in Syria.


Western officials said Russia launched a "significant number" of strikes in Syria on Tuesday hitting the Islamic State stronghold of Raqqa. In a separate action, apparently not coordinated, French warplanes targeted Raqqa for a second day.


French President Francois Hollande has said he will see Putin and U.S. President Barack Obama in the coming days to try to convince them to join a grand coalition against Islamic State which controls swathes of Syria and Iraq.


Russia began air strikes in Syria at the end of September. It has always said its main target is Islamic State, but most of its bombs in the past have hit territory held by other groups opposed to its ally, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.



In Brussels, Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian invoked the EU's mutual assistance clause for the first time since the 2009 Lisbon Treaty introduced the possibility, saying he expected help with French operations in Syria, Iraq and Africa.


The 28 EU member states accepted the French request but it was not immediately clear what assistance would be forthcoming.



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Western officials said Russia launched a "significant number" of strikes in Syria on Tuesday hitting the Islamic State stronghold of Raqqa. In a separate action, apparently not coordinated, French warplanes targeted Raqqa for a second day.

BTW that was first time Tu-95 used in combat.

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Poland should take part in the war against IS (an interview with gen. Skrzypczak)



What to do to not get stuck there for years, as in Iraq or Afghanistan?

There can be no sentiments. ISIS have to be broken to the end. Ferret out. Exterminate to the last one and give local people the chance to return to normal life, above all quickly rebuild the state.Civilians who lives there, is terrorized. They have had enough. ISIS has no future and they can see it. Civilians will be happy to welcome coalition troops. But the foundation is that regional powers - Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia - are no longer in the area so hard to interfere and incite animosity between Shiites and Sunnis. Without that lasting peace will not be.

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Skrzypczak again speaks for the USA again, I think he should emigrate there. I don't want my country being placed in avantgarde of yet another coalition only to be screwed over in effect. This is not our war, not our conflict and our citizens are not by the conflict so far and it should stay that way. President Bush put Assad on the axis of evil only because of Assads objections towards the invasion of Iraq. Later on Obama, Hollande, Merkel, Cameron were the ones who decided that to help Arab world with implementing democracy thus fueling the decay in the Middle East. Poland had had nothing to do with that. Why we would fight another war?  To put our country on terrorist aim? No thanks. Global superpowers are powerful enough to put the fire they've created - out.

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BTW that was first time Tu-95 used in combat.



and Tu-160 as well

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Two things:


1. It may become our war sooner, than we think

2. It's not only about defending ourselves. it's about people living and dying there under IS terror. With only illusory counteractions of other countries (occasional bombings, that has more to do with Assad than with IS itself), while many countries support IS or make deals with it. Disgrace. Before Paris I seriously considered, if perhaps Poland should even alone just go there and make order, if there is no any other willing to do, what had to be done long time ago, before all this Christian beheadings, terror acts and other IS barbaric shit. Now, after Paris, things may finally change here...

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The chance of the attack will be greater if we involve ourselves into direct action against the muslim fanatics from the IS (please listen to dr Szewko in vid below). It's horrid what is going there, but Iraqi and Syrian people must reclaim what is theirs by their own hands. Like minister Waszczykowski have said - why we would send our troops if young Syrians are having fun in Europe drinking coffee and browsing stuff on ipads? Really, I can't imagine my great grandfather, grandfather and his siblings sitting happily on emigration while watching their country plunging into ruin.


With help of anti terror coalition forces (bombing, intel, supplies) and Assad's army it is possible. Kurds, Shia militias and Iraqi army are doing well by going piece by piece. I'd not mind if Poland would send material help to local anti-IS forces - firearms, older yet sturdy tanks and artillery (we still have those "preserves" of T55's and 2S1 guns...), medical supplies, food and warm clothing for soldiers and civilians. That's the help I'd like to see.

We already had voices in Poland to send Polish men to Ukraine. Thank God that didn't happen.


http://vod.tvp.pl/audycje/publicystyka/dzis-wieczorem/wideo/15112015/22347907   FA Minister Waszczykowski


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 why we would send our troops if young Syrians are having fun in Europe drinking coffee and browsing stuff on ipads? Really, I can't imagine my great grandfather, grandfather and his siblings sitting happily on emigration while watching their country plunging into ruin.


holy words man, holy words,

i also agree we should not - it is mess of those who pay for tollerance, 

we should stop flow of muslims (cause by fertility they will in few generations conquer europe by voting even if not by violence, so there will be civil war in europe and if not than in 2/3 generations sharia party will be voted to rule using demongraphic bomb to change europe )

but we should not disturb Arabs to live their way, 

i always not liked pushing fingers into other country culture , they have their way, i do not want their way here, i do not want their rules here, 

but what they do there is their job - and they could stand against if they wanted , 

it is mess created by USA and few most rich western countries, 

it is pathetic when we want to bomb one theocracy and the same time we ally with other theocracy, 

if we bomb theocracies then either all or none 

Russia likes and supports Iran which is theocracy which wants to destroy Israel once they get nuke, 

USA support Saudi Arabia , Pakistan, which are murdering people for apostasy

and we say to bomb ISIS ? 

to help those who come here to live from benefits and spread jihad ?

first thing to stop jihad is remove fifth column (we have extreme radical muslims in europe, hate preachers immams   financed from Saudi Arabia, we have guys demonstrating for sharia in Europe ) 

bombing ISIS is just media show that doesn't change too much, 

moreover - once ISIS is defeated and not killed all, than they MOVE away from land they have, 

guess where ? for sure not to USA for sure not to China, for sure not to Saudi Arabia, 

but of course Saudi Arabia is ready to support us , they offer money to build 200 mosques in every european country, 

NWO wants to start WW3 and push Europe into war 

what is sense of war abroad when inside your countries you have people marching with banners "behead those who insult islam" "sharia for UK" "islam will dominate world" "no to democracy yes to allah" 

what is sense to fight for those who do not want it ?

they do not want secular state - if they want - our minister said - take guns and fight - as we fought in 1831, 1864, 1944, 1914 , 1956, 1947, 1980




Now, after Paris, things may finally change here...


no, things not changed, they say "we cannot marginalize"

they showing arab with long beard and say "Belgian"

they show killed woman "she was muslim too, look muslims are victims"

they say  "maybe he was not imigrant"

they say "Frenchmen killed Frenchmen" 

nothing changed

things yet are not to come to point of change in west , they do not understand that radical islam is part of islam and cannot be taken away from it, 

the more islam, them more radicals, cause they are always present several or dozen percent , 

those who do not integrate and have 5 kids, in 2050 will vote new parliaments - parliaments that will state sharia as main legal system if not in 2030 people will stand up against 

things not changed , west yet is not understanding , in Sweden they voted in 2014 for leftists, now right wing party has similar support, next election in 2018 in Sweden 

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no, things not changed,

In regards chances for real military operation against IS I mean. 




The chance of the attack will be greater if we involve ourselves into direct action against the muslim fanatics from the IS


Of course. That's war after all. Actions always have consequences. Lack of actions too, sometimes worse in the longer term. Sometimes one gets tired listening "he should", "they must" from every side. Sometimes someone just have to move his ass and acually DO, no matter, who should in fact, if no one did. People are suffering and dying there every day, we spend on point with the fingers those, who "should" or "must". 




That's the help I'd like to see.


Of course would be better, if that would be enough, if other would actually do their part. But in general - anything possible and necessary should be done, even if others would fail, that's my point. And I think too, it's perfectly doable with proper cooperation.  

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We might as well fight against Boko Haram in Africa, but no.It's simple whoever gets involved - becomes a target.


Recent events show the motivation of terrorists - it is always an answer to something. For the rest of the world we are viewed as conservative, religious and homogeneous nation. We do not create ghettos with alienated muslim young men, we do not sport multi-culti, cultural-marxism  in our country, we do not promote blasphemy and porno in our public space, we do not offend muslims with our way of life. Our lifestyles don't collide plus we're too distant to each other. Slavic nations due to their bonds to traditional values and religion are perceived better in the muslim communities than more spoiled humanist west with how they say "empty values".



How am I supposed to respect the Belgians , since their parents in are euthanized or given to homes for elderly , abortion is normal for them , the churches are empty , but brothels full? For what should I respect them ? " - I was told by the Moroccan taxi driver .



It shows that muslim extremism emerges where emptiness is .In Iraq since the Americans have left - someone had to replace them.

Western ideals of godless humanism and social equity don't mean much to muslims, still too hardcore for young arab men born in the EU. They see their way a better way.

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I'm not sure, if putting heads in the sand is the best course of action, but as for short term indeed, it's safer for us and quite popular now and in the history. 


Another matter: Found this video just today on youtube, accidentally, maybe it's known, I don't know, an interview with a Pole fighting for IS (no English, sorry):



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What's funny is that, contrary to France, Poland was part of the coalition that ousted Saddam, which everybody know is the main cause of the birth of IS (90% of IS military leaders are Saddam former officers). So now you want to hide under the carpet ?

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A wrong political decision by Democractic Left Alliance (SLD) backed by president Aleksander KwaÅ›niewski (SLD as well). Ousting Saddam was not the cause but leaving Iraq alone hoping they would create a strong country and it is the fault of the US represented by Obamas administration. 


You are not  fair comparing approximate 200 Polish special forces responsible for securing the oil infrastructure to 200.000 Americans from different branches of the Army. Moreover Poland was not the primary force, but later on PL forces were there just like many other countries on their peacekeeping mission, when it comes to hiding under the carpet I'm not event mentioning who was the first to do that when Hitler inavded Poland, but let's leave this shameful past in history books.


Back on topic. The IS isn't our and our neighbors thing just like messing there isn't our thing to do. Words of retired Polish general sympathizing with the US wont change that.

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How am I supposed to respect the Belgians , since their parents in are euthanized or given to homes for elderly , abortion is normal for them , the churches are empty , but brothels full? For what should I respect them ? " - I was told by the Moroccan taxi driver .




It shows that muslim extremism emerges where emptiness is .In Iraq since the Americans have left - someone had to replace them.

Western ideals of godless humanism and social equity don't mean much to muslims, still too hardcore for young arab men born in the EU. They see their way a better way.


lack of morality cased by reverting totally from Christianity takes another religion , why ? cause nature hates empty spaces

and people need religion and morality system 


We might as well fight against Boko Haram in Africa, but no.It's simple whoever gets involved - becomes a target.



yes, a lot of people suffer in Africa too 

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Possibly we might and maybe even should participate also against Boko Haram, why not, if we could? But, AFAIK, unlike IS case, neighbours there actually are doing something serious about, so perhaps no need. 




when it comes to hiding under the carpet I'm not event mentioning who was the first to do that when Hitler inavded Poland, but let's leave this shameful past in history books.


Yes, let's. Then, ignoring history, act likewise - ostrich policy. People need help? Who cares, let them suffer, not our business, safer stay home.


Well, we know our stances, one way or another we'll see, what will happen and what not, and what outcome will be. I really hope, our military involvement will be not needed to solve IS problem, but if so, I hope, we'll provide necessary support. 

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I can understand that some countries, like yours or Switzerland, prefer to ignore whatever may happen abroad. Some others, like USA and on a lesser extent like France or UK, think they have an universal role to play, but often are doing more wrongs (Irak, Libya etc) than goods (Mali). Not easy to choose the right way.

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Indeed, I wouldn't say, Poland should be involved in anything is happening on the globe, like US or something, just because of what you said. But IMHO this very particular case is much less doubtful than any other. Some may judge this differently and maybe even they're right and I'm wrong, but all my reason tells me, that's the case, where standing with the hands in the pockets doing nothing is morally aggravating. 

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The chance of the attack will be greater if we involve ourselves into direct action against the muslim fanatics from the IS (please listen to dr Szewko in vid below). It's horrid what is going there, but Iraqi and Syrian people must reclaim what is theirs by their own hands. Like minister Waszczykowski have said - why we would send our troops if young Syrians are having fun in Europe drinking coffee and browsing stuff on ipads? Really, I can't imagine my great grandfather, grandfather and his siblings sitting happily on emigration while watching their country plunging into ruin.


With help of anti terror coalition forces (bombing, intel, supplies) and Assad's army it is possible. Kurds, Shia militias and Iraqi army are doing well by going piece by piece. I'd not mind if Poland would send material help to local anti-IS forces - firearms, older yet sturdy tanks and artillery (we still have those "preserves" of T55's and 2S1 guns...), medical supplies, food and warm clothing for soldiers and civilians. That's the help I'd like to see.

We already had voices in Poland to send Polish men to Ukraine. Thank God that didn't happen.



Sorry to be that guy, but it sounds to me like your way of thinking about 'oh, it doesn't affect us, so why should we get involved?' is pretty ignorant. Yes, they haven't attacked you 'yet', and yes, they haven't attacked your neighbors 'yet', but is that assurance that they won't attempt to attack you at any point down the road? Regardless of your way of life and how you think your society treats muslims much better than the other evil western countries do, doesn't hide the fact that your country still stands alongside the western powers, and therefore will be a target of ISIL. Don't want to be a target? Then hopefully your country will completely break relations with the U.S., NATO, and any other western powers, if they want to sit on the sidelines and watch the rest of the world defend itself against a growing global threat. And when the smoke settles, you all can be thankful to all the other countries which DID stand-up and fight to ensure that you would never have to see this kind of terror within your own borders. It's one thing to say no to getting involved in a civil war that has nothing to do with your country (which the US has a bad history in this area), then its something else to say no to getting involved in a conflict that could potentially spread across the world if not contained. Fear is their weapon, and by your statements, it has already gotten the best of you....the fear of being attacked should you stand against them.
Next, you mentioned sending Polish men to Ukraine as an example....a pretty poor example at that. That would have been something entirely different than the conflict in discussion, as sending troops to Ukraine could have possibly provoked a war against Russia....which in my thinking, is a WHOLE lot different than a war against terrorists. So yes, it is a good thing you all didn't send troops to Ukraine, but would be foolish of you to compare the two conflicts in that manner. In your same thinking, during WW2, would it have been better for US to just keep their noses out of it, seeing as how it didn't directly affect us at the moment, or our neighbors? Instead, we took the fight to the germans to ensure that they never would make it to our soil and to support our allies in need....the same could be said for Poland in the conflict against ISIL. If the whole world took on this same thinking, and sat back idle, letting ISIL fight against less capable militaries...then eventually, it would make its way home, becoming more powerful in the process.
And no, the syrian military, iraqi military, and any of the other groups you mentioned are NOT an effective means to conquer ISIL. This has already been proven...not sure where you got off thinking that they are winning the fight. Last I understood, these militaries and militias are struggling to contain and push back ISIL movements, little-lone taking the fight to them. As it stands, without any support from outside powers, they are losing this war...and if no support is given, they will be overrun in due time.
Finally, you would rather see Poland just give weapons and equipment to anti-IS forces....why? So that these weapons and equipment can be seized by ISIL and further empower their army when these 'anti-IS' fighters lay down their arms and walk away? How do you think ISIL obtained alot of the military grade weaponry they have now? Of course, some of it can be accounted for through their own purchases, but I'd bet money that alot of it was obtained when they seized it from various military facilities that they raided, where the local garrison was too afraid to fight and laid down their weapons and abandoned their post....or worse, they were killed and the weapons taken from them. The US already made the mistake of thinking you could arm the militaries there to fight ISIL, and everything would be fine....now it is evident that they aren't capable of defending themselves against this threat...no matter how you decide to arm them. So, you would rather your country further arm the forces we are trying to fight against? You talk about numbers of Polish vs number of Americans in Iraq....do you think ISIL is making a list of countries that only had a small number of troops in Iraq vs ones with larger numbers? Then decide, 'oh, we won't mess with them...they only sent 200 troops over.' I feel your way of thinking is pretty flawed and selfish, only thinking about yourself (your country) and your own self-interests (your countries self-interests), whereas many of the rest of us are looking at the global situation and how we can support countries that have been affected, or will be affected. Keep thinking that the fight will never make its way to your home...and when an incident like the one in France occurs in Poland, maybe then your people will stand up and say 'We have to track these bastards down and kill every last one of them.'
And just as a news for note, it seems the fight is closer to home than you may think: http://en.abna24.com/service/europe/archive/2015/09/05/709236/story.html

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fighting one theocracy of people who want to live like this when other theocracies exist ? 

what about Saudi Arabia than ;)

fighting against one muslim extreme while there are such extremists here in Europe on benefits and Europe takes another ? 


opposite to WW2 situation now situation is different

in WW2 all knew "we fight with Germans" 

now we have muslim terror and our governments say it is not muslim

so how can we fight muslims when we do not want to fight muslims and we invite muslims and say about tollerance and west wants penalize anti-muslim content

and you say about fight with most devoted muslims who obey Quoran and do what Quoran says ? 


and than what with Iran and Saudi ?

Iran says they want to get nuke and wipe Izrael from planet 

Saudis have harsh sharia like IS has




and when an incident like the one in France occurs in Poland, maybe then your people will stand up and say 'We have to track these bastards down and kill every last one of them.'

not this, 

we say "Eu should close borders, stop islamization, stop multiculti, stop changin EU into place where there is big risk"

but also we must understand that we cannot fight only half of problem

in 2-3 generations they will take western countries by fertility and they will democratically vote for sharia - what then ?

of course if not civil war in 2030 

what then ?

you want to fight jihad ? or not WHOLE jihad but just few guys from one part of it ? 

ISIS is just few percent of those theocratic dangerous jihadists in the globe

when west says about fight with isis, thousands jihadists take benefits (say it is jazyia) have 5 kids, hoping that in 2040 those kids will behead us and Merkel, Shultz say about inviting more and more and payingit is insane 


ISIS is not enemy - it is just part of problem, problem called jihad, sharia - which spreads from Kosovo Albanians, by Saudis financing here hate-immams who organize "Sharia for UK, Denmark" marches, Iran who openly say if they will get atom they will throw it on few countries, 

this is really funny how now west cry about ISIS , 


but when in Pakistan person get death penalty for apostasy all shout,

when in one African Country someone blow in the air Catholic churches all is okay, 

why not fight WHOLE problem 

why not close EU for migrants, not stop giving benefits, not close mosques where immams say to conquer Europe by fertility, 

we will not won with jihad when we just fight with small part of it called ISIS 

there are hundreds of immams that should be deported or get to prison, 

there are tens of thousands of muslims if not hundreds of thousands who support ISIS, jihad, sharia etc. 

there are tens of thousands of muslims with 5 kids who live from benefits cause it is JAZYIA (tax paid by infidels) 

ISIS is just part 

to win with jihad - hit must be in all parts of jihad , including immams who call in mosque "have as many kids as you can in 2 generations we will set here sharia by voting" (immam from Norway, immam from France - such quotes can be found on net)

in Denmark month ago 700 guys were marching with banners "sharia for Denmark" demanding to set sharia law for Denmark - i ask - if we fight jihad - why those guys are yet free 

i have simple proposal - go to muslims in Europe, 

ask one by one "do you support jihad and killing for offending Allah" "do you want sharia to rule here" 

if they answer yes - deport them or arrest 

even if it will be 30% (different websites, newspapers, polls say different numbers up to 40% from 20%)

than you can start to fight ISIS - when you will get rid of fifth column from Europe 

but maybe those people in that area want to live like this, maybe we should clear europe and let them live their way (unless they not attack us again)




 I feel your way of thinking is pretty flawed and selfish,

haha, western double standards and hypocrisy, okay, lets start:

- Jalta 1945

- Polish gold disappeared in UK

- UK charging for planes that defended them, 

- Nordstream2

- hiding commie criminals and not allowing us to sentence them cause they are "old people" and their crimes are under time bar / non-claim, 

and several Stalin era criminals against nation living in west till they died (some live still, in UK, Sweden), 

- "Polish death camps" 

- 11 bilions euro money flow from supermarkets, banks etc. without taxation, vat tricks, 

- destruction of industry here in early 90s, 

- embargo on Russia which hit our agriculture industry while Gabriel (vice cancelor:?) fly to Moscow on business and Nordstream 2 signed, 

- embargo on Russia whic... while trying to cut COAL - which is our basic energy source, 



who is selfish ? who is double standard ? who is hypocrite ?

Poland or "west" ? 

and why soldiers should die to fight one muslim theocracy while second muslim theocracy gonna buy new US, French, German tanks and helicopters ?


and so what than?

Polish soldiers spoil blood , than when all Syria is ruined, than US, German, French , UK corporations giving credits, rebuilding Iraq and Syria ?

Polish blood for US companies ? for French and UK companies?

but when we want anti-missile defence against threat from east than ... Germany were first to oppose in NATO 


you demand our blood while profit will be yours only, 

you demand our blood while you invite those who want to change Europe

we are not your colony and partners deals when both have profit from deal ;)

we also need profit

we want safety in Europe too - so we do not want muslim invasion which you (west) force


how's the "solidarity" Nordstream2 going ? ;)

how's the ww2 compensations? 

how's the Stalin era criminals safe there

how's the our gold in banks 

how''s the "not piss Stalin" Churchill ? how's the business with Putin ?

how's the funding German ship build plants by EU commision which cut money from Polish ship build companies 



muslims from Turkey shouted allah akbar when people wanted minute of silence in memoria of victims, those are not ISIS supporters? 


read what they do  not just few ISIS thugs

extreme radicals are not 1%, there are more and they are in Europe too, 



what EU commision do ? want to LIMIT possibility to get weapon 

do terrorist had gun license legally ? NO

EU want to limit OUR RIGHT to defence and have weapons

instead to give us weapons to defence in case of danger of jihad here - they want to limit even more disarmed Europeans (natives) and you say about fight ISIS ? when thugs from sharia patrols in 2020 will crawl in all major european cities - they will always have AK , we never



Germany - project of legal regulation so polizei can enter house to check if it is proper to be given to refugees , wth 

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No, I was simply being realistic. Saying 'Let's get rid of all jihadist groups all over the globe' is an unrealistic statement, and proposition. Not possible unless you know of some secret solution to this...? My comment was much more realistic, taking out ONE of those jihadist groups is a full possibility, and manageable to achieve. If you were going to take over the world, would you declare war on every country at once? Or would you start with one, and work your way until all have been eliminated? Starting at one sounds much more reasonable to me, wouldn't you agree? Or would you just say, 'fuck it, let's not attack any of them because we can't conquer them all at once.' Then you might ask, well how do you decide who to hit first? Well, I would say hit whoever is the most vulnerable and well-recognized, so you could send a shockwave throughout any who may follow in their footsteps and see the result of what happens to those that walk this path. ISIL is making themselves very well-recognized, as well as vulnerable, as they continue to try to make themselves look like a full-scale army instead of just a terrorist organization. That is where they are vulnerable...they aren't a full-scale army, and never will be, and if they try to stand toe-to-toe with a real army, they will fall. What good comes from doing nothing simply because you can't take them all out at once? BTW, you also mentioned that ISIL shouldn't be the main focus since there are tons of other groups like them all over the world....well tell me, how many of these other groups have had such an impact on the nation they reside in that it causes mass migration of the population there? Yes, I do believe they should be a primary focus right now, because they are causing the biggest impact globally. And that link that you posted, http://www.jihadwatch.org/, almost exclusively mentions Islamic State activities...what was the point in reading that?


As far as your comment about the mass migration, I totally agree with you. It needs to be handled properly, or canceled altogether. But as far as the rest of your comments go about the EU...I'm not even going to get into that, as that sounds like a whole other discussion all in itself. And just to be clear, no one here is demanding anything....I didn't demand that Poland should assist in this fight (nor would I have the power to), I was simply stating why they should, all within the form of my own opinion (even if my opinion is frowned upon).


Every country in the world has its own dark history and corruption going on, so let's not get into a finger pointing contest here. All governments have their own hidden agendas, not known to the mass public, so let's leave all that talk for the people that really need to hear it. I'm not a fan of alot of my governments doings or actions, but as a human being, I understand what is morally right and what isn't. Ex: My friend is being picked on by a group of bullies. The crowd I run with is much stronger than those bullies. What do I do? A, Show my friend the support he needs and teach those bullies a lesson they won't forget. B, Stand by and watch since I don't want to get myself, or my crowd, hurt by getting involved. C, Do nothing and criticize anyone who tries to help my friend, as its none of their business and probably their fault this is happening anyways. Or D, hand a bat to some small kid and ask him to go beat up the bullies for me (even knowing that the kid will most likely fail). Now granted, this may be a horrible example, but relevant only in the point that I am trying to address here. Whether Poland acts on this crisis or not is totally their own decision, and no one elses'...regardless what my opinion is.

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