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Next update to break ALL sound mods?

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So what i hear round the campfire,is tat the next arma3 update,will break all sound mods.

Can anyone confirm? Because i belive SOS and JSRS are no longer supported by the mod authors.

Does this also mean that any mod(weapons/envoirment/etc) will simply just "loose" all sound when being fired?

If that is true wtf? A hell of alot of mods use custom sounds,are we screwed here?

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Not all the sounds. The next update will bring a new way of designing sounds for the weapons. So you won't hear any of them until they update them ( most of modmakers have already created patches to solve that when the update is released.

You can check it by yourself in the RC or dev branch.

Concluding, it's gonna be a bit annoying the first couple of days.

Unless you have viable souce I wouldn't worry.

From the last sitrep:

We have already briefly mentioned the changes in handling of muzzle accessories in previous reports, but now is a good time to remind modders that this change is going to hit the main branch of the game soon. This means that some sound mods may have some compatibility issues. We apologize for breaking existing content, but it was a necessary change to fix several rather big issues concerning muzzle accessories (and to allow us to bring configuration improvements).
Edited by MistyRonin

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Any mod that changes the default fire sounds of weapons (or has custom sounds for a custom weapon) is broken by this release. At the very leastt it will default back to the default sounds, but for custom weapons it might have no sound at all.

Any scripted sounds (such as the distance sounds for JSRS) will continue to work but will overlap with the default sounds and will generally sound weird.

If anyone claims that there's no issue they mustn't be paying much attention because JSRS sounds completely different from the default weapons and it's very easy to tell when they're broken. Not to mention the config says otherwise

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Thanks for the respones.

So can i assume something like east vs west,and sud russians(same author) which have custom russian voice overs wont be affected?

I know sudden is working heavily and has done so already on both mods,but has said sud russians may take a back seat for a while.

Just worried those units will loose voice overs,and if they do,the default back to a very annoying,american GI JOE type commando dude,which i will not listen to.

Safe to say their safe?

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Yeap,the update has screwed up kaelies south zagorian mod(weapons hinds etc) Sud russians,east vs west,and quite a few others.Hopethe authors can find the time to fix it soon.Some already have,many thanks to them.

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It destroyed the sounds on my addons too lol

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It destroyed the sounds on my addons too lol

That literally is arma on the shelf for me for a while.This will be my first official break haha

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Yep. It's broken the sounds for RH_M4_A3 and NATO_Russian_SF_Weapons. Nothing at all except the snaps when in front of a weapon and the sounds of the rounds hitting the ground. And I just got finished making pretty awesome PMC and SF loadouts through V-Arsenal.

http://i.imgur.com/knZaXjW.jpg (636 kB)

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So can somebody post the differences so that the mods can be easily fixed? maybe some example configs with differences pointed out.

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Guess my config was still a little bit fishy and broken, but in order to fix the "no sound" thingy I only needed to add this code

		sounds[] = {"StandardSound", "SilencedSound"};

	class BaseSoundModeType {
		weaponSoundEffect = "DefaultRifle";
		closure1[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\closure\closure_rifle_2", 0.251189, 1, 10};
		closure2[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\closure\closure_rifle_3", 0.251189, 1, 10};
		soundClosure[] = {"closure1", 0.500000, "closure2", 0.500000};

	class StandardSound: BaseSoundModeType {
		begin1[] = {"\glt_weapons\Huntingrifle\sounds\M24_single3", 1, 1, 700};
		soundBegin[] = {"begin1", 0.250000};

	class SilencedSound: BaseSoundModeType {
		begin1[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\silenced\silent-07", 0.891251, 1, 200};
		begin2[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\silenced\silent-08", 0.891251, 1, 200};
		soundBegin[] = {"begin1", 0.500000, "begin2", 0.500000};

	reloadMagazineSound[] = {"\glt_weapons\Huntingrifle\sounds\M1014-reload", 1, 1, 30};

Anyway it's just basic A2 port. If you have more sounds being attached to your weapons you have add them as well.

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