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C-RAM (Counter Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar)

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@N_Icomach The C-ram will basically attack everything... Thats why I like having on hill bases so it can attack down on infantry :P

@lo0se Yes this does use the similar script as AIS... Ill tune it around so it doesnt collide with one another :)

there is a possibility i forgot to change some variable names that they collide with one another and ill fix that and test it out... dont know when it will be fix... and i send my apologies

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@N_Icomach The C-ram will basically attack everything... Thats why I like having on hill bases so it can attack down on infantry :P

@lo0se Yes this does use the similar script as AIS... Ill tune it around so it doesnt collide with one another :)

there is a possibility i forgot to change some variable names that they collide with one another and ill fix that and test it out... dont know when it will be fix... and i send my apologies

I think I'm in love

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Nice mod alexboy! This is truely a nicely done AA and counter artillery asset! :)

heres a tutorial of a HEMMT mounted CRAM

1.Place a hemmt (non covered), name it P

2. place cram, in its init field put the following

this attachTo [p,[0,-2,-1]];

and boom mobile CRAM

i have tested and it works, targets things just fine

Thanks man! I posted a request for this http://image.dieselpowermag.com/f/features/1107dp_diesel_electric_hybrid_hemtt_oskosh_a3/31312967/1107dp_03%2Blean_mean_and_green%2Bhemtt_side_shot.jpg in the request thread and was just about to ask here as well :D

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@Tybo25 ya Jacob did post that and i have yet to try it out but If anyone has and can take a picture and post it up on here... that would be amazing!!!

And in the posibly future if i can find someone to make it or if someone still has it and would like me to put it with this script i would be so up for it...

also if anyone can make a mission with it on the hemmit and also possibly on the nimitz ( I am almost for sure someone tried it on the nimitz by now :P) I would love to see photos on this forum to see how yall are using it!!! or videos... they are welcome by me..

also if you do attach to nimitz can you give a basic coding (the height/ location on the ship you attach to so others can see how to do it)

so happy to see positive comments

Edited by alexboy

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Here's a couple images of it on a plain Hemmit (Code a few posts up) since the scale is a tad large for the trailer version. (The mount base pokes out of the guard rails)

But the scale is absolutely wonderful for my poorly put together FOB <3

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Thank you for the photos... I really like seeing it on that certain building in your FOB and on the Hemmit yea... there will be a smaller version most likely if I do make a Hemmit version (I may be getting a trailer version if I get permission from a friend of mine) he made it in arma 2 and now transporting it to arma 3... but hopefully we can combine my script with his model..

we just gotta wait and see

possibly try the cram with missiles on the hemmit it is smaller

---------- Post added at 19:30 ---------- Previous post was at 19:27 ----------

Hey guys here is a little sneak peak into my progress (explosive bullets)


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Thank you for the photos... I really like seeing it on that certain building in your FOB

Yeah, it's definitely way better than my initial base defense :p

As for the Missle C-RAM, it's indeed smaller... but only vertically. Other wise it's the same issue with scale as the first. Also to add a small bug report, there seems to be a texture error that pops up when the Missile variant is spawned (At least for me).

It reads as "Cannot load texture at_phalanx_missile\data\m998a2_avenger_1_co.paa"

By the way, did you ever get that alarm sample to work out or were you going to create some from scratch? I remember a test video a few weeks back that had a sample alarm you were playing with (Which totally had my whole office dive for cover since I didn't have my earbuds in at the time lol). If you do decide to engineer your own, I'm still up for helping you with a basic script of what to say for them.

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hahaha makes it more realistic :P and yes the texture of the phalanx_missile is being dealt with... i been working on the other phalanx and totally forgot about that issue...ima be just be deleteing that texture... unless if someone can get it from arma 2? because i dont have arma 2 anylonger if you can that would help alot

My friend has the sound for the alarm... i just need someone to make a script that can place a trigger down and have it set off if an object is in range such as (alex_target) and have the range around 1600

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Wow this thingy is a beast! Easily takes down any units in range

Check these screenshots out:


Still needs some tweaking, as it is unkillable right now. Even with direct tank fire it takes several rounds to shut it down.

I would love a CSAT camo version so I can spell doom on those NATO pilots.

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the unkillable is being fixed it was set to high ammount of armor due to testing.. possible release of an unkillable one if the community wants that... but a killable one will be in next release... as for CSAT there will not be a camo version for them....

I am trying to find a realistic CSAT / russian C-ram variant to use :) so its more realistic and not just copy/paste

BTW amazing photos... I never really get to see the real quality of the c-ram due to my computer specs.... (mac haha i know) but hopefully one day ill be able to afford a more expensive computer so that i can see it in real time and also to be able to work more on it

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Lovely beast :)


Cannot wait to see this grow even more!

BTW, as Position on Nimitz, I didn't do any special placing, expect Sync with the Module for "On Deck" and it was placed.

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@KilrBe3 fantastic photos.... really first time seeing it on the nimitz or any ship at all

@ICE_AGE0815 there could be a chance in the future.... but as of right now thats not a priority to take off... so possibly... but not of as right now

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thanks for the info just was messing a round with it that thing is cool nothing gets close lol kills everything

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also thing I like about the one with missiles... ones the planes or helicopters are out of range of its guns... it fires its missiles

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possible new update today... if i can get a stable formatting... also so you guys know... the Anti-mortar script isnt at its 100% stage yet... there is lots of glitches still in it that for some reason dont work... or it could just be my computer processor that doesnt let it work good...

so give me some insight on the anti-mortar skills ?

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possible new update today... if i can get a stable formatting... also so you guys know... the Anti-mortar script isnt at its 100% stage yet... there is lots of glitches still in it that for some reason dont work... or it could just be my computer processor that doesnt let it work good...

so give me some insight on the anti-mortar skills ?

I do say i notice this, the CRAM seems to have to "load up" fire 4 mortars at it, 10 seconds apart each, the first one will be shot at with a slow rate, then they gradually gain speed each mortar till full Rate of Fire is achived (usually around mortar 3 or 4), i will make a video later today demonstrating this

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Yea i noticed this... I thought it was just my computer processing not being so good... im still editing the script of the c-ram Anti-mortar... trying new scripts... messing wiht it and all trying to make one thats perfect... but if you can make a video that would help me see it at a real time state... rather than my laggy computer

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New link up for a newer version... some minor fixes and added explosive ammo

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Thanks for informing us of the updated release :cool:

Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

Edited by Guest

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I just saw this on armaholic. I don't mind people not crediting me for my work, but taking credit for my work is different. Other than that congratulations on your release. That's all.

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Your credit is inside alex_AIS.hpp userconfig...

// FILE : Baked_AIS.hpp

// AUTHOR : Bakerman

// LAST EDIT : 15/09/2013

// Version : 0.1.3

// DESCRIPTION : APS userconfig for Baked_AIS (Armor Improvement System)


.. But Alexboy should´ve credit ya on the OP, at least it is an CC license project! (not a closed, all his rights, etc etc...)

We should never forget the golden rule of BIS community: credit to whom it is due...

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Sorry Bakerman, Thought I added you to the credits, made sure the credits were in the scripts in case I forgot, my regards

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