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Countdown Timer on screen

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I was wondering if someone could help me with a little script? What im trying to is active a trigger and on doing so a box appears with a count down timer

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[300] execVM "timer.sqf"


private "_time";
_time = _this select 0;

while {_time > 0} do {
_time = _time - 1;  
hintSilent format["Time Left: \n %1", [((_time)/60)+.01,"HH:MM"] call BIS_fnc_timetostring];	
sleep 1;

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the only problem i have, when i want to make it 1 hour and 30 mins ([5400] execVM "timer.sqf") the count down is in mins and second (89:59) not 1 hour 30 mins

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[300] execVM "timer.sqf"


private "_time";
_time = _this select 0;

while {_time > 0} do {
	_time = _time - 1;  
	hintSilent format["Time Left: \n %1", [((_time)/60)+.01,"HH:MM"] call BIS_fnc_timetostring];	
	sleep 1;



Hey cobra been trying to get the timer to work, not sure where I put the time I want it to countdown from.

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Hey cobra been trying to get the timer to work, not sure where I put the time I want it to countdown from.


Its just a script an u cann pass it to it:

[your_start_time_here] execVM "timer.sqf"

do urself a favor and read this: execVM

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Hello there, I can't figure it out, when I enter the [your_start_time_here] execVM "timer.sqf" in the trigger on activation, it say to me : type script, nothing exept. Could you help me?

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On 3/4/2014 at 4:30 PM, cobra4v320 said:

[300] execVM "timer.sqf"



private "_time";
_time = _this select 0;

while {_time > 0} do {
_time = _time - 1;  
hintSilent format["Time Left: \n %1", [((_time)/60)+.01,"HH:MM"] call BIS_fnc_timetostring];	
sleep 1;


Excellent contribution, it really helped me a lot. Now, how can I change the color of the numbers that are being discounted? and at the moment of finishing the count as I do so that the information of the counter is beliminated on the screen? Thank you

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18 hours ago, Teuri said:

Excellent contribution, it really helped me a lot. Now, how can I change the color of the numbers that are being discounted? and at the moment of finishing the count as I do so that the information of the counter is beliminated on the screen? Thank you

For color you might use something like this:

TAG_fnc_coloredCountdownHint = {
	_color = "#45f442";//green
	_timeLeft = TAG_fnc_countdownEndTime - time;
	if (_timeLeft < 16) then {_color = "#eef441";};//yellow
	if (_timeLeft < 6) then {_color = "#ff0000";};//red
	if (_timeLeft < 0) exitWith {
		//exit and remove eventhandler while politely closing the door
		removeMissionEventhandler ["EachFrame",_thisEventHandler];
		hintSilent parseText format ["<t color='%1'>--- Time is up! ---</t>",_color];
	hintSilent parseText format ["Time Left:<br/><t color='%1'>--- %2 ---</t>", _color, [(_timeLeft/3600),"HH:MM:SS"] call BIS_fnc_timetostring];

//calling the function:
_duration = 20;
TAG_fnc_countdownEndTime = time + _duration;
addMissionEventHandler ["EachFrame",{[] call TAG_fnc_coloredCountdownHint}];


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On 3/17/2019 at 1:17 AM, Grumpy Old Man said:

For color you might use something like this:

TAG_fnc_coloredCountdownHint = {
	_color = "#45f442";//green
	_timeLeft = TAG_fnc_countdownEndTime - time;
	if (_timeLeft < 16) then {_color = "#eef441";};//yellow
	if (_timeLeft < 6) then {_color = "#ff0000";};//red
	if (_timeLeft < 0) exitWith {
		//exit and remove eventhandler while politely closing the door
		removeMissionEventhandler ["EachFrame",_thisEventHandler];
		hintSilent parseText format ["<t color='%1'>--- Time is up! ---</t>",_color];
	hintSilent parseText format ["Time Left:<br/><t color='%1'>--- %2 ---</t>", _color, [(_timeLeft/3600),"HH:MM:SS"] call BIS_fnc_timetostring];

//calling the function:
_duration = 20;
TAG_fnc_countdownEndTime = time + _duration;
addMissionEventHandler ["EachFrame",{[] call TAG_fnc_coloredCountdownHint}];


Sorry to ask this I'm kind of noobish but how/where do I put this in.


Also, if I want to have another trigger activate when the timer ends, how would I be able to do that.


Will this works in a dedicate server ?


Thanks in advance script wizards of BI forum.

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