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Ivory Aircraft

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I can second R. Brown's glitch report, even if I'm not sure re: the exact positioning, I too can verify that I at least at one point got "clipped" into the interior underneath the passenger seating 'deck'; there's also seemingly little geometry for the interior, i.e. clipping through the seats, though I imagine that this is somewhat intentional considering how infamously Arma collision detection was indoors.

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Version 1.05 has been released. Enjoy flying in altis.

Current issues:

  1. yak42 clipping issues
  2. airplanes have the same sounds
  3. il96 black boxes in cockpit
  4. airplanes have no altian airways livery

---------- Post added at 12:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:48 PM ----------

  FlyByNight said:
Hey Dezkit did you have any luck with adding these to TPW?

Try this

TPW AIR - Spawn ambient flybys of helicopters and aircraft
Author: tpw 
Date: 20131020
Version: 1.17

Disclaimer: Feel free to use and modify this code, on the proviso that you post back changes and improvements so that everyone can benefit from them, and acknowledge the original author (tpw) in any derivative works.     

To use: 
1 - Save this script into your mission directory as eg tpw_air.sqf
2 - Call it with 0 = [10,300,2] execvm "tpw_air.sqf"; where 10 = delay until flybys start (s), 300 = maximum time between flybys (sec). 0 = disable, 2 = maximum aircraft at a given time


if (isDedicated) exitWith {};
if (count _this < 3) exitwith {hint "TPW AIR incorrect/no config, exiting."};
if !(isnil "tpw_air_active") exitwith {hint "TPW AIR already running."};
if (_this select 1 == 0) exitwith {};
WaitUntil {!isNull FindDisplay 46};

tpw_air_delay = _this select 0; // delay until flybys start
tpw_air_time = _this select 1; // maximum time between flybys
tpw_air_max = _this select 2; // maximum number of aircraft at a given time

tpw_air_active = true; // Global enable/disabled
tpw_air_version = "1.17"; // Version string
if (isnil "tpw_air_count") then {tpw_air_count = 0}; // How many spawned aircraft?

tpw_air_helitypes = [

tpw_air_planetypes = [

tpw_air_fnc_heli =
private ["_pos","_px","_py","_pxoffset","_pyoffset","_dir","_dist","_startx","_endx","_starty","_endy","_startpos","_endpos","_heli"];
_pos = position (_this select 0);
_px = _pos select 0;
_py = _pos select 1;

// Offset so that aircraft doesn't necessarily fly straight over the top of whatever called this function
_pxoffset = random 2000;
_pyoffset = random 2000;

// Pick a random direction and distance to spawn
_dir = random 360;
_dist = 5000 + (random 5000);

// Calculate start and end positions of flyby
_startx = _px + (_dist * sin _dir) + _pxoffset;
_endx = _px - (_dist * sin _dir) + _pxoffset;
_starty = _py + (_dist * cos _dir) + _pyoffset;
_endy = _py - (_dist * cos _dir) + _pyoffset;
_startpos = [_startx,_starty,0];
_endpos = [_endx,_endy,0];

// Pick random heli
_heli = tpw_air_helitypes select (floor (random (count tpw_air_helitypes)));

// Flyby
[_startpos,_endpos, 100 + (random 500),"FULL",_heli,CIVILIAN] spawn bis_fnc_ambientflyby;
tpw_air_count = tpw_air_count + 1;
publicvariable "tpw_air_count";

tpw_air_fnc_plane =
private ["_pos","_px","_py","_pxoffset","_pyoffset","_dir","_dist","_startx","_endx","_starty","_endy","_startpos","_endpos"];
_pos = position (_this select 0);
_px = _pos select 0;
_py = _pos select 1;

// Offset so that aircraft doesn't necessarily fly straight over the top of whatever called this function
_pxoffset = random 2000;
_pyoffset = random 2000;

// Pick a random direction and distance to spawn
_dir = random 360;
_dist = 5000 + (random 5000);

// Calculate start and end positions of flyby
_startx = _px + (_dist * sin _dir) + _pxoffset;
_endx = _px - (_dist * sin _dir) + _pxoffset;
_starty = _py + (_dist * cos _dir) + _pyoffset;
_endy = _py - (_dist * cos _dir) + _pyoffset;
_startpos = [_startx,_starty,0];
_endpos = [_endx,_endy,0];

// Pick random plane
_plane = tpw_air_planetypes select (floor (random (count tpw_air_planetypes)));

// Flyby
[_startpos,_endpos, 500 + (random 500),"LIMITED",_plane,WEST] spawn bis_fnc_ambientflyby;
tpw_air_count = tpw_air_count + 1;
publicvariable "tpw_air_count";

sleep random tpw_air_delay;

[] spawn 
while {true} do 
_air = (position player) nearEntities [["air"], 1000];
if (tpw_air_active && count _air < tpw_air_max) then 
	[player] call tpw_air_fnc_heli;
sleep (tpw_air_time / 2) + random (tpw_air_time / 2);

[] spawn 
while {true} do 
_air = (position player) nearEntities [["air"], 1000];
if (tpw_air_active && count _air < tpw_air_max) then 
	[player] call tpw_air_fnc_plane;
sleep (tpw_air_time / 2) + random (tpw_air_time / 2);

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thanks for the quick response lol amazing speed. One more question was are there plans to model the interiors of the 747?

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  R. Brown said:
thanks for the quick response lol amazing speed. One more question was are there plans to model the interiors of the 747?

that'll be pretty difficult but i will eventually do it along with every other interior, just like the yak. may not be the best, but hey, something is better than nothing.

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I'd like to hear your opinions on the Altian Airways default livery that will be given to every aircraft.


Edited by dezkit

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Updated version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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  dezkit said:
I'd like to hear your opinions on the Altian Airways default livery that will be given to every aircraft.


Sounds great. One livery with several types of aircraft would still make it realistic.

I am also interested in using the aircraft as static objects for eye candy purpose. Is there any change you release a version for 'eyecandy only'?

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Loving this mod. Other than engine sounds it works Great.

Only addition would be working cockpit gauges.

I found on the 747 I would have to go under the aircraft to get in. also shadows seem to be a little messed on on it as well as it be very white.

747 also sound cut out right as i was taking off and was going in and out.

Edited by hockeymanjs

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  themaster303 said:
nice work on the jets.

what do you think, would it be possible to have the Lear Jet 24 ?




think its a good size of an civ jet/plane for altis, to land on all airport.

Tried the 737 on all aiports, even the grass one. Take-Offs and Landing are no probs.

But the fly kinda weird to me.... Well, I think thats because the planeX simulation isnt working...

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  RedPhoenix said:
Tried the 737 on all aiports, even the grass one. Take-Offs and Landing are no probs.

But the fly kinda weird to me.... Well, I think thats because the planeX simulation isnt working...

What is weird about it?

Is it because you roll but you don't turn for some magical reason?

Or is it because it feels like the plane is floating and rotating on some axis?

I want to fix this problem D:

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Its not your fault, its just the general aviation simclass.

I don't like it overall ^^

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Sweet Lord, hows that 380 going to land anywhere in Altis? Would be great to see if you pimp up the Altis airport to suit jetliner operations in the near future.

Thanks for this mod mate!

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  Modder said:
Sweet Lord, hows that 380 going to land anywhere in Altis? Would be great to see if you pimp up the Altis airport to suit jetliner operations in the near future.

Thanks for this mod mate!

Maybe if we ask nicely, some of the WIP community maps can make bigass airfields for them. :P

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  TheEvanCat said:
Maybe if we ask nicely, some of the WIP community maps can make bigass airfields for them. :P

i was planning on making a really really really big map, like 10 times bigger than altis. But it will only have high poly counts in airports and stuff, everything else will be low poly like cities. Sort of like any other flight simulator game such as FSX or xplane

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  dezkit said:
i was planning on making a really really really big map, like 10 times bigger than altis. But it will only have high poly counts in airports and stuff, everything else will be low poly like cities. Sort of like any other flight simulator game such as FSX or xplane

Heh. That'd be pretty cool. Have some air battles and whatnot.

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Nice mod I really like these civil aviation mods keep up the good work. :cool:

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  dezkit said:
i was planning on making a really really really big map, like 10 times bigger than altis. But it will only have high poly counts in airports and stuff, everything else will be low poly like cities. Sort of like any other flight simulator game such as FSX or xplane

That would be an amazing piece of work if you go ahead with it.

Tho for Altis International airport I was thinking more if you could modify it to suit large civil airliners by adding onto the map (in a template) larger buildings, boarding bridges, etc.

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  The Hebrew Hammer said:
Not all jets seem to be targetable by AA missiles. The 747 was only shot at by AAA, but they would fire missiles.

Sorry k8nda drunk



Here is a progress video. Hope you guys enjoy what's coming next update. (Note this will only be for the Yak42. Other Planes will be done later, if demand is high though)

I have made almost every gauge work.


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  dezkit said:


Here is a progress video. Hope you guys enjoy what's coming next update. (Note this will only be for the Yak42. Other Planes will be done later, if demand is high though)

I have made almost every gauge work.


awesome! this makes flying in first person so much more comfortable...

What do you think about the A321 and an A330/340 I think they would be awesome for Altis Airport, smaller and better looking than the A380...

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